SOMA: The Meme Dump by Jesse Yules - HTML preview

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SOMA | The Meme Dump

Levon wraps the tethers around his wrists and waist. Clouds of Soma spores are shaken from his damaged backpack as he struggles. The land below is cropdusted in Soma spores.

The balloon seems to have reached some sort of equilibrium, and his now flying causally some 60 feet in the air. The wind carries Levon over Lake Ontario and back into the city. He sees an amazing panorama of Toronto at dusk. A thin cloud of Soma is trailing him. He shakes his body and produces a heavier trail of spores. He floats on, laughing.

On the ground, a police officer spots Levon's balloon and radios headquarters with an urgent warning that The Mycelium may be carrying out a terror attack.

At MemeTrade, Nick enters the bathroom of his office looking furious. He lowers his face into a washbasin. He splashes water on the back of his neck. He rises again and looks at his reflection. His face, contorted with rage, is truly frightening. He growls at the mirror. He picks up his medieval dagger and flexes with it, roaring like a warlord. He starts to laugh.

In the train yard, Jeremy plays the last note of his symphony. He collapses backwards with great relief, looking sweaty and bloodied.

A lever trips and the bunker slams shut like a mousetrap. Afterward, Jeremy’s delicate melodies loop through amplifiers in the train yard.

Levon’s balloon floats by in the distance.

Levon glides through the city smiling at the people below him. He flies over the head of the silvertoothed Asian woman. She is collecting cans in Trinity Bellwoods Park. He flies over the head of a pizza man taking out the trash near Kensington Market. Concerned Torontonians follow the runaway Dog Day balloon on their bicycles.

Pedestrians eagerly poke at their phones taking photos and sending texts. A gust of wind carries Levon west. Levon shouts down to the civilians.