SOMA: The Meme Dump by Jesse Yules - HTML preview

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SOMA | The Meme Dump


They’re jacking my house!


Necessary step, brother! We need to have a clean slate from which to build your brand.


My whole life is in that house!


All evidence of your existence needs to be controlled, brother, stop running.

Levon slows. He looks in every direction, hyperventilating. The Cleaner, the Mover and Iso pile into the van and start tailing Levon.

Levon turns down an alleyway to escape.


What have you done, Nick?


We've made you famous! But the initial marketing plan is...



What’s the deal?


Well, you basically need to become a super villain!




Alright, check it! The rights to Soma were bought by a famous multinational. Let’s call them Big Pharma. Since Big Pharma can’t 62

SOMA | The Meme Dump

be publically linked to illegal products they need someone to act the face of the product. And here’s where you come in. Think of yourself as a mascot! Big Pharma needs you to be the official spokesperson for the drug! And to take credit for its eminent prevalence.


I’m the fall guy?!


But without the fall! We’re gonna protect you! And after some initial turbulence, your life will be way better! We’ve got a whole strategy planned. While you’re on the run, we’re gonna have you write cryptic letters to the major blogs, boasting about evading the cops, and the sacrifices you’re making to get Soma to the people!


You told the Internet I’m a drug dealer?! Oh, Christ!


I sold the Internet that idea, brother love! Check this angle: You’re a modern day shaman, a mysterious Banksytype character, risking his freedom uh, uh, mysteriously! In a passionate effort to open the third eye of the masses. You’ll be a modern Robin Hood! A digitalage outlaw! LeoNard built you a website and everything!

Levon mounts his longboard.


You’ll be a phantom king pin! Big Pharma will handle manufacturing and pushing Soma to the street dealers.

LeoNard proudly displays The Mycelium’s website and other branding.