Remake by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 5


The sun rose to the start of another beautiful morning in Remakewood.

In Carter’s apartment, he sat on his table while eating scrambled eggs that Alvin whipped up.

Sabrina the dog ate scrambled eggs from a bowl on the floor.

Alvin brought Carter a cup of coffee then walked away to the kitchen.  He poured another cup of coffee and took a drink.

Alvin walked back over to the coffee table, grabbed the remote and turned on the TV.

On the TV: news reporter Bob Biff addressed the audience with a recorded video clip of Senator Cheatham addressing Congress up in Washington, D.C.

“We've just been informed that the Dewey, Cheatham and Howe tax bill is now official.  The one percent income tax increase is effective immediately,” Bob Biff told the audience and looked pissed.  “We’re screwed again,” Bob Biff added to his news report.

“Bastard!” Carter yelled at the TV.

Alvin turned off the TV with the remote.  “Until that evidence is found, they’ll keep on screwing us,” he said then picked up Carter’s plate and walked to the kitchen.

Carter thought about Alvin’s comment while he got up to leave for the office.

Later that morning, Carter and Sabrina the dog sat in his office.

Carter reviewed the Ladykillers case file.  But his mind drifted off and couldn’t get Alvin’s story out of his mind.  He started pouting over not being able to chase after the stolen evidence.

Sabrina the dog sat near Carter’s desk and could sense he was upset.  She gave him a little sympathy whine and sad eyes.

 Carter saw Sabrina’s sad brown eyes.  He reached down and petted her head.  “I know sweetie.  You want to catch the bad guys like I do.  But the Chief won't let me.”

“Then we have two choices.  You can sit there and be whiney for the rest of your life, or you can go after that pink Panther and become a hero,” Sabrina the dog told Carter in a female human voice.

“I know but,” Carter replied then he stopped and his eyes widen in shock when it dawn on him that the dog can talk.  He jumped up from his chair and looked a little fearful of the mutt.  “You can talk, but how?”

“I can't go into full details right now, but you really need to get off your whiney butt and concentrate on getting that Pink Panther.  The country and Alvin needs you!” Sabrina the dog replied in that same female human voice.

“You can talk, but how?”

Sabrina the dog rolled her eyes.  “Stop repeating yourself?”

Carter just stared with his mouth opened in disbelief with Sabrina the dog.

The rest of Carter’s workday was quite uneventful while he tracked down the same old leads solving the same old cases.  But all day, Carter couldn’t get his mind off Alvin’s story about the evidence to crush government corruption.  He also couldn’t believe that he had a talking dog as a partner.

Sabrina just lay in one of the corners of his office.

Later that evening, Carter and Sabrina the dog drove back to his apartment.

Carter and Sabrina the dog walked into his apartment and heard the vacuum running in his bedroom.

“Alvin!  This might be my Mission Impossible, but I'm going to save you from Bend Over prison!” Carter cried out the second he stepped into his apartment.

Alvin rushed out of Carter’s bedroom where he looked relieved since he had visions of being someone’s butt bitch in jail.  “Thank you sir.”

“Sabrina told me I should get off my whiney butt and find that Pink Panther with the evidence,” Carter replied.

“That’s nice of Sabrina,” Alvin replied then he looked baffled when Carter’s comment sank into his head.  “Sabrina told you, sir?”

“Oh yeah, she talks!  Tell him Sabrina!” Carter replied while he looked anxiously down at Sabrina the dog that sat on the floor.

Sabrina the dog just wagged her tail while she stared up at Carter with the cutest brown eyes.

“Come on Sabrina, talk to Alvin like how you talked to me,” he pleaded.

Sabrina the dog continued to wag her tail while she stared up at Carter.

Alvin got a little leery of Carter.  “Great, I'm staying with a cuckoo cop.”

Carter felt foolish and a little angry with Sabrina the dog for clamming up.

“Anyway, I was thinking.  Since we don’t know who stole the evidence, we could make another copy,” Alvin told Carter.


“Well, since Senator Cheatham is up in Washington, we could sneak back into his mansion and make another copy off his computer,” Alvin replied.

“It’s worth a shot,” Carter responded.

Carter and Alvin headed to the door.  Sabrina the dog followed wagging her tail.

“Stay!” Carter called out to her while he and Alvin walked to the door.

Sabrina the dog gave a little whine and had the saddest eyes while she watched Carter and Alvin left the apartment.

Sabrina the dog ran to one of the apartment windows and looked outside.

A little while later, Carter and Alvin rushed over to his Torino and jumped inside. 

Carter started his car with a varoom and the back tires smoked and squealed when he zoomed away down the street.

Carter raced his Torino through the streets of Remakewood.  He also ran through every red light where other cars screeched to a stop and missed Carter’s car by inches.

A little while later, Carter parked his Torino down the street from Senator’s Cheatham’s mansion.

Carter and Alvin snuck into the darkness and headed to the rear of Senator Cheatham’s mansion. 

The mansion was mainly dark with a few lights left on inside. 

Alvin led Carter to a rear door that led into the mansion’s basement.  Alvin removed a key from his Tuxedo and unlocked the door.  They stepped inside the mansion.

Alvin led Carter through the basement and headed to the stairs.

They rushed up the stairs and entered the kitchen.

Alvin and Carter rushed out of the kitchen and they headed down the hallway.

Alvin and Carter rushed into Senator Cheatham’s office.

Alvin stopped dead in his tracks and looked upset.  “It’s gone!  The computer’s gone!” he cried out while he rushed over to the desk that was now bare.

Carter watched while Alvin dropped to his knees and looked like he wanted to cry.

“I’m dead.  That’s it.  The Senator will make sure I take a dirt nap,” Alvin softly cried out while on his knees.

Carter walked over and got Alvin to his knees.  “We better get out of here,” he said then walked Alvin out of the office.

Carter walked Alvin out of the mansion and back to his Torino.

It was a quiet evening while Carter, Alvin and Sabrina the dog just sat around his apartment pondering their next move.

Meanwhile way over in Washington DC, Senator Cheatham was in his den of his Georgetown townhouse residence with his iPhone glued to his ear and a Martini drink in his other hand.

“Any sign of my butler?” he said into his cell phone then listened to the response.  “Okay, let me know the second you’ve found the scoundrel,” he replied then shoved his iPhone in his pants pocket.

He walked over to his small bar and poured another Martini.  His iPhone rang from his pocket.  “That was quick,” he said while he removed his iPhone and anxiously looked in the viewfinder thinking it was his connection at the Remakewood police department. 

A nude picture of Sadie, a twenty-eight year old escort appeared in the viewfinder.  “Hey my fair lady,” Senator Cheatham quickly answered the call.

“Hey my sexy Senator.  Business is slow today.  Can we meet?” Sadie replied.

“Sure thing, darling,” he replied with a horny grin.

“I want you at my place right away,” she replied.

“I’ll be there,” he responded and shoved his iPhone in his pocket.

Senator Cheatham walked over to his bar in the room.

Jane Cheatham, his sixty year old wife entered the den.

“I was thinking we could go out and see that new Mission Impossible movie,” Jane said with a gleam in her eyes.

Senator Cheatham faked looking disappointed.  “I’m sorry honey, I just got a call that I need to head back to my office to finalize some important details on my new bill,” he lied then walked over and gave her a little kiss on her cheek.

Jane looked very disappointed but this was the life being a United States Senator’s wife.  “I’ll just go visit mother,” Jane replied then left the room.

Senator Cheatham walked out of the room with a spring in his step.  The thoughts of the stolen corruption evidence were replaced with thoughts about spending nakie time with Sadie.