Remake by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 3


It was six ten the next morning and the three Senators came back to Cheatham’s mansion.

Alvin parked the Hummer limousine by the front door and let the three drunks out.

“I’m in the mood for love, simply because she’s naked,” Senator Dewey sang out while the three staggered to the front door of the mansion.

Alvin looked anxious while he rushed to open the front door.  He figured these three would be sleeping for hours and he would be able to slip out and meet Bob Biff.

Inside the mansion, Alvin and the three Senators walked through the living room.

“Make us a large pot of coffee,” Senator Cheatham slurred out the words to Alvin.

Poop!  Alvin thought to himself as he hoped the Senators would sleep off their booze.  “Yes sir.”

Alvin walked out of the living room and headed to the kitchen.

The three Senators plopped down on the couch and other chairs in the living room.

Ten minutes later, Alvin poured some coffee for the three Senators.

While they drank their coffee, Alvin snuck into the Senator’s office.

He quietly walked over to the bookcase looking over his shoulder.  Alvin’s eyes widened in shock when he saw the bare spot where the ceramic Pink Panther was last night.  He started to panic at the sight of the bare spot. 

His ears perked up when he heard footsteps coming down the hallway.  He looked for a place to hide.  He ran over to the desk and hid underneath it.

“I'll be a second Dewey.  Let me get some slush money for our meeting this afternoon,” Senator Cheatham said the second he stepped into his office.

He walked over to the bookcase, opened one of the drawers and reached inside.  His eyes widen with shock, when he saw it was void of his cash.  He opened up another drawer and saw it was empty of his supply of Cognac.  Senator Cheatham looked at the shelves and noticed his pink Panther was missing.  He wanted to cry while he touched the bare spot where the panther was placed.  “Pinky!”

Something felt weird and Senator Cheatham looked in the direction of his iMac.  He got curious and walked over to it.  He moved the mouse and the monitor lit up.  He looked shocked when he saw the “Copy of File called Complete Corruption Evidence That Can Fry My Ass is completed” message flashed on the monitor.

Senator Cheatham ran out of his office in a panic.

“Alvin!” the Senator yelled while he ran down the hallway.

Alvin cautiously crawled out from under the desk and ran out the office.

Alvin ran down the hallway in the opposite direction of Senator Cheatham’s voice.

“Alvin!” Senator Cheatham’s voice was heard from the kitchen.

Alvin ducked into the den and hid inside the closet.

Senators Cheatham, Dewey, and Howe rushed out of the kitchen. 

“We have big trouble,” he told the other two Senators while they ran down the hallway and went inside the office.

They rushed over to the opposite wall from the bookcase. 

Senator Cheatham pressed a button and a secret panel opened up in the wall.  The Senators stepped inside the secret room.

Inside this secret room was a computer and monitors that showed all the view of his numerous security cameras staged around his mansion.  On the back wall was a bank of video recorders for the cameras. 

Senator Cheatham sat down on the computer and typed some instructions on the keyboard.  On one of the monitors, a recording of the office appeared.

The office was empty on the video recording.

Senator Cheatham rewound the video from the keyboard.  He stopped when he saw some movement inside his office. 

On the recording, the three Senators saw Thomas Crown in his Halloween mask while he opened up the cash drawer.

“I was robbed by Fred Flintstone,” Senator Cheatham told the others while he paused the recording.

They all saw “Thomas Crown – Rich Cat Burglar” embroidered on his black shirt.

They all watched while Thomas shoved bundles of cash into his sack. 

They watched while Thomas shoved the bottles of Cognac into his sack. 

They watched while Thomas shoved the Pink Panther into his sack. 

They watched while Thomas shoved watches and rings into his sack. 

They watched while Thomas ran out of the office.

“He didn’t access my computer,” Senator Cheatham said then he rewound the video again.

Senator Cheatham stopped when the video showed another person inside his office.

The Senator’s eyes widened when the video showed Alvin sneak into the office and rush over to the iMac. 

They watched while Alvin shoved a memory stick into the iMac. 

They watched while Alvin navigated through the iMac. 

They watched while Alvin dragged and dropped a file to the memory stick icon.  

They watched while Alvin jumped up in the seat, ran to the doorway then he ran back to the computer. 

They watched while Alvin removed the memory stick then ran over to the bookcase. 

They watched while Alvin removed the Pink Panther and shoved the memory stick into the bottom hole.  

They watched while Alvin placed the Pink Panther back on the bookcase shelf. 

They watched while Senator Cheatham entered the office and Alvin removed a bottle of Cognac from one of the bookcase drawers. 

They watched while Alvin left the office with Senator Cheatham.

“Alvin and that crook can cook our goose with that evidence!” Senator Cheatham told his two partners in crime.

The three Senators got pissed with the thought of that evidence getting into the hands of the Government Corruption Dragnet of the Remakewood Police Department.

The three Senators walked out of the secret room and left the office.

“Alvin!” Senator Cheatham called out from the hallway.

The mansion was quiet.

“He’s slipping away!” Senator Cheatham yelled at his two buddies.

All three Senators whipped out their 38 Special revolvers from the inside of their suits and raced down the hallway and headed to the front door.

The Senators saw Alvin while he tiptoed down the stairs with a suitcase in hand and he headed to the front door.

“Have your partner hand over the pink panther!” Senator Cheatham yelled at Alvin.

