Remake by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 8


It was later that night in Los Angeles, and Thomas Crown was in his up scale townhouse.

Thomas Crown entered his den with “Thomas Crown – Rich Cat Burglar” embroidered on his expensive silk shirt.  He held a glass of the Cognac he stole from Senator Cheatham’s mansion.

He walked over to his expensive desk and sat down.  He picked up his phone and punched in a number.

 While he waited for his party to answer he call, he glanced over at his bookcase and eyed the ceramic Pink Panther he stole from Senator Cheatham.

“Admiral Palmer, I have the final Pink Panther to complete your collection,” Thomas said into his phone then took a sip of Cognac.

In Georgetown, Virginia, Harry Palmer was a sixty-three year old Naval Admiral that worked at the Pentagon.  He was a pudgy, bald man with a small white moustache and hairy hands and fingers.  He sat in a plush lazy boy chair in his den while he wore blue pajamas full of Navy ships.  In fact, his townhouse was three houses down from Senator Cheatham’s townhouse.

He puffed on a Cuban cigar while he had his phone to his ear and glanced over at his bookcase where there were three other ceramic Pink Panthers with a gap between two of them.  He smiled at the thought of completing his collection.  “How much?” Admiral Palmer asked into the phone then took a puff on his cigar.

Back in Thomas Crown’s townhouse, he did a little dance believing he had a buyer.  “Oh, let's say one hundred thousand dollars,” Thomas said then sipped Cheatham’s Cognac while he waited for answer.

In Admiral Palmer’s townhouse, he exhaled some cigar smoke, which formed dollar signs while he pondered an answer to Thomas’s offer.  “That's a fair price.  Come to my townhouse in Georgetown in three days.  That’s when I get my slush fund box at the Pentagon replenished by certain Senators and corporate executives.”

“You got it,” Thomas Crown replied from the Admiral’s phone.

Admiral Palmer was so elated on getting the Pink Panther that he dropped his cigar in his crotch when he disconnected the phone call. 

After a few seconds of smoking rising from his crotch, he jumped up in a panic and saw one of the Navy ships on his pajamas on fire in his crotch.

He danced around his den smacking his crotch to put out the flames.

Back across the country, Carter raced his Torino down the streets of Remakewood.

“Where can we hide now?” Alvin asked and looked worried to death.

Carter looked around and saw a hotel down the street.  “We could stay in a hotel,” he offered.

Alvin and Sabrina the dog thought about his offer. 

“Why don’t we stay at my place?” Sabrina the dog offered.

“Might as well, since I’m running on empty,” Carter replied.

“But won’t Chief Hightower know of your address?” Alvin suspiciously asked.

“Naw,” Sabrina the dog replied.

“Okay then, let’s head to her home,” Carter responded.

“Good, turn right at the next light,” replied Sabrina the dog.

Carter turned his Torino right at the next traffic light.

A little while later, Carter drove down Holly Avenue.

He pulled his Torino into the driveway of a small Spanish style house with detached single car garage in the rear.

Carter parked his Torino in front of the garage.

“My garage is locked since I have a restored sixty-seven Shelby Mustang GT five hundred that I call Eleanor parked in my garage.  I’m afraid if I leave it unlocked, it will be gone in sixty seconds.  So you’ll have to stay parked outside,” Sabrina the dog told Carter.

He looked worried.  “But we’ll be giving away our hiding place with my car out in the open,” Carter replied while he turned off his car.

“I have an extra car cover in the garage,” Sabrina the dog replied.

“I’ll help you with that sir,” Alvin offered while he opened up his car door.

“Thanks Alvin,” Carter replied while he opened up his car door.

At the house next store, nine year old Elmer Winslow curiously peaked outside his bedroom window.  He spied on Carter, Alvin and Sabrina the dog while they walked to the side of the garage to the side door.

Carter, Alvin, and Sabrina the dog stood at the side door that had a cipher lock.  After he was given the code, Alvin went inside the garage and found the extra car cover. 

Carter helped Alvin cover up his Torino with the car cover.

They all walked to the rear door of the house.

“Where are the owners of the home?” Carter curiously asked.

“Ah, they're in Europe,” Sabrina the dog replied.

“How do we get inside?” Alvin asked while he looked at the rear door.

“There’s an extra hidden key under that turd over by that red rose bush,” Sabrina the dog replied and pointed with her paw.

Carter glanced over where her paw pointed and saw a dog turd in the grass by the rose bush.

“Gross!  I’m not sticking my hand in dog poop!”

