SOMA: The Meme Dump by Jesse Yules - HTML preview

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SOMA | The Meme Dump

Levon dashes away through the mazelike junkyard. He loses sight of Nick. Above the piles of junk, Levon sees the giant Dog Day balloon, marking the exit. Levon frantically tries to make his way to it but becomes disoriented. He hits several dead ends and is forced to backtrack.

After several tense seconds, Levon reaches the tethered balloon and tunnels under the fence. He breaks for it, but is cut off when Nick shoots a fireball into the mouth of the tunnel. Nick emerges from the stacks, grinning widely, watching it burn. His face is red and contorted like a demon.

Nick shoots another rope of fire at Levon, and again he dodges it.

The burning fuel hits the tethers of the Dog Day balloon, and they ignite. Nick closes the distance. Levon jumps around on the garbage piles like a frightened cat, desperate to find higher ground. He grabs hold of the tethers on the Dog Day balloon. His weight severs the burnt ropes and Levon is carried upward immediately at great speed.

Nick exhausts the rest of his fuel shooting into the air, but Levon is out of range. The balloon carries him out of the yard and back over to the Toronto Island woods.

Meanwhite at , June and her gang are hard at work burying the ashes of the dowager’s possessions in a ditch. June mixes handfuls of mushroom mycelium into the soil. She looks up and sees Levon floating overhead hanging from the giant, red Dog Day balloon. She drops her shovel and begins to squeal excitedly.

Sarah looks on with amazement as Levon floats over the island. She mutters to herself.




I can’t get down!