Remake by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 10


It was the next morning and Carter was dressed in his usual blue jeans, tee shirt and Army field jacket. 

He drove his Torino with Sabrina the dog around the Los Angeles area.

Carter parked his car and walked around the streets for a while.

They finally got to 34th Street and came upon a bunch of fancy townhouses. 

They looked across the street and saw Thomas Crown pacing around in his townhouse living room.

Carter paced around a little while he pondered the situation.  “We’ll have to wait until an opportunity arises and then sneak inside,” he told Sabrina the dog.

Carter knelt down at Sabrina the dog that wagged her tail and he smiled at her.  “You are a cutie,” he said while he knelt down and scratched her behind her left ear.  “Yeah, you're my little sweetie peetie and you gave me a big almost pooped my pants scare last night thinking you were shot.”

Sabrina the dog licked Carter's face.

“I wish all the women I met were like you.  Loyal, obedient; you're a dream come true.  I wish you were human!” Carter said while she continued to lick his face.

Sabrina the dog looked up at Carter.  A strange look developed in her eyes.  She winked at Carter. 

A flash of rainbow light colored light consumed her entire hairy body. 

Sabrina the dog magically turned into Sabrina the woman.  She had long silky blonde hair and appeared to be about thirty-five years old with big beautiful brown eyes and full pouty lips.  She wore a sexy red dress with high heels and remained on her hands and knees.

Carter jumped back in shock and fell on his butt at the sight of Sabrina the woman.  “You're, you’re, you’re a,” he said in shock at the sight he just witnessed.

“I’m a human!” she replied with a loving smile while got up on her knees and she offered her hand to Carter.

“It's a miracle!  What caused you to switch from a dog to a woman?” he asked while he helped her up on her feet.

“All I know is that I can do it at will sometimes and then it also happens on its own,” she said while she continued to hold his hand.

“Wow.  So, how did this happen?  I mean, were you first a woman or were you first a dog?” he curiously asked.

“I was first a woman and I’ll explain what happened later,” she replied with love in her eyes.

They heard a garage door open across the street and saw Thomas Crown while he drove his silver One-77 Astro Martin drive out of his garage.

Thomas Crown drove his Astro Martin down 34th Street.

“Here’s our opportunity,” Carter told Sabrina the woman.

Carter held Sabrina the woman’s hand while they walked across the street and headed to Thomas Crown’s townhouse.

Carter used his skills and disarmed the alarm system for Thomas Crown’s townhouse. 

They entered through the garage then slipped into the townhouse.

Inside Crown’s townhouse, Carter and Sabrina the woman searched all the rooms for the Pink Panther.  They searched every nook and cranny and came up with nothing.

While they were inside the den, they saw a ticket for the today’s baseball game between the San Francisco Giants and the Los Angeles Angels.

“Maybe he’s going to meet a contact tonight that wants to buy the Pink Panther?” Carter said while he held and looked at the ticket.

“That’s a possibility,” Sabrina the woman replied.

“What do we due until the game starts?” he asked her.

Sabrina the woman thought for a few seconds then she had a warm smile.  “We can have a little fun,” she replied with a loving smile.

A little while later, Carter and Sabrina the dog ran down the sandy beach at Point Dume. 

They jumped around in the water having a grand time near the waters edge.

A flash of rainbow colored light consumed her entire body and Sabrina the woman appeared on running on her hands and knees at the waters edge in a sexy red bikini.

A little while later on the beach, Carter and Sabrina the dog were at a secluded part of the beach and she lay on her back on a blanket in the sand.  Her legs were up in the air twitching and she loved the feeling of Carter rubbing her belly. 

A flash of rainbow colored light consumed her entire body and Sabrina the woman appeared on her back, legs twitching up in the air and she continued to love Carter rubbing her belly.

They kissed and it turned passionate.

A little while later on the beach, Carter threw a Frisbee into the air.

Sabrina the dog ran after the Frisbee. 

A flash of rainbow colored light consumed her body the second she lunged in the air after the Frisbee.  Sabrina the woman snatched the Frisbee with her teeth in mid-air. 

She proudly trotted back on her feet to Carter with the Frisbee still in her mouth.

A little while later at the beach, Sabrina the dog and Carter walked along the water’s edge. 

Sabrina the dog squatted and started to pee.  A flash of rainbow colored light consumed her entire body and then Sabrina the woman squatted and finished peeing.

A little while later, Carter and Sabrina the woman sat at a café table from a nearby hotdog stand.

They both chomped down on the ends of the same hotdog.  They kissed the second their lips touched after finishing the hotdog.

A little while later, Carter took Sabrina the dog to a nearby dog park.  He sat on the bench while she ran around with the other dogs.  He looked jealous while a male dog started sniffing Sabrina the dog’s rear end.  The male dog mounted Sabrina the dog and started humping her backside.

Carter jumped up from the bench and ran over to her.

“Get off my woman!” he yelled at the male dog.

People in the dog park looked shocked with Carter’s comment. 

They watched while he marched Sabrina the dog out of the dog park on a leash.

Meanwhile, Scarface puffed on a Cuban cigar while he drove his Mercedes Benz up and down the streets of Remakewood.  He searched high and low for Carter’s whereabouts and was coming up empty handed.

Back in Senator Cheatham’s den inside his mansion, he sat with Senator’s Dewey and Howe while they drank some more of his expensive scotch.  They anxiously waited for Scarface’s call that he eliminated their risks and found the stolen evidence. 

Senator Cheatham got nervous and started pacing around his den.

“Scarface is letting us down.  We need some more help,” Senator Dewey said while he started pacing along with Senator Cheatham.

Senator Howe got up and he started pacing with his two buddies.

The eyes of Senator Cheatham lit up when he had an idea.  He quickly opened up his cell phone and made a call from his contact list.  “It’s me.  I want you to put the heat on Remake and his dog companion.  Our shooter is failing with his assignment,” Senator Cheatham said then disconnected his call and walked back to his bar to freshen up his drink.

Senators Dewey and Howe walked back over to bar and joined Senator Cheatham while they freshened up their drinks. 

Back at Sabrina’s home, Alvin dusted the living room while he waited on word that Carter had found the stolen evidence.

Meanwhile, Carter and Sabrina the woman sat in his Torino that was parked across the street from Thomas Crown’s townhouse.  They kept an watchful eye on his house while they cuddled in the front seat.

They watched while Crown’s Astro Martin drove down the street and pulled into his garage.