Space Junk by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 15


On the top of the asteroid around the middle section, Jake, Butch, and Ralph relaxed between some pieces of space junk while they stared at the moon. They all shoved tubes that contained mushy food into a port located at the front of their helmets.

"Ronnie! Where are you?" Jake said into the radio net with a mouthful of food.

There were a few minutes of silence. "I'm on the moon!" Ronnie replied from the radio net that was full of static.

Jake and Butch spit food out of their mouths, which landed on the inside of their helmets.

"You're what?" Jake replied and looked unsure he heard correctly.

"I'm on the moon, but don't worry," Ronnie replied with static.

Jake and Butch stood up and stared at the moon.

Inside the moon cave, Ronnie sat inside the Mayflower so he could change into his golf shirt and Khaki pants and gave The Man In The Moon his spacesuit for repair.

Outside the Mayflower, The Man In The Moon held a small jamming device in his hand and heard Ronnie's transmission. He pressed a button and stopped Ronnie's further responses back to earth.

Back on the top of the asteroid, Jake and Butch sat by the Space Buggy while they stared at disbelief at the moon.

"Did he say he was on the moon?" Butch asked Jake.

"That's what I heard," Jake replied.

"Maybe Ronnie hit his head a little too hard," Butch replied. 

"I hope so. If he doesn't get back with those engines, we're all doomed," Jake replied.

Butch nodded in agreement. "Well, the show must go on, and hopefully he'll show up," he added.

Jake and walked to the pile of wire, and Ralph followed. 

Butch walked over to the Space Buggy and climbed inside. He started it up with a varoom then placed the gearshift into drive and slowly drove away.

Jake and Ralph picked up the coiled wire and walked along behind the Space Buggy.

Back in the moon cave, Ronnie was still inside the Mayflower. He worked the communications control switches and knobs. 

"Jake. Can you hear me?" Ronnie said into his microphone. 

There was nothing but a strange hum that Ronnie didn't realize was The Man In The Moon's jamming device.

Ronnie gave up and walked over then he crawled through the hatch and went back into the cave.

Ronnie walked around the side of the Mayflower and saw four Moonies that approached his spacecraft with strange tools in their hands.

The Man In The Moon walked up to Ronnie. "We'll start on fixing your space ship so you can return to earth," he said.

Back down at the Rocket Ranch in Space Beach, Jennifer walked through the parking lot at the NERP Headquarters building.

Richard chased after her in the lot. "Please give me another chance?" he cried out while he ran around cars to get closer to Jennifer.

Jennifer got behind the wheel of her car and started it up the second Richard arrived by her car window.

"I'm sorry, sugar. Please don't leave me!" Richard pleaded.

She gave him the finger from inside her car.  She put it in reverse and ran over Richard's toes while she backed out of her parking spot.

He jumped up and down in extreme pain while she drove away through the lot.

Back up in outer space, Butch drove the Space Buggy and stopped when he was about fifty feet from the rear of the asteroid.

 Jake and Ralph continued to Duct tape sections of the wire to space junk behind the Space Buggy.

Jake and Ralph stood up and dragged another section of the wire closer to the rear of the asteroid.

A piece of space junk zoomed over their heads and missed them by inches. They immediately ducked down between some space junk for protection from more flying threats. 

They peeked above the space junk and looked around for some more threats. They saw nothing coming in their direction.

They got out of their hiding places, and Jake and Ralph walked the wire toward the rear of the asteroid. Jake removed some wire strippers and cut away the insulation at the end of the wire leaving two inches of exposed copper wire.

Butch's iPhone rang inside one of his spacesuit pockets. He opened his pocket and removed his iPhone and connected a wire to a communications port on the side of his helmet. "Hello darling!" he said with a huge grin.

"Ah, it's me, President Barnaby," the President replied to Butch's sweet greeting.

Butch looked embarrassed, hearing the President's voice. "Yes, Mister President!" Butch responded.

"Butch, the French launched their HariAnne rocket with a robot to perform your mission. Stop that robot, steal their engine and complete your mission," President Barnaby said.

"Yes, sir!" Butch saluted.

Butch closed his cell phone, disconnected the wire from his helmet, and shoved it back into the pocket on his spacesuit.

"Who was that?" Jake asked while he bent down to tape the last section of wire to a piece of space junk.

"The President. It seems the French launched a rocket with a robot and engine to do our job. He wants us to grab its engine and complete our mission," Butch told him.

Jake nodded in agreement, then he got inquisitive. "Why does the President have your cell phone number?"

"I don't know," Butch said while he pretended to be clueless. His cell phone rang again. He removed his cell phone from his space suit pocket and reconnected the wire to the communications port of his helmet. "Hello."

"Hello, Mister Beaver. I'm Vicky from United Selling Crap Alliance, we're prepared to sell you tons of crap that you don't need so we can take money away from you," Vicky quickly replied while she read her prepared script.

