Judgement Day by Swan Morrison - HTML preview

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Chapter 109


16th August





‘Hello, Rebecca,’ said Wycombe, inviting Rebecca Topeka into his flat. ‘How are you?’

‘Frankly, I wish none of this was happening,’ Topeka replied, ‘but if the Lord has decreed Judgement Day, then it’s wonderful that we can play our part in helping true Christians to enter His kingdom.’

‘Now this is more interesting than EastEnders,’ noted Duck from ten metres away in the next flat.

Duck and Jenny watched and listened as Wycombe poured Topeka a drink and they talked about her journey to his flat.

‘Brightman has had a message from the States asking us to destroy the Northchester base in case Theta should try to use it,’ said Topeka, finally focussing on the reason for her visit. ‘They want us to do that as close as possible to Judgement Day to reduce the possibility of Theta regrouping.’

‘Do they have another clean base they could launch from?’ asked Wycombe.

‘We know about the Resolution, Northchester and something at Waterford,’ Topeka replied. ‘It’s possible there’s another we don’t know about. Waterford’s a problem, too – we can’t identify the location of base there, so we can’t neutralise it.’

‘So it’s better that they think until the very last minute that they can use Northchester.’

‘We can take explosives into the Northchester base in the same way we did at Meadowcote,’ said Wycombe. ‘We can then be sure that the base is fully disabled. Do we have a date?’

‘No, we need to be ready to go from the eighth of September, but Brightman will tell us the exact date when the time comes,’ Topeka replied.

‘I can get to Northchester from here in an hour,’ Wycombe concluded. ‘I can pick up you and the equipment on the way.’

‘Who’d have thought it would all end like this,’ said Topeka, changing the subject.

When you, I, David, Joss, Carl and the others met at that Christian camp in Iowa back in the 60s, we talked about the Lord’s plans for a new Jerusalem, but I don’t think any of us believed that it would really happen in our lifetimes.’

‘The Lord had plans for us even then,’ Wycombe added. ‘It’s more than coincidence that we seven all reached positions, in the military and in US and UK government agencies, that allowed so few of us to form Worldwide Action for Righteousness.’

‘I think you’re right, Fred,’ said Topeka. ‘We’ve clearly been specially chosen by God for this mission – to help Him to bring about the End Time.’