SOMA: The Meme Dump by Jesse Yules - HTML preview

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SOMA | The Meme Dump


The machine would give us advice?


It will give a strategy! We submit the great idea, and the computer generates a map for us to follow!


Where’s the fun in that?


It’s the age of the idea merchant, Levon. There’s no money left in manufacturing. Why should we spend a moment trying to do a job we can hire an expert to do better and more cheaply online?

Levon enters a pizzeria. Levon pays for a slice of mushroom pizza with a handful of loose change. The coins are coated in a sticky grey residue left over from various food crumbs that have biodegraded in his pockets. The pizzaman counts the coins with the tip of his pen.

He frowns. Levon is twentyfive cents short. Levon exits the restaurant emptyhanded and begins searching the parking lot for for more change.


You think this MemeTrade can make us money?


I’m betting on it! Soma is the type of product MemeTrade likes. It’s got such an interesting backstory.


Who would be paying us?


Drug companies. Farm consortiums desperate for the next trendy crop. MemeTrade’s full of desperate investors. It’s like a hungry caterpillar that eats ideas and shits out money!