Maddy Rockx by Rex Johnson - HTML preview

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Chapter Nineteen,   

Mitch rushed to his cabin. He decided because it was New Year’s Eve, he’d dress for the occasion. He grabbed his coolest outfit, a mauve long sleeved shirt, thin white tie, black trousers and runners. He threw them on and bolted to the dining room. Kristy went to hers and changed into her nifty dancing costume. A yellow and white striped T-shirt, rosy-red knee length skirt, and joggers. She tied her hair into a ponytail and sped off.     

When Kristy arrived at the dining room, she walked to the stage and saw Mitch beside the bar in his spoofy outfit. She caught his eye and sent him a wink. He returned it with a posing bow and cheeky grin. She laughed at his antics, then picked up the microphone and addressed the passengers.

“Ladies and gentlemen, as requested by a few passengers over the trip, it’s now time for a special treat before the Main Event… the inaugural Maddy Rockx, New Year’s Eve singing competition. The first contestants are two young men who have told me they can hold a pretty good tune. Please give a round of applause for... Daannny and Maannny,”   

There was enthusiastic clapping led by Jessie & Tessie, as the boys rushed to the stage.  

After handing each a microphone, Kristy scanned for the song they had chosen. When the music kicked in, they broke into surprisingly good harmonies.

Their voices drifted across the dining room, through the PA system and down to the deck. Norman heard the melody as he stood on the gangplank staring dolefully at the water, thinking of Kristy. He hummed to the tune, then began performing a slow methodical dance. When the high-pitched, soulful chorus kicked in, he spread his arms and sang with broken hearted intensity, as the heart-felt lyrics ripped through his soul. As the music faded; and with the realization of losing Kristy torturing his mind, he stepped toward the end of the gangplank. He closed his eyes, bounced a couple of times, and then...

“Don’t you think that’s a bit dangerous?” A girl’s soft voice whispered.

Norman stopped bouncing, turned and stared toward the dimly lit deck. “Naw, I’m an expert, besides the boat’s hardly moving,”  

The girl stepped over to the gangplank and smiled, “Hello... I’m Lily,”  

Norman’s heart skipped a beat as he gazed over a petite teenage girl dressed in an orchid pink, frilly-lace party dress. She was thin, but not too boney, had mousey hair, not too drab, smooth white face, not quite porcelain; and one of the brightest smiles he had ever seen.

“I’m N... Norman,” he stammered feeling overwhelmed by her loveliness.

“I know, I’ve seen you in your sailors suit... you look very spoofy,”

Norman pumped his chest at her compliment and anxiously tapped his foot. The gangplank shuddered and he lost balance.

“Aah,” he grated, then regained his footing and said, “I haven’t seen you around,”   

“I’ve been about, but you seemed so busy and conscientious,”

“I’m Captains first mate… I have to be on the ball,” he boasted.

“Don’t you think you should come onboard before you drop over?”  

Norman raced off, grabbed her hand and shook it. “I’m glad to meet you,”

“And I you,” Lily beamed and flicked his boatswain pipe as they stared into each other’s eyes.

A sharp blast from Maddy’s whistle broke their gaze.

Norman told her that was the signal for him to take over from Captain, and then in an ever so hopeful voice, asked, “Would you like to see the wheelhouse? You could blow the whistle if you want,”

“I’d like that,” she tittered.

Norman offered her his hand; then with slightly less shyness, led her toward the wheelhouse.

When Kristy announced the winners of the singing comp, Danny & Manny raced up to collect their prize of a bottle of Champagne. They raced to the bar, and after Jordie handed it to them, left with the giggling Jessie & Tessie to drink it on the balcony.  

The time had come for May-lee’s performance, before her grand finale’. Kristy pressed the button on the DJ’s keyboard and soft music drifted through the PA system.

May-lee entered from behind the black curtain elegantly dressed in a sequined, hot pink, flowing gown; her songbird voice floating across the dining room.

The passengers, spellbound by her soft melody, were drawn to the dance floor, all drifting away as she worked the stage with her magic.  

On the final song of her set, she powered into a heart-felt, soul searching blues number. A mysterious woman of exquisite roundness walked up to Julio who had been watching May-lee from Galley doorway. She offered her hand and guided him toward the dance floor. He stumbled behind, hoping May-lee didn’t get the wrong idea, ‘but I do enjoy dancing to a song with soul and pasión,’ he chuckled then drew the woman close as they swayed gracefully to the beat.

On the songs more suggestive and sensual verse, May-lee caught Jordie’s eye; her crooning voice serenaded him, and her subtle gaze embraced him.

He stared back, mesmerized, and when her voice rose, reaching thresholds of harmonic bliss, a tingling sensation swept him, and he wondered if the feeling would ever end.