Castle, Mine 4 by Paul Audcent - HTML preview

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Chapter three, Pew returns with support.

It was a Wednesday as I remember and three cars arrived in beneath my front steps, one was a government vehicle, I saw a large crest emblazoned on the door panel. I was looking out of my bay window with great interest and I saw Scotty Norman alight from that same government car. Scotty Norman, yes we called him Snotty Foreman at school, bit of a sneak always prying into peoples affairs and I doubt if he had changed. Then I saw Pew and one of our local councillors join him and start up those enormous stone steps. I wished I had an button to unroll the dam things but at last I heard the bell ring and Finlay's welcoming voice showing them into the house. Now as it happened I knew my young Robroy was not at school he had bruised his back the day before at football and had been given a day off to recover. I knew he would be in or around the kitchen with Cook and Maise so I rang for Tom to find him and bring him here to me.

Finlay was taking off the visitors coats and in his usual way would not be hurried so Robroy was soon with me.

'I'm not feeling too well myself Robroy so I wonder if you would mind attending to the gentlemen newly arrived in the study. I'm sure they are the bulling type and I suggest you have Tom with you when you interview them.'

"Presumably one or all you don't care to meet I take it Grand papa!"

'Well The one with red hair I knew at school and he did not leave a favourable impression being a bit of a sneak. Anyhow it will be a bit of managerial experience for you.' With that Tom and my grandson left for the study and when Finlay came in to announce the visitors I told him I had the flu and that Robroy would see them in the study. Of course I was dying to hear what they wanted and more so to see how my twelve year old grandson made out. So when Finlay left I waited a few moments and carrying an empty glass I quickly hiked over to the waiting room next to my study, drew a chair close to the wall and pressing the glass against the wall listened intently to what was being said.                                      

"His Grace unfortunately has the flu, his boys are busy on the farm so he has asked Master Nicholas his grandson to take his place." This from Finlay.

"Well what can I do for you gentlemen?" Robroy.

"We had hoped to see his Grace however a mere boy in his place is not acceptable to us."

"Oh good then I will ask Finlay to show you out and further I will inform our gatekeeper to refuse you entry in future, good day gentlemen." Robroy straight to the point.

" Very well young Nicholas you will here us out." This was Pew.

"You will address me as Sir if you would, my grandfather specifically asked me to take his place."

"He was always a weasel at school as I remember." This from Snotty, "I represent the Government on this issue."

"And I represent my grandfather and you are in his house and at my command you can be ejected, You came with no warrant therefore if I desire I am in my rights to have you thrown out preferably on the compost heap."

I called Finlay in and said I wanted some estate workers outside just in case.

"Already organised your Grace if you would care to leave your glass and peak out the window." I did and seven stout men were sitting on the steps. 

"Well gentlemen tell me what you have called for please?" Robroy in consolatory tone.

"Its the window installed in the centre of the roof, its a blight on the castle."

"Now if you look carefully you cannot see it from the ground." Robroy.

"But from the air you can." Pew quick to gain an advantage.

"But let me ask the man from the government surely there is a rule about low flying aircraft and especially these modern drones, surely illegal?" Robroy. Pew turned to Snotty I presume because all I could hear was silence.

"Well yes Sir you are correct."

"Well then there is no problem I suggest next time a formal request be made allowing the Dukes solicitors to investigate the case. As far as I am concerned the window was approved under war reparation and if you wish to counter that your best avenue is with the board that approved it. So good day gentlemen Tom will show you out." He must have looked out of the window to see the substantial support. "You of course will be allowed to leave unhindered and have a safe journey and I think Mr. Councillar a visit to his Grace when he is better might be warranted." I heard chairs scrapping back and footsteps leaving the study so I put down my glass and grinned.