Space Junk by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 7


The Magellan ascended up into earth’s orbit. 

A piece of space junk zoomed at the Magellan and Buzz was able to safely maneuver inches by the side of the junk.

Another piece of space junk zoomed at the Magellan and Buzz was again able to safely maneuver inches over the top the piece of junk.

Then a garbage bag whizzed a foot away from the Magellan and then it was quiet. No more space junk was in sight while the Magellan flew through space.

Inside the Magellan, Buzz and Neil looked relieved that it was quiet in space. 

Jake, Butch, and Ronnie look frightened with the recent maneuvers to avoid the space junk.

“We're okay now. No more space junk in sight,” Buzz told everybody. 

They all unbuckled their seat belts and floated around with a smile.

Jake, Butch, and Ronnie loved the Zero-G feeling and brought back some old memories.

Then wham! The Magellan violently shook and spun around horizontally after a piece of space junk slammed into the side of their Ferry Ship.

Then another wham! The Magellan violently shook and spun around vertically after another piece of space junk slammed into the other side of their Ferry Ship.

Everybody was thrown around banging into each other.

R1D1 slammed into Jake’s butt cheeks, and he cringed in pain and turned around and kicked R1D1.

R1D1 flew off and bounced off a console.

Buzz and Neil struggled and eventually got into their seats. They frantically worked the joystick controls.

The Magellan stopped spinning, and it appeared quiet in space.

Jake, Butch, and Ronnie slammed into the floor, dazed.

The Magellan continued its orbit around earth.

Jake, Butch, and Ronnie scrambled and strapped themselves into their seats.

An hour later, after they all changed into Khaki pants and golf shirts. Their shirts were embroidered with The Finger asteroid with a large red “X” through it as their mission patch. This patch was on the left side of their chest. Jake and Butch were sound sleep while strapped in their seats. Since it was zero gravity, their hair stood outward in all different directions, and drops of drool floated out their mouths. 

Ronnie sat strapped in his seat with his hair in all directions while he read a nudie girlie magazine. 

R1D1 was in sleep mode and snored at the back wall.

Buzz and Neil sat strapped in their seats and stared out the windows. They both looked utterly lost in space.

Buzz opened up the drawer and removed a map and scanned it over.

Neil was upset. “I can't believe we're lost, you dimwit,” he cursed.

Ronnie looked up from his magazine and glanced at them.

“I’m sorry. But I just can't pull over and ask for directions,” Buzz snapped back in a sarcastic tone.

Neil pressed a “Directions” button on console.

“Welcome to Space Star Mister Ferry Ship Magellan. How may I help you?” a female computer-generated Space Star voice responded.

“Yes, I need directions to the Multinational Space Station, please,” Neil said.

“One moment, please,” the female Space Star voice replied.

Buzz looked pissed while he shoved the map back in the drawer.

“You are nine hundred and seventy-five miles from the Multinational Space Station. Your exit is two hundred miles ahead,” the Space Star female stated.

“Thank you Space Star,” Neil said.

You're welcome and have a nice orbit,” the female Space Star voice responded.

Neil looked over and stuck his tongue out his at Buzz to show he was better with getting directions.

Ronnie glanced over at Jake and Butch and smiled, as seeing Buzz and Neil brought back old memories.

Two hundred miles later, the Magellan approached a “Multinational Space Station This Way” sign that floated in space. The sign had food and sleeping icons below an arrow that pointed at the two o’clock position.

The Magellan turned at their two o’clock position and headed to the Multinational Space Station (MSS), which was now a dot in outer space.

Inside the MSS control room; Russian Astronaut Vadim Labko was a forty-year-old Cosmonaut that sat at a monitor where he watched the Magellan Ferry Ship while it approached.

“What are we going to do, Dave? I'm not programmed for visitors Dave!” a computer male voice was heard from behind Vadim. He turned around and saw Wayne Jenson, a forty-year-old American Astronaut with a megaphone to his mouth. 

“Leave me alone you American whacko,” Vadim yelled at Wayne then he lunged at Wayne and grabbed the megaphone out of his hand. 

They tumbled around the room while they fought over the megaphone.

In outer space, the Magellan floated closer to the MSS.

The Magellan soon floated over to an Astronaut in a white spacesuit that had a red vest with a black bow tie. The Astronaut floated inches above a docking platform with a “Valet Docking” sign.

Buzz and Neil saw the Valet Astronaut, named Ernie Brookstone, from their windows.

“Should we use valet docking?” Neil asked.

“Naw. They charge an arm, two legs, and an ear. Let’s dock around back where it’s free,” Buzz replied.

Through the windows, they watched while the Magellan floated around the side of MSS.

They watched from the windows while the Magellan floated to the backside where there was three large hangar looking modules with large doors.

Buzz flew the Magellan over to Parking Garage #1 and beeped the horn of his Ferry Ship when he got closer to the door. 

A head poked out of a window of the MSS just above the large door to this garage. The garage door rolled up opened.

Buzz slowly flew the Magellan into the large garage, and once it was inside, the door rolled down closed.

Buzz lowered the landing gear of the Magellan, and it slowly settled to the floor of the garage.

Then after the proper air exchange was performed in the garage, Buzz and everybody got out of their seats.

Then floated down into the bottom deck of the Magellan. 

Buzz removed a keyless remote from his pants pocket and pressed a button. There was a beep, two clunks and the hatch opened.

They floated over to their individual lockers and removed their suitcases. 

Buzz, Neil, Jake, Butch, Ronnie, and R1D1 all took turns and floated through the hatch, with their suitcases.

They all floated down to the floor of the MSS parking garage.

