SOMA: The Meme Dump by Jesse Yules - HTML preview

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SOMA | The Meme Dump

Levon exists a fancy condominium alone, having returned the dogs to their owners. He passes a police officer writing a parking ticket in front of the condo. He avoids eye contact with her. He stuffs cheques made out to the dogwalking agency into his pocket and mounts his longboard. As he rides away, Levon notices the officer is speaking on her radio. Levon kicks hard on the pavement and quickly leaves the area.

Levon arrives at a rundown, Victorianstyle house. It is marked by frathouse Greek lettering. Levon punches Sarah’s name into his phone and holds it to his ear. There is no answer.


Friggin’ deadbeat...

An icon pops up beside Sarah’s name. It says “It’s Sarah’s Birthday.” Levon wanders around the property, looking in the windows. He knocks on the back door. No response. He reaches under the doormat and finds the spare key. While bent over, Levon notices a tiny cluster of red Soma mushrooms sprouting out from rotting steps. Levon scrapes up the fungus and rubs it between his fingers suspiciously. He checks the bottoms of his shoes. Levon unlocks the door and finds it is blocked by a young woman sleeping on the floor. He pushes his way inside.


Kumusta ka! Wiggity wiggity wiggity!

Inside is the remnants of a keg party. Several college students lie sleeping in garbage. Levon enters the kitchen. A hippyish Filipino woman sits at the table, staring out the window. Her table is loaded with spent beer bottles and colourful wrapping paper. The woman is wearing headphones and drinking the backwash from the leftover beer bottles. She is wearing a loose wifebeater and pink panties.

Over her shoulder rests a perfect replica of the WWE

Intercontinental Championship belt. It’s gold plating is shining in the sunlight. The woman notices Levon. She is visibly inebriated.