Remake by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 7


Later that night, Scarface puffed on a Cuban cigar while he drove a shiny black Mercedes Benz C-Class C300 luxury sedan down the hectic streets of Los Angeles. 

Earlier in the day, Senator Cheatham had his Remake Police Department contact leave the Mercedes Benz in the parking lot of the Los Angeles International Airport for Scarface.

In Carter’s apartment, Alvin sat on the couch holding a cold compress on his forehead with Carter and Sabrina the dog sat by his side.

“A talking dog!  But how?”

“I don't have time to explain.  We need to pull our heads together and come up with some ideas on how to get that Pink Panther that contains that evidence,” Sabrina the dog replied.

Alvin still couldn’t believe that a dog can talk.  “Yes ma'am.”

Sabrina the dog's eyes lit up when something dawned on her.  “How did Chief Hightower know that that evidence was inside that ceramic Pink Panther?  And that it was connected to Senator Cheatham?”

Carter thought about her questions for a few seconds and drew a blank stare.

Alvin thought about Sabrina the dog’s comment for a few seconds, and then his eyes lit up. “It’s because he's protecting them!  I now recall Senator Cheatham having numerous telephone discussions with your Chief over the past two years,” he said.

Carter still didn’t get it and Sabrina noticed and she rolled her eyes.

“Come on Carter. Think!  Get a fresh new idea in your head for once,” she yelled at him.

Carter got up from the couch and paced around his living room.  He stopped by one of his windows while he thought about Sabrina the dog’s comments.  He strained for a few seconds then he finally got it.  “Oh, Chief Hightower's crooked.”

The glass in the window shattered from a bullet fired outside the building.  Broken glass rained all over the apartment floor.

Carter and Sabrina the dog all dove to the floor for protection knowing there was a shooter outside.

Alvin stood up and looked a little confused as to why the other two were on the floor.

“Get down, Alvin.  Someone’s shooting at us,” Carter yelled out.

Another bullet shattered another window and that caused Alvin to dive to the floor for protection.

Outside the Bate Boarding House, Scarface puffed on a Cuban Cigar while he stood by the Mercedes Benz with a 9mm Glock and silencer in hand.  He dropped the cigar to the ground and smashed it with the tip of his Italian shoe. 

He aimed his Glock at one of Carter’s apartment windows.  He fired off another round at another window. 

Scarface reached inside the Mercedes Benz and pulled out the Thompson sub-machine gun.

He ran to the steps of the Bates Boarding house.

Inside Carter’s apartment, the glass in one of the other apartment windows shattered and broken glass rained all over the floor.

Alvin and Sabrina the dog who cowered on the floor for safety.

Carter scooted over to the phone on a nearby table.  He reached up and grabbed the phone and placed it to his ear.  He looked upset when he dropped the phone to the floor.  “He cut the phone line.”

Carter scooted over to his door and opened it up.  

Carter scampered down the hallway to Room 1.  “Misses Bates!  Call the police!”  Carter yelled while he banged on her door.

It was quiet inside Room 1 and Carter looked pissed.

“Fucking stuck up hag,” he said while he scampered down the hallway back to his room.

Carter went back inside his apartment and slammed the door shut.

Outside the Bates Boarding House, Scarface stood by the front door.  He reloaded his 9mm Glock then shoved it back in his holster under his suit jacket. 

He reached down and picked up his Thompson submachine gun.

Scarface kicked the front door where it slammed opened falling off its hinges.

Scarface held up his Thompson machine gun.  “Say hello to my tiny but powerful little friend!” he yelled out then stepped inside the Bates Boarding House. 

He fired off hundreds of bullets into the house from his machine gun.  He sprayed bullets all over the walls.

Carter, Alvin and Sabrina the dog remained perfectly still on the floor in anticipation of more bullets flying through the windows.

Sabrina the dog crawled on the floor toward the door.

“Where you going?” Carter asked.

“Heaven can wait for me as I'm getting out of here!” she said while she stopped at the door.  She looked up at the doorknob then looked back at Carter.

