Castle, Mine 4 by Paul Audcent - HTML preview

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Chapter Two. Pew.

Well I understand from Maise that my old fathers special room has become a debating chamber for all the young ones and she said the debates were getting more and more heated as they discussed the tree house on the island, the stables and carts. Apparently she never stopped to listen but would walk in with her tray of lemonade and cookies and they never stopped, but my Robroy at least said a kind thank you to her before she left. That boy taking his ducal training seriously!

Just then Finlay announced a Mr. Pew, when I was ensconced in my favourite chair by the bay window.

'A mister Pew?' said I in surprise having never heard of him.

"Mister Pew, from the Historic Society, his card your Grace."

'Better show him into the study then if he seems to be official Finlay.'

So off he went, still with Pew's card clutched in his hand. I finished my cup of tea and plodded after my butler who had kindly left the door open so I would not forget we had a visitor to attend to. I entered the study and left the door ajar, something I and Finlay had agreed upon so he could hear outside and ride to my rescue if need be. I presume

He would have called Tom to help him, Tom being so much larger in frame. I don't think Finlay could have handled an aged crone by himself. Oh yes we do get some of those visiting and mostly complaining about my estate workers on a dozen problems mainly to do with rent and damp. Now where was I going with this? Mr. Pew of the Histrionics.

'Yes Pew what can I help you with?'

"Apparently you have changed the roof line of the castle without permission from the relevant authority."


"Yes your Grace really and the roof line was changed without approval or consent."

'Well you will have take that up with my dear departed father, so start digging.'   

"I beg your pardon."

'He's dead.'

"That may be so but as the current owner it remains your duty to provide an explanation and ultimately the execution of any demands from the relevant authority of which I am a representative."

I looked again at his business card but out of the corner of my eye I saw the door move slightly and the tip of Tom's size eleven boot edge closer.

'Well Mr Pew you see that window was approved as war damage and the reparation committee signed off it years ago. Secondly I do not like being told what I can or can't do with my own property so kindly leave.'

"But your Grace I have not finished, that tree house up on that registered oak in the lake has no planning permission and in fact is in contravention of the Council register."

'Well its not in the lake or you would have me arrested for polluting the water, its on a little island in the lake and its my grandsons play house, built by him and his cousins so you best have it out with him.'

'Tom have Robroy come in please.' Tom stepped in and loomed over the Pew man who immediately shank into his chair.

"Excuse me your Grace but master Nicholas is still at school."

'Then its not your lucky day Mr. Pew so perhaps Tom you would call Finlay to show our unwelcome visitor out, and isn't time to let Bismark out for his run.'

"Bismark?" said Pew.

"Our pet Lion Mr. Pew." This from Finlay as he guided Pew Histrionics out the door. Tom smiled and followed them out just to make sure he left. But just then the children arrived back home and Finlay called for Robroy as he had a visitor but the visitor literately sped out down those hated stairs of mine, fell at the bottom, picked himself up and dived for the car leaving and left at breakneck speed. I went back to my comfortable seat only to see the children run off to the stables to do their duty to Lord and Lady and the foal. Well that's if my boys did not have them over at home farm.