Space Junk by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 13


Those three Chinese missiles raced upward to outer space from earth.

On the top of the asteroid, Jake, Butch, and Ralph stared at the moon while they took a break from taping the wire to the top of space junk. They were one-quarter along their trek across the asteroid, and it still looked like a long journey.

"Ronnie, do you have the module under control?" Butch asked into the radio net and silently prayed that Ronnie would answer.

After a few seconds of waiting, Ronnie didn't respond, and Jake and Butch looked worried about their fellow Astronaut.

"We got more wire to lay," Jake said then he walked to the rear of the Space Buggy.

Ralph followed after Jake to the Space Buggy.

Butch put the gearshift into drive, and he drove the Space Buggy over space junk.

Way off in outer space, the Mayflower still flew wildly to the moon.

Inside the Mayflower, Ronnie was still passed out being tossed around the capsule with his girlie magazines. 

He tossed around, and his right spacesuit leg got caught on the corner of one of the seats, and it ripped a large tear.

He continued to be tossed around the capsule while it tumbled in space.

Back on the top of the asteroid, Jake and Ralph each had a roll of Duct tape in hand while they taped sections of the wire to some space junk. 

Butch was bored that he secured the Space Buggy to a piece of space junk with the provided chain. He had a roll of Duct tape in glove, and he taped a section of wire to a piece of space junk.

Something did not seem right, and the hairs on the back of Ralph's neck stood straight up. "Something's wrong!" Ralph told Jake while he looked around the area for the source of his concern.

Jake and Butch looked around and saw nothing and shrugged off Ralph's concern.

One of the Chinese missiles whooshed upward fifty feet from the side of the asteroid.

"What was that?" Ralph yelled out while he watched the fiery trail of the missile race off toward deep space.

"I think it was a missile," Butch called out.

"Who would be firing a missile at us?" Jake asked.

The second Chinese missile whooshed thirty-five feet away from the other side of the asteroid, and it raced off toward deep space.

Jake and Ralph looked at each other, then they looked around for more threats.

The hairs on the back of Ralph's neck stood straight up. "Something still doesn't feel right," Ralph said while he looked around.

The second Jake looked around, the third Chinese missile whooshed up, and it clipped middle of the asteroid. 

The asteroid violently shook and started a slow clockwise barrel roll.

Large chunks of space junk fell off the asteroid.

Jake, Butch, and Ralph tightly held their rolls of Duct tape in their gloves during the barrel roll.

The asteroid completed the barrel roll and returned to its original position. The Space Buggy still remained on the top of the asteroid since it was secured, but Jake, Butch, and Ralph were not in sight.

At the bottom of the asteroid, Jake, Butch, and Ralph held tightly onto their Duct tape rolls that left a trail of tape all the way up the side of the asteroid from the top where the other ends were secured to space junk.

Jake, Butch, and Ralph saw earth below their space boots.

 "This doesn't look good," Jake said while he saw Florida below his boots and he immediately thought of June.

Butch looked down below and saw Florida. All he could think about was Jennifer being below his boots.

Back down at the Rocket Ranch, Jennifer stepped outside the Ferry Control Center to get a breath of fresh air. It was nighttime, and she looked up at the stars and wondered what Butch was doing at this exact moment.

At the Nursing Home For Very, Very Old People, June snuck out of the building for a quick smoke. She quit cigarettes thirty years ago, but her mom was getting on her nerves. She lit up the cigarette and took a drag. She stared at the stars, and for the first time since she left Jake, she wondered how he was doing up there in space. 

"Are you smoking June?" Daisy nagged June while she stuck her head out of her bedroom window.

"No, mom!" June said then quickly stomped the cigarette out on the ground and walked back to the door of the nursing home.

Out in the desert of Nevada in the secret military installation that had an "Area 55 – Secret – We Deny Everything – Military Installation" sign out by the barb-wired fence.

A space junk fireball raced out of the sky at Area 55.

There was a loud Kaboom followed with an explosion when the space junk fireball slammed into a secret hangar.

Hundreds of alien bodies flew out of the explosion and soared out to the desert.

Up at the outer space at the bottom of the asteroid, Jake, Butch, and Ralph still dangled while they clung onto their rolls of Duct tape.

Jake looked up at the bottom of the asteroid. He saw the trail of Duct tape up to the top. "This is going to be like in gym class," Jake told everybody.

"This doesn't look fun. I wish we could use our backpacks," Butch replied.

"There's only enough fuel for installing the engines," Jake replied.

"I know," Butch replied while he gazed up at the long climb.

They all started climbing up their individual Duct tapes with it sticking to their legs of their spacesuits.

 In an industrial city of Russia, it was business as usual at a vodka factory.

The other piece of space junk fireball raced out of the sky, and it slammed into the vodka factory with a Kaboom explosion.

Then out of the explosion, vodka rained all over the city.

