SOMA: The Meme Dump by Jesse Yules - HTML preview

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SOMA | The Meme Dump


There is no roof on the world! There is no roof on the world!

20. Exterior. Toronto Waterfront. 48 hours of timelapse footage.

We see a timelapse video of thousands of bright red mushrooms shooting up all over the city. As the footage plays we hear various soundbite reactions to Levon’s stunt.

GENERIC RADIO MAN a bizarre unexplained event. A man was carried over the city by a balloon. Rival theories attribute the stunt to either a marketing prank or terrorist attack.

ISO (Soundbite)

Witnesses spotted what they believe to be The Mycelium, the infamous mushroom kingpin who has thrilled the Internet and frustrated investigating officers.


People shouldn’t be ingesting wild mushrooms. Period. Every year there are tragedies. Mushrooms are tricky to identify and they need to be respected.

ISO (Soundbite)

Authorities are calling it an act of terror. The Mycelium is still at large.


When you shed the cultural operating system, then essentially you stand naked before the inspection of your own psyche. What does it mean to be human? What kind of circumstance are we caught in?

And what kind of structure, if any, can we put in place to assuage the pain and accentuate the glory and the wonder that waits for us in this very narrow slice of time between the birth canal and the yawning grave .

LEVON’S LAWYER (Soundbite)