Remake by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 11


It was later that afternoon, and Carter and Sabrina the woman watched while Thomas Crown drove his Astro Martin out of his garage casually dressed wearing a Los Angeles Angels baseball cap.

Jake started up his Torino with a varoom and pulled out into the street and he tailed Crown’s Astro Martin.

Carter turned his Torino left down another street and tailed Crown’s Astro Martin.

While they drove down that street, traffic got thicker and Carter started to lose ground with trailing the Astro Martin.

He weaved his car in and around traffic to keep up with the Astro Martin.

Sabrina the woman saw the sign for “Doolittle’s Veterinary Clinic” and she cringed at the memory of being sent there by the Remakewood Police Department.

A step-van pulled over from another lane and blocked Carter’s view of the Astro Martin.  Carter tried to move his Torino over into the other lane, but a black Cadillac blocked it.

The traffic light turned red and the vehicles stopped.

Carter rolled down his door window and craned he head outside in search of Crown’s Astro Martin.  He looked upset when Crown’s car was nowhere in sight.

The light turned green and traffic moved forward.

After a few minutes of driving through Los Angeles, Carter couldn’t locate Crown’s Astro Martin.

“Well, we know that he’s headed to the ball game, so let’s head there,” Carter told her while he made a left turn and headed down another street.

“Why are you going this way?” Sabrina the woman asked.

“I always drive this way to the stadium.”

“You need to try a new path.  Turn right down the next street and take Discovery Lane down to Third Street then take that down Columbia Avenue,” she replied.

“But I know for sure this way will get us there.”

“Carter.  You can do it.  Try a new route for once,” she replied.

Carter tried to resist the temptation on driving his same old path, but he caved in when he couldn’t resist her warm coaching smile. 

He made a screeching right turn and headed down that street.

While they drove down that street, Sabrina the woman looked out her window and saw the “Doctor Doolittle’s Veterinary Clinic II” building.  “I hate vets!” she said then growled at the vet clinic.

Thirty minutes later, Carter parked his Torino in the parking lot for the Los Angeles Angels stadium gate that was indicated on Crown’s ticket.

He and Sabrina the woman got out and rushed over to the ticket booths.

Carter and Sabrina the woman ran over to one of the row of ticket booths and stood behind the shortest line with three guys. 

After the three guys bought their tickets, Carter rushed over to the window. “Two tickets please,” Carter quickly said still out of breath from the run.

“I’m sorry, but the game is completely sold out,” the female clerk told him then she placed a “Sold Out” sign in her window.

Carter stepped away from the ticket booth and walked away.

Sabrina the woman walked alongside him while they both pondered their next move. 

While they walked around the parking lot, they spotted a stadium guard, named Ervin, while he watched over one of the numerous entrances into the stadium.

“You distract him, while I sneak inside and trail Crown to find out his contact,” Sabrina the woman offered.

“Good idea,” he said while he looked at the guard.  “But I need a disguise,” he added while he thought hard.  He thought for a few seconds.  His eyes widened with an idea.  “Of course,” he said then bolted off and headed back to his car.

Sabrina the woman ran after Carter.

Carter got to his car and opened up the passenger door.  He reached inside and opened up his glove box and removed a pair of Clark Kent black framed glasses, a pen and small pad of paper.  “I would use these when I went under cover,” he said while he wore the glasses.  “I'll pretend I’m a reporter,” he added while he parted his hair on the other side of his head for the disguise.

Carter slammed his door shut.

Sabrina the woman got on her hands an knees and then a flash of rainbow colored light consumed her entire body.  Sabrina the dog now appeared.

“Let’s go!” Carter yelled out.

Carter ran back to the Ervin the guard. 

Sabrina the dog ran along behind him.

While they ran to Ervin, the crowd in the stadium was heard cheering.

“With the Angels in the outfield, the game against the San Francisco Giants can now begin,” a male voice came over the speakers in the stadium.

“Ticket please,” the guard said the second Carter walked up to his gate.

“My name is Clark, and I don't want inside for the game.  My Editor for the Anaheim Times wants me to do a news story on the guards working at the baseball stadium.  And I picked you,” Carter said while he opened up his small notepad and pretended he was ready to jot down some notes.

Ervin’s eyes lit up with the thought on being in the newspaper.

“So, when were you born?”

“Oh, I came out of my Mother a long time ago,” Ervin said while Sabrina the dog snuck through the gate behind his back.

Inside the stadium, Sabrina the dog was able to sneak around and spotted Thomas Crown while he walked into the Men’s Room talking into his cell phone. 

She rushed over and went through the door opening for the Men’s Room.

Inside the Men’s Room, she didn’t see Thomas at the urinals but saw his Italian shoes while he sat down on the toilet in one of the stalls. 

She rushed over and crawled under the stall next to Thomas’.

“I'm sorry George, but I’m going to sell that Pink Panther to Admiral Harry Palmer in Georgetown.  Maybe there's something else I can get for you?   I have some Patek Philippe watches for five hundred a piece?”  Thomas Crown was heard talking into his cell phone from Sabrina the dog’s stall.  “Great.  I’ll be flying out of LAX for DC right after the game.  I’ll call you after I dump the Pink Panther in a couple of days and deliver you a watch,” Thomas Crown added to his call.

The crowd was heard cheering when an Angel batter made a base hit.

Sabrina the dog crawled out from under the stall and rushed over to the door opening.

