Remake by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 6


It was the next morning in Remakewood.

The Government Corruption Dragnet was again chaotic with detectives running around answering ringing telephones, talking with witnesses and typing status reports on their computers. 

The digital sign on the wall was updated with “1,209,706 “Leads…0 Arrests” message scrolled across the screen.

Carter and Sabrina the dog entered the office.  Carter stopped and noticed the chaotic activity and decided he could take advantage of the chaos.  He glanced over on another wall where there was a bank of filing cabinets. 

Carter gingerly walked over to the filing cabinets with Sabrina the dog.

He looked over his shoulder the second he got to the cabinets.  The coast was clear so Carter opened up some drawers and removed file folders on Senators Dewey, Cheatham, and Howe.

“Remake!  What are you doing with those files?” Chief Hightower yelled out from behind Carter and Sabrina the dog.

The sound of the Chief’s voice startled Carter and he fumbled with the three file folders. The folders dropped to the floor and the papers slid past Chief Hightower’s highly polished shoes.

Chief Hightower glanced down at the file folders and papers all over the floor behind him.  He got furious when he realized they were the Dewey, Cheatham and Howe files.  “Didn't I tell you to stay away from that Pink Panther and the government corruption evidence?” he yelled spraying spit.

Carter stared down at Chief Hightower.   “I’m sorry sir.  But I had to check into this.  I promised Alvin I would.”

Detective Johnson sat at a nearby desk and his ears perked up when he heard Carter’s response.

“Alvin?  Who is this Alvin person?” Chief Hightower curiously asked.

“He’s the butler for Senator Cheatham.  He found all the evidence needed to expose all the government corruption,” Carter replied.

Sabrina the dog coolly walked over to the file papers behind the Chief.

“And how did you find this out from the butler?” Chief Hightower asked and looked concerned.

“I ran across him by accident and he’s at my place.”

Chief Hightower looked furious.  “Remake, you'rrreee fired!” Chief Hightower yelled out in a Mr. Spacely from the Jetsons voice.

“But!” Carter protested.

“Give me your badge and gun!” he said while he held out his hand.

Carter hesitated for a few seconds then he reluctantly handed the Chief his badge and gun.

“Johnson, pick those papers off the floor,” Chief Hightower yelled at Detective Johnson who reviewed a case file at his desk.

Johnson jumped up from his desk and ran over to the papers on the floor.

Chief Hightower watched while Carter walked away and headed to the exit door.

Chief Hightower turned around and took a step toward his office.  But his shoes slipped out from under him and he plopped down with a splash into a huge puddle on the floor.

Sabrina the dog walked behind Carter wagging her tail.  “Bingo!” she quietly said in her female human voice.

Carter heard Sabrina’s comment so he curiously glanced back, and saw Chief Hightower in a puddle of dog pee on the floor.  Carter patted Sabrina’s head for a job well done.

Detective Johnson jumped up from his desk and rushed over to Chief Hightower’s aide.

It was a sad ride home back to Carter’s apartment with Sabrina the dog.

Meanwhile way over in Washington DC, Senator Cheatham sat behind his desk inside his government office.

 Senators Dewey and Howe sat on the couch.

The Senators sipped on expensive bourbon and coke while they during their meeting.

 “My informant at the Remakewood Police Department told me that a Detective, Carter Remake, wants to find that Pink Panther with the evidence.  And he’s keeping my butler Alvin at his apartment.”

“What's the story with this detective Remake?” Senator Howe curiously asked.

Senator Cheatham picked up a file folder, opened and read it.  “He joined the Army in eighty-four and was a military police officer.  In eighty-eight he became a police officer with the Remakewood Police Department and was promoted to Detective in ninety-eight where he only works on repeat cases.  But today he was fired from the Remakewood Police Department.  So he’s not a threat,” Senator Cheatham said then closed the file folder.