Alvin dropped his suitcase the second he saw the three Senators with revolvers in hand.  Alvin realized he was dead meat and pondered how to get out of this predicament.  His eyes lit up with an idea.  “Look, there’s three White House female Interns all wearing blue dresses down the hallway behind you,” he yelled while he pointed down the hallway.

The Senators eyes lit up with joy and dropped their revolvers.  They turned around and saw nothing down the hallway.  They heard the front door slam shut. 

They turned back around and Alvin was gone.

“He’s getting away!” Senator Cheatham yelled.

The three Senators picked up their revolvers off the floor and ran to the front door.

Outside the mansion, Alvin ran down the driveway fearful of his life.

Gunfire was heard behind him and a bullet zipped past Alvin’s head.  Alvin picked up speed and thought his heart was going to burst any second.

Meanwhile elsewhere in Remakewood, Carter drove his Torino down Movie Film Avenue close to the mansion drinking a huge cup of coffee and munched on a huge donut.

Back at the mansion, Alvin ran through the front gates where bullets zinged all around his feet.

He turned out of the mansion’s driveway and ran down Rich People Avenue.

Inside his Torino, Carter sipped his coffee while his Torino made a screeching left turn and raced down Snob Avenue.

Alvin’s heart pounded while he ran down Rich People Avenue then turned down Money Avenue. 

He ran scared down the middle of that street.

Inside the Torino, Carter munched on his donut while his car tires made a screeching right turn down Money Avenue.

Carter’s eyes widened in fear the second he saw Alvin a couple of feet from his car.  He slammed on his brakes.  His rear tires smoked while his car screeched to a stop.

Alvin slammed into the front end of the Torino, flew over the hood and penetrated through the windshield.

Carter saw Alvin's head and half of his body through his windshield.  He got pissed at that sight.  “Did I ask you if you wanted a ride?” Carter yelled at Alvin.

Carter pushed on Alvin's forehead in an attempt to get him out of his windshield.

“Please help me sir!” Alvin pleaded while Carter’s hand was pressed against his forehead.

“What do I look like?  A boy scout?” Carter said while he continued to push on Alvin’s forehead.

Alvin saw Carter's badge on his belt.  “Senator Cheatham is trying to kill me because I found evidence on corruption involving the entire U.S. government!” Alvin cried out in a panic.

Carter's eyes lit up indicating he heard a golden opportunity knocking.  He stopped pushing on Alvin’s forehead.  “Would you like a donut?” he said while he grabbed a donut out of the box and brought it to Alvin’s mouth.

“Thank you,” Alvin replied then he took a bite of the vanilla frosted donut.

“Let’s go someone place quiet,” Carter told Alvin while he drove down Money Avenue and shoved the donut in Alvin’s mouth.

“Thank you, sir,” Alvin replied with a mouthful of donut.

Carter's tires on his Torino made a screeching two wheel turn down Greedy Avenue with Alvin's legs waving out of his windshield.

A little while later, Carter screeched his Torino to a stop by the Bates Boarding House.  He turned off his car and rushed outside.

He jumped on the hood of his Torino and grabbed Alvin’s shoes.  He pulled hard on Alvin’s legs.  Alvin didn’t budge from the windshield.  He pulled harder on Alvin’s legs.  Alvin still didn’t budge from the windshield.  Carter pulled so hard that all the veins bulged from his neck and his face turned beet red.  Alvin’s body was quickly freed from the windshield.  Carter flew backwards off the hood of his car and slammed hard to the pavement.

“Uhh!” Carter muttered in pain while he lay on his back on the pavement.

“Again, thank you, sir,” Alvin said while he got off the hood of the Torino and brushed off pieces of broken glass from his Tuxedo.

“Uhh!” Carter replied in pain.

Alvin helped Carter to his feet.

They walked up the concrete steps to the Bates Boarding House.

While he walked up the stairs, Alvin saw an old woman sitting at one of the second floor windows and didn’t think anything of it.

The front door of the boarding house creaked opened while Carter and Alvin entered.

Carter and Alvin walked up the creaky stairs up to the second floor.

Carter and Alvin walked down the creaky second floor hallway.

“The landlord lives in that room.  She’s an old stuck up hag,” Carter told Alvin while they walked past Room 1.

The sound of a bed banging around was heard while they walked past Room Number 2.

Carter shrugged off that noise since he’s heard before.

Alvin looked back at Room 2 and thought that noise was odd.

“And here’s my humble abode,” Carter told Alvin when they walked to his apartment door.

Later on inside Carter’s apartment, he made some coffee while Alvin started to explain what happened.

Carter sat on the couch drinking his coffee while Alvin nervously paced the room.

“And then someone came in and stole the Pink Panther during the night,” Alvin said and looked scared to death.

“Do you know who?”

“No,” Alvin replied while he continued to pace.

“We need to find out who stole it and get it back,” Carter said and looked determined.

“Then you'll help me?” Alvin replied with hope in his eyes.

“You bet I will!” Carter said while he jumped up off the couch.

Alvin felt better and stopped pacing.

“Make yourself at home while I go talk to my Chief,” Carter said with a gleam in his eyes over the thought on working on a fresh new case.

Carter rushed out of his apartment.

Alvin looked disgusted at the sight of at all the garbage scattered all over the floor.

He walked to the kitchen and found an unopened box of garbage bags under the sink.  He opened up the box and removed a garbage bag.

He walked into the living area with the bag and started picking up trash while he heard wooden floor creak when Carter ran down the hallway.

While Alvin continued to pick up trash off the floor, he heard the tires screech from the Torino while Carter zoomed away down the street.