Sabrina the dog ran through the stadium and headed back to the gate.

Back at the gate, Carter’s eyes drifted close while he started to doze off during the Ervin’s interview.

“And then when I was five, Johnny Bookman ate a booger in math class, which made Suzie Snodgrass puke,” Ervin said recalling those younger days.

Sabrina the dog snuck past Ervin and brushed Carter’s leg.

Carter woke up and saw Sabrina the dog running back to his Torino.

“Thank you, Ervin.  “Let’s continue this interview tomorrow,” Carter said then bolted off toward his car.

“And after Suzie Snodgrass puked,” Ervin continued for a few seconds then realized Carter was gone. 

“I’ll be waiting,” Ervin called out still excited with being in the newspaper.

Sabrina the dog sat in the parking lot by Carter’s Torino and then a flash of rainbow colored light consumed her body.  Sabrina the woman appeared sitting in the lot.  She stood up and got inside the Torino the second Carter sat down behind the wheel.

Inside his Torino, Carter started it up with a loud varoom. 

“Thomas Crown sold the pink Panther to Admiral Harry Palmer in DC.  He’s flying out there tonight to deliver it in a couple of days,” she told Carter while he backed his Torino out of the parking spot.

“I hope you don't get air sick,” he asked while he raced through the parking lot.

“Nope,” she replied while Carter made a screeching right turn out of the stadium parking lot.

Carter raced his Torino down the street.

Thirty minutes had passed, Carter parked his Torino in level 5 of a parking garage at the Los Angeles International airport.

Carter and Sabrina the woman got out of his Torino and rushed through the parking garage and headed toward the terminal.

Carter and Sabrina the woman ran to the terminal doors.

Carter came to quick stop and Sabrina the woman slammed into his backside.

“Why did you stop?” she asked.

He looked upset while he pointed at the glass windows of the terminal.

She looked and saw a "Carter Remake and Sheep Dog Wanted - $10,000 Reward For Their Capture” Poster with a picture of Carter.  It was taped to the glass doors.

They both looked and saw hundreds of other wanted posters taped all over inside the terminal.

“Doggie doo, doo!  We can't get to Washington my air,” Carter said.

“Well, I guess it's a road trip,” Sabrina the woman said while she grabbed Carter’s hand and rushed him back to the parking garage.

Carter and Sabrina the woman ran back to level 5 of the parking garage.

They ran down the aisle where he parked his car.

They came to a halt when seeing an empty spot where his Torino was parked a little while ago.

“I can't believe it.  My beautiful Grand Torino was stolen!” Carter cried out and looked like he wanted to cry.

“I wrecked my car last month when I turned into a dog while driving around Remakewood,” Sabrina the woman told Carter.

“Rats!” he replied and looked worried. 

“I guess we’ll have to find some other mode of transportation,” Sabrina the woman said.

Carter paced around while he tried to come up with a solution.  “We can’t take a bus, as there’s probably wanted posters all over the bus station,” he said while he paced and tried to think of another solution.  “We can’t take a train, as there’s probably wanted posters also plastered all over the train station,” he said while he paced up and down the aisle.  “Walking will take us months,” he added and looked like he wanted to cry.

“We could try to hitchhike and pray that a trucker that hates cops picks us up,” Sabrina the woman said.

Carter looked at her. “I guess that’s our only option,” he said while he grabbed her and they walked down the aisle to headed toward the terminal for the road out of the airport.

Carter and Sabrina the woman walked along the sidewalk across from the terminal.

A red Mini Cooper raced down the terminal road and came to a screeching halt.

Stella, a thirty year old sexy woman jumped out of the Mini Cooper’s passenger seat.

“Hurry Stella, as the traffic jam's going to start in fifteen minutes,” Charlie, a thirty year old man called out from the driver’s seat of the Mini Cooper.

“I know Charlie, but I gotta pee really badly and don’t want to pee my pants while we sit in traffic,” she told her while she ran to the sliding glass doors.

Charlie realized he had to pee really bad so he jumped out of the Mini Cooper and ran to the sliding glass doors.

Charlie and Stella stopped the second they ran inside the terminal. 

“Did you turn off the car?” she asked Charlie.

Charlie looked like a deer staring at headlights for a few seconds.  They turned around, looked at the sliding glass doors and saw that their red Mini Cooper was gone.

“I can't believe it! I turn my back and it's, gone in sixty seconds,” Charlie cried out then he dropped to his knees visibly upset.

“Smooth move Ex-lax!  Now we can't finish our Italian Job!” she yelled at him then kicked Charlie in his crotch.

He buckled over in extreme pain while Stella stormed off down the terminal to the nearest bathroom.

Inside the red Mini Cooper, Carter drove with Sabrina the woman in the passenger seat.  He drove down the terminal road and headed toward the exit from the airport. 

His cell phone rang.  “Hello,” he answered.

“Where are you sir?” Alvin said from the cell phone.

“Alvin, we're going to DC to get the Pink Panther from Admiral Harry Palmer.  Stay at Sabrina's and you’ll be safe,’ Carter replied.

“Yes sir,” Alvin responded.

Carter shoved his cell phone back into his field jacket.

He and Sabrina high-fived other while they drove out of the airport property for job well done finding another mode of transportation.

Twenty minutes later, Carter stopped at a bank and pulled out some cash for the trip to Washington, District of Crooks.