Space Junk by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 12


Jake, Butch, and Ralph waited until Ronnie putt putted the Mayflower, with the Space Buggy still secured to the trailer, over to the top of the asteroid.

Ronnie fired some smaller thrusters on the Mayflower, and it slowly descended and stopped inches above the top of the asteroid. There was a whine while the back end of the trailer lowered down to the top of the trailer.

"I'm ready for you to drive the space buggy off the trailer," Ronnie called out from the radio net.

"Go for it my friend," Jake said over the radio net while he looked at Butch.

Butch climbed over some space junk and headed to the Space Buggy.   

Butch climbed inside the Space Buggy and sat in the driver's seat. He turned the key that was left in the ignition by NERP technicians at the launch pad. The Space Buggy started with a loud varoom that sounded like a NASCAR stock car. 

"Cool!" Ralph replied when he heard the rumble of the engine.

Butch stared off into space and then a sudden pain shot through his body like a blazing spear. He suddenly felt better and shrugged it off. He shoved the gearshift into reverse and backed the Space Buggy down the trailer and drove on the space junk. "I'm clear," Butch told Ronnie into the radio net.

Ronnie fired some small thrusters and repositioned the Mayflower up and around so he could keep a watchful eye on Jake, Butch, and Ralph from his capsule windows.

"Things are looking good," Ronnie replied from the Mayflower while he peeked out one of his windows.

"I'm going to connect the wire now," Jake said while he floated over to the Space Buggy.

Then out of the dark, a piece of space junk slammed into the side of the trailer still connected to the Mayflower. The trailer snapped off the Mayflower. The Mayflower tumbled off into space.

Jake, Ralph, and Butch, from the Space Buggy, watched while the trailer tumbled down to earth.

They all looked, and the Mayflower was gone, and they looked around in a panic.

"It's heading toward your moon," Ralph called out and pointed at the moon.

Jake and Butch looked and saw the Mayflower while it tumbled widely out of control to the moon.

"This ain't good," Butch said from the Space Buggy.

"Ronnie, are you okay?" Jake asked into the radio net.

Inside the Mayflower, Ronnie and all his girlie magazines were tossed all around the capsule.

Ronnie fought to grab the controls, but he missed. He again fought against the tumbling to grab the controls, but he missed.

"Ronnie, are you okay?" Jake's voice repeated from the radio net.

"I, can't stop, it," Ronnie called out in a panic while he fought against the tumbling to get to the controls.

Then Ronnie slammed his head into the console, and he passed out. His limp body got tossed around and banged into everything.

Back at the top of the asteroid, Jake, Butch, and Ralph watched while the Mayflower became smaller and smaller while it tumbled out of control to the moon.

"What do we do now? He has the engines," Butch asked while he looked over at Jake.

"We don't have a choice, we lay wire and pray he gets it under control and returns," Jake replied while he looked down the top of the asteroid toward the rear and saw it was a long, long journey.

Jake walked over and climbed in the back of the Space Buggy. 

He unreeled about twenty feet of wire from the reel.

He climbed down off the Space Buggy and grabbed the end of the wire.

Jake climbed over space junk and walked the wire to the opened access hatch. 

He knelt down and reached inside the opened hatch and inserted the end of the wire, from the Space Buggy, into the "Exit" port of the "Control Box B."

He stood up and climbed over space junk and headed back to the Space Buggy and Ralph.

"So how does your plan work?" Ralph curiously asked.

"Okay Ralph, here's our plan in a nutshell. Butch will drive the Space Buggy to the end of this asteroid. We'll walk behind the Space Buggy. He'll stop every once in a while, and we will secure the wire to space junk. Then when we get to the rear, we'll lower those three engines and install it at the rear of the asteroid. Then after we connect the final wire connections with the engines, we'll head back to the front," Jake told Ralph.

"Assuming Ronnie returns with the engines and then he'll be our ride home," Butch joined in on the discussion.

"Then R1D1 will start the engines and fly this asteroid off into deep space," Jake added.

Ralph looked at the Space Buggy. He looked at the long journey along the top of the asteroid. Then he looked at the moon where the Mayflower was a wildly moving dot in the center of the bright full moon. "Why don't you use those rocket packs on the back of your suits?" Ralph curiously asked.

"They only designed the rocket packs with the right amount of fuel needed for installing the three engines," Jake replied. 

Ralph looked at Jake, then Butch. "It seems like a crude plan, but it should work, in a primitive way. I'm game," Ralph said then his eyes widened when he looked off out in space. "But how can I get home?" he added.

Jake and Butch looked at each other for answers.

"Well, you can either live down on earth, or you ride this asteroid out into deep space," Butch replied.

"Maybe one of your friends can pick you up from somewhere out there," Jake added while he pointed off into deep space.

Ralph looked down at the earth. "It's tempting, but I think I'll help ride this asteroid back home. I think I could put it too good use," Ralph replied with dollar signs in his eyes.

"As long as you get this thing away from earth, you can do whatever you want to with this heap of junk," Butch said.

Ralph looked down the length of the asteroid. "An earthling trash is an alien's treasure," he quietly said to himself.

"Let's boogie," Jake told everybody.

Jake walked over to the bed at the rear of the Space Buggy. He opened up the "Duct Tape" container and removed two rolls of Duct tape. 

He walked back over to Ralph and handed him one of the rolls of tape.

"What's this?" Ralph curiously asked while he checked out the roll of tape.

"It's called Duct tape. We'll use it to secure the wire to the space junk," Jake replied.

Ralph nodded that he was good to proceed with the mission.

Butch placed the gearshift of the Space Buggy into drive. He slowly drove over space junk and headed toward the rear of the asteroid.

