SOMA: The Meme Dump by Jesse Yules - HTML preview

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SOMA | The Meme Dump

The mover heaves a wall from Levon’s treehouse into the fire.

Attached is his collection of wrestling posters, psychedelic art, and photos of June. It all shrivels to ashes.


In this universe, I'm raiding your base!

Levon charges. The Cleaner screams and dives out of the way.

Levon dashes toward the bonfire hooting like an enraged chimpanzee. The Mover spots him and flees. He locks himself in the cab of the van.

Levon advances unopposed. Then, from behind a rubbish heap, the hulking form of Nick Stieb steps in his path. Steib is eyeing the bonfire and is armed with a miniature flame thrower.

Levon runs headlong into Nick’s muscular shoulder. He bounces off it and falls to the ground. Nick's eyes widen. He looms over Levon, with an agape deadpan, like that of a shark.


Levon Monk! As I live and breathe!

Levon looks around for his slingshot. He's dropped it in the fall and it’s lying ten feet away. Nick sees it as well. The big man sets it ablaze with a thin jet of flame.


Just like a honky! Brings a slingshot to a fire fight. See what I did there?

A shy voice shouts out from behind a pile of garbage.


Have you got him?