Nerd World


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Pages: 173

Published: 4 years ago

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Book Description HTML

Paul Liston shouldn't be in this much trouble. Seventeen years old, 4.0 GPA, and it's trivia season. For the two weeks surrounding his school's Trivia Master competition, the rules change. The geeks inherit the earth. Knowledge becomes power. But it's not such a friendly little game. With the balance shifted, the knives come out among the nerd set. Sabotage, deception, betrayal - nothing is off the table in the scramble to the top. And Paul, king of the whiz kids and everyone's target, knows this more than most. His best friend wants to use him. His vengeance-obsessed rival is gunning for him. And even his "one true love" is ready to toss him off the mountain. Paul never wanted this war, but with his enemies multiplying daily, his only hope might be to sink into the gutter with them.

Reader Reviews
  • User image   Inga1992
    It may be funny, but I do not understand what you are talking about ye
    29 Jul 2023
    It may be funny, but I do not understand what you are talking about yet.
  • User image  
    Verry Good
    17 Apr 2023
    Verry Good :))
  • User image   Vladimir
    Excellent book
    20 Mar 2023
    If you really want to understand what russia and the russian world are, you absolutely must read this book. It will remove all harmful illusions and dangerous misconceptions about russia and the russians. You will understand that russia is one of the most disgusting places on the planet Earth. There is no need to love russians and wish them well, for they are incorrigible.
  • User image   Lawrence
    06 May 2023
    I am just finishing another book on Russia’s post war actions in Europe and the Far East circa 1945…it will be interesting how this compares. Another Russian I met told me something very similar as your report…hmmm
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Andrew Johnston

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