“I knew of some other Remake cops at the Remakewood Police Department.  They kept on coming back,” Senator Howe said and looked really worried.

“Sounds like this Carter Remake used the Thomas Crown cover to steal the evidence.  He’s in cahoots’ with your butler.  Therefore, we need to eliminate the both of them and get our evidence back,” Senator Dewey added.

“I’m already a step ahead of you.  But it’s going to cost everybody twenty thousand dollars,” Senator Cheatham said to his buddies.

Senators Dewey and Howe looked at each other while they pondered Cheatham’s offer.

“I could take the money out of my expense account,” Senator Dewey said out loud.

Senator Howe thought about Senator Dewey’s comment and he smiled.  “I can also do that.”

Senator Cheatham picked up his phone and punched in a number.  “You’re hired,” he said then hung up the phone.

After a few minutes, the side door to the Senator’s office opened, and a man forty years old that was only known as Scarface entered the room.  He looked mean with his thick-slicked back black hair and pencil thin moustache and always puffed on Cuban cigars.  He also had a scar across his pot marked face and spoke with a fake Hispanic accent.  He wore an expensive Italian suit and claimed to have escaped from Cuba a few years ago. 

Scarface walked over to the Senators with an evil grin on his face.

“Gentlemen, meet Scarface.  He’s going to take care of our annoying problem,” Senator Cheatham told his buddies.

Scarface sat down in a chair and exhaled some cigar smoke.

Senator Cheatham opened up and removed a file folder on Alvin and placed it on top of Carter’s file folder.

He got up from his desk with the two file folders in his hand.  

He walked over to Scarface.  “Here’s our two problems,” Senator Cheatham told Scarface while he handed him the folders.

Scarface scanned through the papers of both file folders.  “Piece of cake,” he said while he looked at the Senators.  “I need twenty up front,” he added while he held out his hand.

Senator Cheatham walked back to this desk and opened up a drawer in his desk.  He removed two bundles of one hundred dollar bills.  He walked over and handed the bundles to Scarface who immediately shoved them in his suit pocket.

“I’ll be back for the rest in a couple of days,” Scarface said while he got up and walked back to the side door.

The Senators watched while Scarface left the office leaving a trail of cigar smoke in the air.

“I’ll have my share this afternoon,” Senator Dewey said.

Senator Howe nodded in agreement that he’d have his share this afternoon.

The three Senators all walked over to the center of the office and raised their glasses in a toast.

Later that day back at Carter’s apartment, he sat slouched down in deep depression on his couch.  “I’m no longer a detective.  What am I going to do?  I don’t want to flip burgers for a living,” Carter said.

Sabrina the dog lay on the couch and rested her head on Carter’s leg feeling sorry for him.

Carter stroked her head while he stared at the floor.

Alvin sat on the other side of the couch and he looked depressed.

“No badge.  No gun.  No life,” Carter mumbled out loud.

Sabrina the dog gave Carter a little whine feeling sorry for him.

Carter rubbed her head.  “I know sweetie.  I'm a pathetic loser without a badge.”

Sabrina the dog's eyes widen with an idea and she sat up.  “Wait!  I still have a badge.  I don't have a gun, but I have a badge,” she blurted out in her female human voice.

Carter and Alvin looked at Sabrina the dog, and saw her Remakewood police badge hanging around her neck on a chain.

“That's right sir.  She has a police,” Alvin said then he stopped completing his sentence.  His eyes widened in shock.  “Oh my God!  The pooch talks!” Alvin cried out then his eyes crossed and he passed out and dropped to the floor.

Carter jumped off the couch to Alvin who lay on the floor.

Meanwhile back in Washington DC, Scarface sat in a terminal gate and waited for a flight out to Los Angeles from the Dulles International Airport. 

Elsewhere in Washington, Senators Dewey, Cheatham, and Howe celebrated their potential victory by frequenting their favorite up scale stripper’s club called “The Congressional Club.”