People ran out into the streets and opened their mouths and caught the free vodka rain in their mouths.

Up in outer space at the side of the asteroid, Jake, Butch, and Ralph climbed up their duct tape.

Jake and Ralph were even while they climbed up the asteroid. Butch lagged behind and looked exhausted while he strained to climb up the Duct tape.

Jake looked down and saw Butch had stopped climbing. "What's the matter, Butch?" he asked and was concerned.

"I can't make it. I'm completely out of strength in my arms," Butch replied.

Jake reached down with his free hand to Butch. "Grab my glove," he called out to Butch while he shoved his right glove down.

Butch reached up, but he was three inches away from the tips of Jake's glove.

Ralph saw Butch while he strained to grab Jake's glove. He quickly moved down to be even with Butch. "Grab my glove!" Ralph called out while he moved his glove at Butch.

Butch reached over and grabbed hold of Ralph's hand.

"Hold on to my back," Ralph called out while he swung Butch over to him without any effort.

Butch immediately wrapped his arms around Ralph's back.

Jake continued to climb up his Duct tape up the side of the asteroid.

Ralph continued to climb up his Duct tape with Butch clinging onto his back.

Jake and Butch looked amazed with the strength of Ralph. He climbed up his Duct tape with little effort, considering the extra weight of Butch.

Thirty minutes later, Jake and Ralph with Butch still clinging to his back climbed up their Duct tape and made it to the top of the asteroid.

Butch climbed off Ralph's back.

They stood on the top of some space junk were the Space Buggy was twenty feet away.

"Butch, are you feeling better?" Jake asked and was concerned about Butch for the first time since they've known each other.

"I'm much better," he replied, then looked at Ralph.

"Thanks for helping my alien friend," Butch said to Ralph.

"No problem. That's what we do on our planets. We help other aliens," Ralph replied.

Jake turned and looked at the moon. "Ronnie? Talk to me?" he said into the radio net that couldn't be heard down on earth.

Jake and Butch waited a few minutes for a response. Nothing but the silence was heard on the radio net.

"Let's press on with our mission," Jake said while he looked at Butch and Ralph.

Butch headed to the Space Buggy and disconnected the chain that secured it to space junk. Jake and Butch headed to the rear where the wire was still on the reel.

Butch climbed up into the Space Buggy and sat in the driver's seat. He turned the ignition key, and it started up with a varoom.

Jake and Ralph waited at the rear of the buggy.

Butch placed the gearshift in drive and moved forward.

Jake and Ralph waited while some wire unreeled from the moving Space Buggy.

Jake waited until twenty feet of wire was unreeled then they proceeded to secure the wire to some space junk.

Meanwhile, down in Washington, D.C., more protesters stood outside the White House.

A woman protester held up a "Nuking Asteroid Will Kill Us" sign amongst a hundred other protesters that had the same belief.

Across the street, a man protester held up a "Nuking Asteroid Will Save Us" sign amongst a hundred other protesters that had the same belief.

Both sides of protesters glared at each other with evil eyes for the other side not agreeing with their opinions.

It was an eerie quiet, and then the woman and man protester dropped their signs.

"Get em!" both the man and woman protester yelled at their comrades.

Both sides of protesters ran and met in the center of the street.

Fists were thrown everywhere while a huge fight commenced.

Meanwhile, down at the Nursing Home For Very, Very Old People, June watched TV from the couch. 

Hoke wheeled Daisy into the room and up behind the couch.

"We received a report that the Chinese launched missiles at The Finger. Luckily they missed. But this sparked fights between protesters around the world," Anita the news anchor told the TV audience.

"That bonehead's gonna kill us all!" June said to the TV.

Daisy looked pissed at June then motioned at Hoke that she wanted to leave.

Hoke wheeled her away.

Back down in the Ferry Room #1 of the Ferry Control Center, the digital display scrolled "The Finger – 200 Miles Away."

At her console, Jennifer looked worried while she watched her monitor, which showed The Finger asteroid. She couldn't see Butch while he performed his mission, so she placed the picture of them on the launch pad and stuck it on the monitor.

 Her eyes welled up while she thought of her man up in space, trying to save the earth.

At the Oval Office of the White House, President Barnaby stood in front of the TVs and glared at Chinese President Wang's TV. "You almost killed my boys!" he yelled at Wang while shaking his finger.

"I'm sorry we missed it!" Chinese President Wang yelled back and shook a finger again at President Barnaby.

"We won't miss with our missiles," Russian President Ivanov called out from his TV with a look of confidence.

"Our missiles also won't miss!" Korean President Chul-Moo yelled out from his TV.

"My HariAnne rocket will launch to save the world very soon," French President Beaumont called out and looked incredibly proud.

"Come on, guys, stop! Please!" President Barnaby yelled at the TVs.

All the TVs went blank when the world leaders turned off their cameras.

President Barnaby moped back to his desk and sat down.  He crossed his arms and pouted.