 Carter and Alvin quickly crawled to the door.  Carter reached up and opened up his apartment door.

They crawled out into the hallway then Carter closed his door.

They all stood up and rushed down the hallway.

Sabrina the dog’s ears perked up.  “Someone's coming up the stairs,” she said then stopped dead in her tracks by Room 2.

Footsteps coming up the creaking stairs were heard by Carter and Alvin.

They all felt trapped while they figured it was the shooter.

Carter lightly tapped on the door for Room 2.  The door slowly opened as if it was inviting them inside.

The footsteps coming up the creaky stairs got louder.

“In here,” Carter quietly called out and pointed to the cracked open door of Room 2.

They all ducked inside that room and Carter closed the door.

It was dark inside Room 2 while the wooden floor of the hallway creaked when Scarface inched his way to Carter’s room.

“He's in the hallway,” Carter whispered to everybody in the dark room.

There was a click sound in the room and the lights suddenly came on.

Carter, Alvin and Sabrina the dog stood with their ears on the door while they listened for the shooter who creaked down the hallway.

Carter sensed someone was the room.  He glanced behind him and saw a young exorcist girl in a white night gown tied to the bed.  “Ahhh,” he quietly screamed out in a girlish tone at the sight of the girl’s ghoulish gray colored face with black sunken eyes.

Alvin and Sabrina the dog looked in the direction Carter looked and saw the demon girl. 

“Ahhhh!” Alvin and Sabrina the dog all quietly screamed out in unison.

The young exorcist girl gave everybody an evil stare and smile.  “How does it go?  Oh yeah!  Play it again Sam!” she said in a raspy voice with an evil smirk.  Her head started spinning around in a circle.   Puke that looked like split pea soup flew out of her mouth while her head spun around.  She was like a sprinkler watering the yard.

The hallway was quiet while Scarface was inside Carter’s room looking for his targets.

The door to Room 2 flew open and Carter, Alvin and Sabrina the dog ran out covered in green puke.

They ran down the hallway and headed to the stairs.

Inside Carter’s bedroom, Scarface rummaged through Carter's drawers throwing everything on the floor. 

The sound of the wooden floor creaking in the hallway was heard.  His eyes lit up knowing Carter and Alvin was attempting to slip out of the house.

He ran out of Carter’s bedroom with his Thompson submachine in hand.

Scarface raced down the hallway.  His smooth bottom Italian shoes slid through a puddle of green puke and went out from under him.  He slammed hard into the hallway landing in another puddle of green puke. 

The walls of the hallway were splattered with the green vomit.

Outside the Bates Boarding House, Carter, Alvin, and Sabrina the dog ran out of the front door.

They ran down the concrete steps and headed to Carter’s Torino.

They jumped inside Carter’s car and piled in the front bench seat.  Carter immediately started it up with a loud varoom. 

Carter’s Torino screeched backwards. 

Carter’s Torino screeched forward with tire smoking and raced away down the street.

Scarface ran out the front door of the Bates Boarding House.  He stopped at the top of the concrete stairs where green puke dripped of the backside of his suit pants and ran down the steps. 

He watched while Carter’s Torino raced down the street.  

He removed his Glock from his holster under his suit jacket and aimed at Carter’s Torino.  He fired off two shots and missed the car while it raced down the street. 

He aimed again, stepped forward, but the dripping green puke was slick on the concrete steps.  Scarface tumbled down the steps crying out in pain every time he bounced off a concrete step.

He jumped up and quickly fired off another round with his Glock.

Inside Carter’s Torino, he looked ill when he saw green puke all over his front seat. “Ah man, I just cleaned my car the other day!” he cried out.

The rear window of the Torino shattered with a loud crash from the bullet of Scarface’s Glock.

Carter made a screeching left turn with his Torino and headed down another street.

Meanwhile back at the Dulles International Airport outside Washington DC, Senators Cheatham, Dewey and Howe boarded his personal Cessna Citation Mustang jet.