Jake and Ralph climbed over numerous pieces of space junk and followed behind the Space Buggy. Wire unreeled from the reel of cable and lay on top of other pieces of space junk.

"Jake, we've received word from the boys at the Peek-A-Boo We See You room, that the Mayflower is heading off to the moon. What the hell is going on up there?" Richard asked from the radio net.

Jake hesitated for a few seconds then he turned his communications button on his spacesuit to the "Talk With earth," label. "Well, some space junk slammed into the capsule and sent it flying to the moon," he replied on the radio net.

"I knew you buffoons would screw up this mission!" Richard snapped back.

Jake and Butch turned around and gave the finger at earth.

Ralph saw this, and he joined them.

Jake turned the communications button on his spacesuit back to "No Talk With Earth" label.

Back down on earth, things were quiet at the Great Wall of China.

A fireball raced out of the sky and headed to the Great Wall. 

The fireball slammed into the Great Wall with an explosion that left a huge section missing.

In the Oval Office of the White House, President Barnaby stood in front of his wall of TVs where the world leaders looked pissed.

"We heard on the Disaster Channel your so-called spacecraft was hit and is now flying off to the moon!" Japanese President Kato cried out in a panic from his TV.

"Damn Disaster Channel!" President Barnaby replied and was pissed with the news media.

"We're ready to launch our HariAnne rocket and complete this mission!" French President Beaumont said from his TV happy that France could get credit for saving the world.

On the TVs, German Chancellor Kei, Italian President Conti, Australian Prime Minister Walker, Canada President Morin, Japanese President Kato, English Prime Minister Goodrich and Spanish President Vargas all nodded in agreement for France from their TVs.

"With it being two hundred and twenty-five miles away, we'll be ready with our missiles!" Russian President Ivanov said from his TV.

"Our missiles will be ready also," North Korean President Chul-Moo called out from his TV.

"Mine are ready!" Chinese President Wang called out from his TV.

"Come on, guys!" President Barnaby pleaded.

On TVs, the world leaders waved President Barnaby off and then all the TVs went blank when they turned off their cameras.

"I'm supposed to be saving the world, not them!" President Barnaby pouted then he threw a childish tantrum and stomped his feet. He then gave the TVs the finger with both hands.

Down in the middle of a secret Russian military base, alarms and sirens blared while missiles slowly came out of the ground.

Over in the middle of a field in China, three large trucks with large missiles and four large troop trucks drove in the field.

Over in the middle of a field in North Korea, four trucks with large missiles and six large troop trucks drove in the field.

Way over in South America, the HariAnne rocket was being transported to the French's launch pad in the jungle for its launch.

Up in outer space, Butch drove the Space Buggy and was stopped sixty feet from the front of the asteroid.

Jake and Ralph were on all fours while they looked underneath the Space Buggy, which was stuck. Butch waited in the driver's seat while they looked at their dilemma.

They all saw a piece of space junk that was wrapped around the front steering linkage.

Jake stood up and looked at Butch. "It's stuck on a piece of space junk," he said.

"Let's tape the wire, then work on freeing the buggy," Butch said.

Jake had a roll of Duct tape in his glove and nodded in agreement with Butch. 

He climbed over space junk and headed to the wire that lay on top of the junk.  Ralph climbed over some space junk and joined Jake.

They both stopped five feet away and proceeded to Duct taped the wire to a piece of space junk.

After they secured the wire, they headed back to the Space Buggy

It took a few minutes, but they were able to free the buggy from the piece of space junk.

They continued their mission.

Down in the middle of that field in China, the three trucks had their missiles in position and were aimed at the sky.

A private in the Chinese Army was eighteen years old and stood guard by one of the missiles.

Boring duty. He thought to himself while he discreetly yawned. 

He glanced over at the trees that were one hundred feet away. He looked up at the sky, and then he looked back the trees. His eyes widened, and he quickly looked back up at the sky. He did a double-take to make sure he saw it correctly. He looked again and saw the asteroid while it slowly moved across the sky. He got scared!

He saw the General standing outside his large tent. The General looked his camp over to make sure everything was in place.

The Private looked up at the asteroid in the sky then he bolted over to the General.

The Private immediately snapped to attention the second he arrived at the General and looked scared. "Sir, danger lurks around us," the Private yelled out nervously.

The General looked around the field and the camp for signs of danger. "What danger?" the General replied when everything looked safe.

The Private gave the General the finger to simulate The Finger asteroid.

The General got furious and slapped the Private across his cheek.

The Private looked determined and moved his finger higher up in the sky and anticipated being slapped again.

The General swung to slap the Private again, but in the process, he glanced up at the sky and saw The Finger asteroid. He missed the Private's cheek by inches and immediately brought his hand down to his belt and removed his cell phone. He quickly punched in a phone number.

The private sighed a sigh of relief that the General didn't slap him again.

"Sir. The finger is within firing range of our missiles, what shall I do?" the General blurted into his cell phone while he kept an eye on the asteroid.

At the Presidential Palace in Beijing, Chinese President Wang sat at his huge fancy desk. In his one hand, he had a picture sent to him that showed the huge section of the Great Wall that was destroyed by space debris. In his other hand, he had the receiver of his yellow phone to his ear while he fumed. "Destroy it!" he yelled and sprayed some spit across his desk then he slammed his receiver and photo down.

In the middle of that field in China, the General looked ecstatic while he shoved his cell phone into his pocket then he pointed at the asteroid. "Fire at The Finger!" he screamed at his troops.

The General looked proud while he watched his troops scramble like obedient robots to their stations at the missile trucks to get them launched.

The Private rubbed his sore red cheeks that still had the General's handprints embedded in his skin.

The General did a little victory dance back inside his tent.

The Private ran back to his post.