Is chivalry dead?
A recent incident got me thinking
Picture this. It's 3 am and I'm just dozing off after you-know-what :) I'm snuggling with the BF who's a macho, muscular individual and I feeling warm, fuzzy and very protected. Then I become aware of something cold and wet yeah, I know, but the sensation is on my foot!
When I realise whatever it is just moved, I panic, kick back the bedclothes and the BF switches on the light. It's like a horror movie cos my foot and the
bedclothes are covered in blood and there sitting in the bed is a big fat
So. what does the macho, muscular BF do?
Vote now and I'll give you the answer in a few days, plus the funniest reader alternative.
PS. I didn't like to point out that the thing had probably been sucking my blood for at least 10 minutes or so which meant that it was on my foot during sex and could have entered BF's brain via his ear!!!