Ezaarem by Vinod Modha - HTML preview

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CHAPTER 6 - Room #1


Inside Room #1, there was a large throne on which sat an old man with a long white beard. He looked tired and sleepy. The old man was only three feet tall. He wore a loose black cape with pockets in the front, just like a wizard.

King Chhotu saw that Queen Lotu was facing the throne.

"Daddy Dotu, I have come to ask you to do a bit of magic for me, like you used to do when I was a little girl, remember?"

The old man, Queen Lotu’s father, was none other than the powerful Wizard Dotu. He did not answer Queen Lotu.

"My husband, King Chhotu, is constantly under threat by horrid King Motu the Magnificent ‘Meany’ who is our neighbour." 

Wizard Dotu was irritated.

"King Motu?  The Magnificent ‘Meany’? Meany? What on earth.. Never heard of King Motu and don’t care if I never do!!"

"But everybody likes King Motu except King Chhotu. Oh Daddy, folks do not know how dangerous, mean and evil King Motu really is. He uses his powers to do unforgivable things to his people. He is the lowest of the low! I am sure he plans to take over and rule the world!!  He even puts spells on people!"

"Spells you say Lotu? Darn it, actual magic spells!"

"Yes Daddy. Under his spells people can't see him for what he is. They give all their savings to King Motu. And yes, can you believe it, people even give their children to King Motu. They think King Motu sends them to nice schools!!  Ha!!"

Wizard Dotu just could not believe what he heard. He screwed up his face in disgust. Queen Lotu carried on:

"To make his kingdom big, King Motu lures people from outside his kingdom by offering them good housing and jobs. Once they are in, thats it, he has got them! They never can leave! They have to do exactly what he says, even fight in a battle for him along side his army! And Daddy Dotu, all the time, King Motu's empire is getting bigger and bigger, while King Chhotu's kingdom is getting smaller and smaller."

Wizard Dotu straightened himself up in alarm.

"Daddy, if King Motu's empire gets any bigger or if King Motu, the Magnificent ‘Meany’, becomes any more powerful, he will crush us all! He will take over the whole world entirely, the WHOLE BLESSED WORLD Daddy!"

Wizard Dotu was by now of course shocked out of his sleepiness. He began thinking if and how he could help.

"As you can see Daddy Dotu, he must be stopped. God knows my husband is doing his best but what can he alone do against such a cunning, mean and evil enemy.  Surely Daddy you would help us get rid of him? We need to utterly defeat King Motu, the Magnificent ‘Meany’. Render him powerless. Take over everything he has, his kingdom, his treasures, his people – everything! This is the very last chance we have before he overpowers us all and tramples all over us!!"

Wizard Dotu put his hands together, rested his chin on them, then shut his eyes and sat in deep thought. He sat like that for a long time.

King Chhotu was sure that Wizard Dotu had fallen asleep again and precious time was being wasted. King Chhotu looked for something to throw at Wizard Dotu to wake him up, but there was nothing there nearby.

"Daughter Lotu, using my Wizard's vision, I am searching for King Motu the Magnificent. If King Motu is as evil as you say he is, how is it that I am not able to see him amongst the evil creatures of this world?"

Queen Lotu was very surprised at this. She said: "Could he be using powerful black magic to shield himself from your eyes?"

Wizard Dotu said: "Yes of course! That must be it! My God! So he uses black magic too! But don't worry about the black magic shield child. I am Dotu the Powerful Wizard! I have a very special trick to get round that."

Wizard Dotu chuckled and rubbed his hands with delight.

"Oh you will help us then!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you Daddy Dotu!! You are great!!"

"Yes, I will help you but before I do so daughter Lotu, it is important you answer me one question.  You must answer me truthfully daughter Lotu."

"Here we go again Daddy Dotu! You do this EVERY TIME!"

"Lotu, were you followed while coming here to see me?"

"I don't belive this Daddy! How can you do this to me?"

Queen Lotu just frowned at him in anger.

"Speak up, were you or were you not followed Left-Behind-Lotu?" 

"Daddy! I have been coming to see you all these years and has anyone ever followed me? Well? Right, same this time Daddy. All the servants are busy keeping out of the way of my husband. And King Chhotu is feeling too depressed to follow me. And as  always, I was careful, personally closed all the doors behind me. I checked at every single step, no one, repeat no one, followed me! Can we now get on with the task at hand Daddy!" 

Outside the room, King Chhotu the Cheater smiled and patted himself on the back. His plan to follow Queen Lotu had worked perfectly. He whispered to himself: "Who is a clever little King then?". King Chhotu would have run a mile if he knew what was about to happen in the next few minutes!