Maddy Rockx by Rex Johnson - HTML preview

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Chapter Eighteen,      

At eight o’clock Kristy walked to the stage. She pressed a button on the DJ’s keyboard and relaxing music piped through the PA system. The lights were dim and atmosphere soft.

Satisfied with the setting, she went to help Mitch bring the food out from the Galley. The entrées were placed onto the dining room tables; baked Cod in the Bain Marie; fresh salads along the buffet table and rolls at the end.  

When the passengers finished their entrées, they wandered over to the buffet table. Kristy & Mitch, both looking sharp, dressed in waiter’s uniforms, stood at the Bain Maria and served the steaming Cod onto warm plates. With plates laden, the passengers ambled back to their tables to enjoy the music and scenic view.

After the meal, Mitch helped Jordie bring out his Moon Landings and placed them onto the tables.

With the passengers fed and happily sipping on their cocktails, Jordie told Mitch to have a break before the entertainment began.

Mitch rushed off to ask Kristy if she’d like to take a stroll.

They left the dining room, raced down the hallway onto the aft terrace, and skipped down a flight of stairs to the bottom deck. When they reached it, Kristy gave him a nudge with her hip. He stumbled and fell toward the rail as if he were going to topple over. Kristy grabbed his hand and pulled him back, both laughed, enjoying the moment.

As they strolled hand in hand toward the bow, Captain came striding behind and gave Mitch a slap on the back.

“I needed to walk off that great feast you put on lad,” he praised, “it was a job well done,”

“Thanks Captain,” Mitch answered.

“But I can’t stay; Norman needs a break to wrap his taste buds around some of that delicious Cod,”

Captain disappear through the passageway, heading for the stairs that lead to the wheelhouse from the bow.

Kristy squeezed Mitch’s hand and said, “It’s been a lovely trip, I’ll be sorry to see it end,”  

“I’ve never had so much fun,” Mitch laughed.

They continued on until they reached the gangplank and stopped.

Mitch let go of Kristy’s hand, then walked over and opened the safety gate. He turned toward the black box, lifted the lid and pressed the out button. The electric motor whined to life; the gangplank extended from under the decks flooring.  

“What are you up to?” Kristy asked, not certain of what he planned.

Mitch gave her a cheeky smile then grabbed her hand and attempted to guide her toward the gangplank.

“We’ll have a moonlight smooch on the plank... sweet Kristio,”

She laughed, but pulled back. “No way Mitchio,”

Mitch chuckled and let her go. He walked backward onto the gangplank with his arms outstretched and hands upturned, waving her on, “C’mon Kristio, come to Mitchio,”

“I think you’d better come back onboard... you’re such a klutz you’ll probably fall,”

“Oh, a klutz, she calls me,” Mitch placed his hand onto his heart and gave her a mock sadden look, “you owe me a smooch for that insult,” he puckered up and closed his eyes, then with slow deliberate steps walked back.

“What do ya think ya doin’!” Norman yelled as he stormed toward them.

A startled Mitch nearly fell off the gangplank.

Norman, pissed off with Mitch’s antics growled, “Don’t ya know that’s dangerous?”

“Sorry,” Mitch muttered.

“Ok, but don’t play around on it, if you fell overboard we’d never find you,”  

Mitch forced an apologetic look, then walked off and grabbed Kristy’s hand. “C’mon we’d better get ready for the party,” he wanted to be as far from Normans scorn as possible.

“Are you coming Norman?” Kristy called over her shoulder, “that Cod you caught was scrumptious,”

Norman shook his head. “Naw, I’ll stay here til I man the wheelhouse,” he grumbled. Spotting Mitch flirting with Kristy ruined his appetite. He had always known she would never be his true love, but had always lived in hope. Now seeing her with Mitch brought the stark reality crashing down on him... feeling a bit glum, he walked onto the gangplank, and had a little bounce.