“Why not?  Nobody will look in a turd for a house key.  Go ahead.  Be a man,” Sabrina the dog said with a coaching tone in her voice.

Carter hesitated to touch the turd.  He looked at Sabrina the dog who motioned with her head to get the key out of the turd.

Alvin looked grossed out with the thought of touching a dog turd.

Carter looked at the turd by the roses.  The clap of thunder was suddenly heard while a storm approached.  He still hesitated to touch the turd.

The louder clap of thunder was heard while the storm was moving faster into the area.

Carter rushed over the lightly touched the dog turd with his index finger and quickly removed it.  The touched it again and smiled.  He picked up the turd.

Alvin looked away and covered his mouth when he had the dry heaves at the thought of picking up dog poop.

Carter looked at the turd.  “It’s plastic,” he said while he turned it over and removed a house key out of the hole in the bottom of the dog turd.

 “Of course,” Sabrina the dog replied.

Alvin stopped having dry heaves when he heard it was just a plastic turd.

Carter placed the plastic turd back by the rose bush.

He unlocked the rear door and they all went inside the house.

Sabrina the dog walked Carter and Alvin into her kitchen.

“I’m going to take a shower in the master bedroom.  There’s another bathroom down the hallway.  You’ll find some bathrobes in bathroom closet,” Sabrina the dog told them.

Sabrina the dog left the kitchen and ran down the hallway.

Carter got curious and peeked down the hallway and watched Sabrina the dog run into the master bedroom.

He snuck down the hallway.

He snuck into the master bedroom and saw the bathroom door was closed.

Carter heard the shower running and scratched his head wondering how could a dog perform such an act.  But then there was a feeling that overcame him about Sabrina the dog.  It was a sudden strange loving feeling he had when he thought about the mutt.

He shrugged it off and walked out of the master bedroom.

Meanwhile, Scarface puffed on a Cuban Cigar while he drove his Mercedes Benz through the streets of Remakewood.  He searched high and low for Carter’s Torino. 

His cell phone rang.  “Scarface,” he answered the call.

“Did you get them?” Senator Cheatham anxiously replied from Scarface’s cell phone.

“No sir, they got away,” Scarface replied and looked ashamed, as he’s never had a target slip away during his entire career.

“Get Carter!  Because if you don’t I have other connections and your body will never be found!” Senator Cheatham yelled so loud from the cell phone that Scarface’s ear was ringing.

Scarface closed his cell phone and looked determined while he made a left turn and drove down Holly Avenue.

Scarface checked out all the driveways down that street for Carter’s Torino. 

He drove by Sabrina the dog’s house and spotted a car under a car cover in her driveway.  He didn’t think anything of it and continued his drive down the avenue.

Scarface turned his car left and headed down Wood Avenue.

A little while later in Sabrina the dog’s house, Carter and Alvin waited on the couch all cleaned up and wore the bathrobes from the bathroom closet.

“You know Alvin.  Sabrina's special.  She stirs up feelings inside me like no other woman as ever done,” Carter said with a warm smile.

Alvin scooted away from Carter and thought he was really weird.

Sabrina the dog entered the living room from the hallway with a towel wrapped around her head and towel wrapped around her body.  “Now that we’re cleaned up, we can start planning our next move to find this evidence with government corruption,” she said while she shook her body and the towels flew off her body.

For the next few minutes, Alvin, Carter and Sabrina the dog sat around the living room while they pondered their next moves.

Alvin’s eyes lit up when he remembered something.    “I have something worth checking out?” he blurted out.

“What’s that?” Carter curiously asked.

“I just remembered that Senator Cheatham talked about installing security cameras in his mansion.  That’s probably how he figured out I copied the evidence,” Alvin told everybody then he hesitated for a few seconds. “Which means there’s a videotape showing activity in his den.  Which means it might reveal the identity of the thief who took the Pink Panther,” he added.

Carter and Sabrina the dog looked at each other while they thought about Alvin’s comment. 

“Well, I guess we’ll be breaking back into the Senator’s mansion,” Carter suggested.

Alvin and Sabrina the dog both nodded in agreement with Carter’s suggestion.

“Do you know where he would keep the video recorder?” Carter asked.

Alvin thought for few seconds.  “He had a secret room off his office where he stored hundreds of porno video’s so his wife would never discover them.  Chances are it’s in there.”

“I’ll need a map of his mansion,” Carter told Alvin.

“I’ll start working on it,” Alvin replied got up and walked over to a small desk Carter had in his apartment.