Ezaarem by Vinod Modha - HTML preview

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CHAPTER 7 - Wizard Dotu


Wizard Dotu started with a chant in a voice that could hardly be heard.

"O Aag Ke Kutte!! O Dogs born of Fire,

Idher Aao!! Come over here!!

Dotu Ka Jaadu Let Dotu's magic

Shuru Karo. Begin."

A fire appeared within a circle on the floor in front of Wizard Dotu with a great whoosh.  The chant became louder as Wizard Dotu got more excited.

Wizard Dotu threw some tiny, shiny beads from his top pocket into the fire and started to chant faster. 

The beads crackled open and flashes of red, blue, green and yellow flames danced in the fire. When the fire was at its highest, suddenly Wizard Dotu cast a spell:

"If anyone, anyone other than Dotu and Queen Lotu,

is watching this magic, then this instant

- turn them into a white BULL!" 

A huge cloud of colourful sparks rose from the fire filling the room.

Queen Lotu jumped back with a start.

Sparks divided into four groups and gave shape to four wild dogs. Each dog was the size of a horse and had a different colour. One was red, one was blue, one was green and the last one was yellow. The dogs looked ferocious and had long teeth. They barked loudly and made a lot of noise.

Queen Lotu was very scared and went closer to the throne.

The dogs began their hunt by flying round the room. Finding only the Wizard and his daughter in the room, they went off in different directions through the walls of the room in their search. They were heard flying round the outside of the room.

Suddenly loud barking of all four dogs was heard outside the only entrance door to Room #1. It did not last for long. Barking died down quickly to a growl and then everything went quiet.

Wizard Dotu continued "Good, Dogs born of fire have done their bit. The dogs are gone and our secret is still safe." 

Then Wizard Dotu took a pinch of yellow powder from a pouch in his pocket. He threw the powder on the fire. The fire started to crackle and burn fiercely.

Wizard Dotu  began chanting.

"Now. Arise now. Arise the power that I control. 

Arise, even now, I command you! Arise, Arise!"

Wizard Dotu continued to chant and quite unexpectedly he shouted:


Flames of the fire leapt up in the air and almost touched the ceiling.

Queen Lotu closed her eyes because of the brightness of the flames. She could also feel the heat on her face. A great big, tall giant stepped out from the flames of the fire. Queen Lotu opened her eyes as soon as the flames began to die down. She saw the giant.

The giant had a yellow skin. He had big muscular arms. He had legs as thick and strong as the supporting pillars of King Chhotu's palace.  Top of his head touched the ceiling. He almost filled the room. The giant was wearing a green shirt and a blue loosely fitting trousers. He wore large round ear-rings. He had shining eyes that were kind and he had a happy lopsided smile. He looked very handsome with his smile.

"Hey!! Master Dotu!!

This is Your slave, l’l old Totu! 

What can he do for you?"

Queen Lotu wanted to shout out what Giant Totu was to do but decided to leave it to Wizard Dotu, her Dad.