Ode to the Fanatical Golfer by Kevin D. Rolle - HTML preview

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New Club ‘Gauntlet’

Passing a department store window, he saw a new ‘nine’ He wanted it badly, and started to pine!
(It’d be a shame to leave it there. Had to be a crime) He’d make up some excuse to his wife. (He’d make up a ‘line’.

He went in, and came out, clutching his ‘loot’ Peeked inside the bag thinking, ”YOU’RE SO CUTE!! He loved it right away. (Down to the ‘roots’) He had labored long and hard. (Deserved this ‘fruit’).

Unfortunately, this purchase, required many dollars. Which meant that his credit card, had another collar! His wife would make a lot of noise. (Surely she’d hollar) He had to have his stuff. (Didn’t she know he was a ’BALLER’?!

He realized she wouldn’t swallow it. (No way she
wouldn’t ‘barf’
Soon he’d be wearing that golf club like a scarf!
She’d say, “This was the choice of a dim wit. A brain that only had ‘half’!
When she’d be through with him, he’d need to walk with a staff!

There must be some way he could convince this ‘skirt’ That with this club, his golf game hit ‘pay dirt’. And their bank account, the purchase, didn’t much hurt Mission: To find a way, her arguments, to avert!