Maddy Rockx by Rex Johnson - HTML preview

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Chapter Twenty, May-lees Grand Finale,

When May-lee arrived at the VIP suite to dress for her grand finale’, a bottle of champagne and crystal glass buried in an ice bucket greeted her. The bottle had a red ribbon tied in a bow around its neck and a small card attached that had one word, ‘Maay-laady’.  

She glanced at it, smiled and thought of Jordie. ‘So young, so vibrant, and sooo... yummy,’ she dreamed and she had a sip of champagne.   

After dressing, May-lee gazed into the mirror for one last inspection. She was dressed as a sexy saloon girl, her favourite outfit. It was low cut, dazzling red with black trim. Complimenting it were black fishnet stockings, red high heels, and dusky coloured evening gloves. She ran her hands over her soft curves, “Perfect,” she murmured as a light shiver swept her. It was time for her Grand finale’.

After May-lee had left to change, Kristy played laidback music while the passengers ordered their drinks before the New Year’s performance.

As the clock approached Midnight, Jordie left Mitch to watch the bar. He grabbed a bottle of champagne and raced to the stage. He placed the bottle onto a side table then walked behind the curtain to grab the stairs. Kristy flicked a switch and the catwalk rose.

The passengers watched in amazement and gave a, ‘doesn’t that look great’ gasp as they wondered what treat was install for them.  

With the set up finished, Jordie walked back to the microphone, loosened his bow tie and let it dangle. He had the lyrics of the song in his mind, and hoped he wouldn’t stuff it up. So to be on the safe side, he grabbed the champagne, popped the cork and had a long guzzle. ‘To calm the nerves,’ he thought.

With the champagne kicking in he relaxed and loosened up with a couple of sharp hip moves.

“I put your pressie for ‘Maay-laady’ in her room Jordieee,” Kristy called to him.  

Jordie sent her a grin then leant forward, placed both hands around the microphone and waited for the moment to arrive.  

Kristy dimmed the lights to a shadow. When May-lee entered, she walked to the back of the stage and Kristy addressed the passengers, “Ladies and gentlemen, the time has come for our grand finale’ before the Midnight countdown... so without further ado, I give you once again the ever lovely Maay-leee.  

She pressed a button, a penetrating guitar instrumental exploded from the speakers and May-lee burst through the curtain full of pizazz. She danced up to Jordie and gave him a slight nudge with her hip. He stumbled, laughed, and all noticed an immediate chemistry.

May-lee continued to the edge of the stage, and when she skipped onto the dance floor, Kristy flicked a switch. A kaleidoscope of colours burst across the dining room. May-lee threw her head back, and danced toward her audience, raising her dress, and waving it wildly; exposing her shapely thighs and sexy black knickers.  

When Jordie let the lyrics rip, May-lee exploded into a pulsating frenzy of erotic movements. Her body shook, head spun, and golden locks whirled as she executed a mind-blowing and amazing performance.   

The passengers watched in awe as she displayed her talents. Never in their lives had they seen such energy.

When Kristy flicked the switch on the catwalk lights, May-lee tossed her head back, skipped across the dance floor and sprang. She danced toward the Captains table through the radiant display of coloured footlights; looking as if she were dancing on rainbows. She reached the Captains table, spotted Julio, blew a cheeky kiss and sent him a wink.  

“Ooh my belleza,” he bellowed and had a gulp of Champagne.

May-lee laughed, then twirled, and skipped back and forth along the catwalk in time with Jordie’s powerhouse lyrics and the penetrating beat. The crowd cheered her on, all realizing that they were witnessing something to the standard they could never have imagined.

When May-lee leapt from the catwalk onto the dance floor, Jordie finished his lyrics and roared, “Whoa...”

He jumped from the stage, landed beside her, and a vibrant execution of the jive began.

Through the entirety of the final high tempo instrumental, a performance of the highest quality was witnessed. May-lee and Jordie danced to levels they had never known. They were caught in a moment of ecstasy, full of vim, vigour, and champagne. Not since she’d performed before her first audience had May-lee felt so alive. Not since Jordie first saw May-lee had he.

Their dancing increased to fever pitched high-speed aerobics, until finally, with the fading of the music, Jordie gripped May-lee’s hand, and with a sharp jerk, spun her. She twirled beneath the lights like a psychedelic spinning top, before coming to a stylish and eloquent halt.  

Jordie stepped over and placed his hand into hers; both bowed to the clapping and cheering as the crowd rose as one. All hearts pounding at the brilliance of their performance. At the bar, Mitch was dumbfounded. He’d never seen his bro put on such a performance; he cheered and yahooed with the masses. Kristy was ecstatic; she joined in the applause until realizing that Midnight was approaching.

“It’s time for the Midnight countdown,” she yelled over the ovation that seemed to intensify with each bow. After repeated calls from Kristy, the crowd’s applause subsided and the countdown began.

“10, 9, 8,” the crowd roared,

“7, 6, 5,” an excited Julio stumbled through the pack searching for May-lee, his lips puckered at the ready.

“4, 3, 2, 1, Happy New Year!” Everyone screamed, and the sounds of lip sucking and Auld Lang Sine burst across the dining room.

May-lee turned and nestled against Jordie, and a great delivery of a passionate kiss was performed, just as Julio arrived.

“Brilliante!” he roared. “Your timing was impecc... able,” his voice faded when he saw May-lee in Jordie’s passionate embrace. “Ooh my belleza is lost forever... I shall never recover from zee pain,” he moaned, then turned and stumbled through teary eyes toward the Galley, thinking that only the taste of his beloved paella could comfort him. When he entered the Galley he stopped in his tracks. There she stood, the mysterious dancing woman leaning against the bench in all of her exquisite roundness. She had a look of hunger in her eyes and a bowl of paella in her hand.

A throaty burble escaped his lips; he moved forward, arms open. “Ooh my belleza,”   

May-lee and Jordie broke from their embrace; she led him through the crowd to the bar and grabbed a bottle of Champagne. She sent him a wink, then guided him toward the VIP suite. With his heart fluttering, and head spinning, he stumbled behind, but held firm and refused to faint.

After May-lee and Jordie’s departure, Mitch, who had been unable to find Kristy for a New Year’s smooch, bolted to the stage. He looked about and saw her giving Captain a kiss and cuddle. He called out to get her attention and waved her up.  

‘What’s he up to?’ Kristy wondered as she pushed through the crowd, leaving Captain at the mercy of a multitude of handshakes, kisses & hugs.  

Mitch walked to the DJ’s keyboard, hit the scanner button and found the perfect song. He grabbed the microphone, pressed the button and as a sexy instrumental music drifted from the speakers, he limbered up. Kristy reached the stage. He took her hand, pulled her close and greeted her with a tender kiss. Kristy, surprised at first melted into his arms, until Mitch stepped back and sent her a wink.

He lifted the microphone and crooned to the slow pace of the beat. Kristy swayed her hips as they stared into each other’s eyes. When the music intensified, and Mitch’s voice rose, Kristy’s moves became livelier. She shook her head, flinging her ponytail about as she danced around him. He laughed, grabbed her hand and they bopped about the stage belting out the lyrics. The passengers joined in and boogied on the dance floor; all woo, woo, wooing, and yeah, yeah, yeahing along.

In the wheelhouse, Norman tapped to the music as he guided Maddy until they moored for the night. He glanced down at Lily, bent before him, playing with his boatswain pipe whistle. She looked up, sent him a wink, and gave it a light toot. Norman trembled, pulled the cord, and Maddy’s whistle pierced the New Year’s sky.