They floated over to a door at the end of the garage.

Back down at the In the Ferry Room #1 of the Ferry Control Center, the digital display scrolled "The Finger – 309 Miles Away.”

At her console, Jennifer watched the "Disaster Channel” TV show, which showed a rerun of the Magellan Ferry Ship while flew into it Parking Garage #1 at the backside of the MSS. 

She reached inside her purse and the picture she took of Butch and herself after she accepted his engagement ring. She smiled and kissed the picture then looked down at her diamond ring.

Richard peeked over his console and saw Jennifer at her console. He saw the picture of Butch and Jennifer on her console.  He looked upset while he had a blank stare and had a vision.

In Richard’s vision, he was in a church, and Butch was the Groom, and Jennifer was the Bride, and they engaged in a passionate kiss in front of a Priest. “No!” Richard screamed out while he ran down the aisle, in a panic, of the church at Butch and Jennifer.

It was quiet in Ferry Room#1 while everybody stood up and looked at Richard while he stood up at his console after screaming out in his vision.

Richard saw the entire Ferry Room stare at him. He sat down, embarrassed.

Up in outer space inside the MSS, the “Exit to Space” door slid open.

Buzz, Neil, Butch, Jake, Butch, and Ronnie all floated into the MSS with suitcases in hand. R1D1 lagged behind them while it drifted into the MSS.

Kurt Daggler was a forty-five-year-old Astronaut who floated by the door with a garbage bag in hand. “Welcome to the MSS. I'm Station Boss Kurt Daggler,” he greeted them with a handshake. “You must be exhausted so I'll take you to your rooms. We'll start in the morning,” he said then floated over to a “Garbage Here” sign on a door. Kurt opened the door and shoved the garbage into a chute. A swish sound was heard the second he closed the door.

He floated away down a hall.

Buzz, Neil, Jake, Butch, Ronnie, and R1D2 floated after Kurt.

In outer space at the rear of the MSS, a door opened. That garbage bag flew out of the MSS.

The garbage bag floated off into space.

Back in the MSS, Kurt floated down another hall after R1D1 was secured in a small closet.

Kurt stopped where there were three doors on both sides of the hall. “I think you'll find your accommodations quite satisfying,” he told them.

They all opened a door and went inside their individual rooms.

Jake floated into his MSS five-star hotel room that had a bed with a monitor on the wall. This monitor allowed for private discussions with folks down at the Ferry Control Center.

He floated to the bed and placed his suitcase down on the bed. The suitcase immediately floated upward. So Jake floated along with it and opened it up. He removed a framed picture of June and floated over to the bed. He shoved the picture under the pillow. 

He floated back over to his suitcase.

He quickly snatched his floating underwear and socks.  

He floated them over to a dresser and opened up a drawer. 

He shoved his underwear and socks into the drawer and closed it.

He stripped out of his Khaki pants and golf shirt down to his underwear.

He floated over to a door on the wall with a “Laundry” sign. He opened up the door and shoved his clothes inside. 

He floated over to the bed and slipped under the covers. He reached under the pillow and removed the picture of June. He kissed the picture then slid it back under the pillow.

Jake strapped himself in bed then stared at the ceiling and thought about June. 

In Butch’s room, he was already strapped in his bed in his five-star room. He held his iPhone in hand and typed a text message.

“I love you! I Love you! I Love you! I Love you!” he typed as his text message to Jennifer.

Then seconds later, he heard a beep from his iPhone. He looked at the monitor and saw a reply. 

“I love you! I Love you! I Love you! I Love you!” was Jennifer’s reply.

Then there was another beep from Butch’s iPhone and a picture of Jennifer while she sat at her console in the Ferry Room appeared. Butch kissed the screen of his iPhone.

In Ronnie’s MSS room, he was strapped in his bed in his five-star room. He looked at nudie pictures of another girlie magazine.

In Buzz’s MSS room, he was strapped in his bed in his five-star room. Then the monitor on the wall by his bed beeped.

“Buzz,” Richard said from the monitor and then his face appeared.

Buzz looked at the monitor and saw Richard sitting at his console in the Ferry Room at the Rocket Ranch.

“Yes, Richard,” he answered.

 “How the hell could you get lost, Buzz?” Richard yelled from Buzz’s monitor.

Buzz looked stupid and shrugged his shoulders. “Sorry,” Buzz replied.

“You're scaring me, as I need you to stop those idiots from doing this mission. Otherwise, they'll screw up, and we'll all be ruined,” Richard replied.

“You want me to kill them?” Buzz quickly asked.

Richard smiled over that offer. Then shook off that evil thought. “That would be nice, but no. Just send Jake and Butch off in the escape pod. Then you and Neil can perform the mission and I’ll, I mean we all will be heroes,” Richard replied with a smile.

Buzz's face lit up! “I can do that!” he said and looked confident.

“Good, now get some rest and get rid of those three buffoons tomorrow,” Richard said.

“Yes sir,” Buzz replied, then disconnected their call.

Back down in the Ferry Room #1, the digital display scrolled "The Finger - 301 Miles Away.”

Richard sat at his console and was confident that he would be rid of Jake, Butch, and Ronnie. He gave out an evil laugh over ridding himself of those three astronauts. 

He placed a peppermint candy in his mouth while he laughed. He choked and spit the candy out of his mouth. 

It ricocheted off his console and smacked himself in his right eye. He rubbed his watery eye that was in a little pain.

Jennifer stood behind his console and heard Richard’s entire conservation and looked stunned. Her iPhone beeped, and she saw a picture of Butch in his MSS bed. 

She glanced over at Richard and was furious. She stormed off.