Butch slammed his cell phone shut, and yanked the wire out of the communications port of his helmet. He shoved the cell phone back into the pocket of his spacesuit.

"The President calling again?" Jake asked while he stood up after taping another section of wire to some space junk.

"No, some stupid telemarketer!" Butch replied.

Jake and Butch walked the end of the wire closer to the rear of the asteroid.

Down in Chicago, a crowd stood at the windows of a TV store and watched the Disaster Channel on the TVs.

The Disaster Channel showed the destroyed Viagra plant and "The Finger is 167 Miles Away" scrolled across the bottom of the screen.

They all looked scared to death.

Some of the older men looked down at their crotch. Tears ran down their cheeks, knowing that they might not be able to get that blue pill again.

Then it was utter chaos while everybody else ran down the sidewalk thinking they were going to die soon.

In Tokyo, a crowd stood at the windows of the TV store and watched the Disaster Channel on the TVs.

The Disaster Channel showed all the dead alien bodies that were scattered all over the desert and "The Finger is 166 Miles Away" scrolled across the bottom of the screen.

They all looked scared to death.

Then it was utter chaos while everybody else ran down the sidewalk thinking they were going to die soon.

Up in outer space at the asteroid, the HariAnne capsule flew over the top of the middle finger.  

It hovered, and then outriggers extended downward and locked onto some space junk.

A door to the capsule opened, and the robot that wore a French beret stepped out with a rocket engine in two of its mechanical arms. 

A third arm carried a reel of wire where the one end of the wire was connected to a control box inside the capsule.

The fourth arm had a device that installed tie wraps.

The robot walked across space junk and unreeled wire while it headed to the rear of the asteroid.

When he got ten feet from the capsule, the fourth arm went into action and secured the wire to some space junk with tie wraps.

The robot walked away and unreeled more wire from the reel on his third arm.

Back inside the cave on the moon, Ronnie watched while two male Moonies banged on the bottom of his capsule with two oddly shaped tools.

The Man In The Moon walked over and stood next to Ronnie. "Those engines strapped around your capsule were fine."

"Then how will I get back to earth? We can't get rid of that asteroid without those engines," Ronnie asked with a look of grave concern.

"Don't worry, we're working on a plan, as we can't let you use one of our ships," The Man In The Moon replied.

The Man In The Moon walked away with Ronnie.

Ronnie looked at The Man In The Moon. "Your ship? You travel in space?" he asked when it dawned on him.

"Oh yes, we've done some traveling just to check up on you earthlings," The Man In The Moon replied.

"Ah, I see," Ronnie said then it dawned on him a few seconds later. "So those UFO sightings were real!"

"Yes. Our job in this universe is to keep the moon safe, as, without it, earthlings will not survive."

"Can I see your spaceship?" Ronnie curiously asked.

"I don't see why not," the Man in the moon replied.

The Man in the Moon walked Ronnie over to the end of the cave where the old Uranus equipment was located. He walked to a large and wide grey door. He pressed a button, and the door slid open. 

Ronnie stood in awe when he saw the Moonie spaceship inside another smaller cave. It was a 1950s style shiny silver saucer with a bubble canopy. The canopy was opened, and an access ladder provided access into the cockpit area.

"Can I take a closer peek?" Ronnie asked.

"Be my guest," the Man in the moon replied and motioned with his hand that Ronnie could enter the room.

Ronnie ran inside the cave like a curious little boy.

He ran over to the access ladder.

He climbed up the ladder and stood on the platform at the top and looked inside the spaceship.

"Go ahead, and sit inside," The Man In The Moon said while he walked up to their spaceship.

Ronnie climbed inside the spaceship and sat in the driver's seat. He fiddled around with the control joystick. He looked at the console that had tons of buttons, switches, knobs, and gauges.

"This is so cool. Just like a 1950's science fiction movie," he said while he moved the joystick around.

"Zzzoooooommm," Ronnie called out like a little kid at a playground. 

Ronnie played in the spaceship for another five minutes then he climbed out.

He followed the Man in the moon out of the smaller cave.  

The Man In The Moon closed the door and walked Ronnie over to the picnic table where those four females Moonie stood with four moon pies.

Ronnie's eyes lit up at the sight of the pies, and he rushed over and sat down at the table.

He licked his chops in anticipation of eating some more moon Pie.

Back in outer space above earth, Jake, Butch, and Ralph stood near the edge at the rear of the asteroid.

Jake picked up the remaining wire and threw it over the edge of the asteroid. 

He looked over at the moon. "Ronnie, what's your status?" Jake said into the radio net.

Ronnie didn't respond through the radio net.

Butch cringed when some pain shot through his body. 

Jake looked concerned that Ronnie might have perished on the surface of the moon.  

Butch looked at the rear of the asteroid. "I need some sleep!" he said, then yawned.

Jake looked at Butch's tired eyes and Ralph, who also yawned.

"A nap would be nice right now," Ralph added.

"I guess so since we have fifty hours to get rid of his heap. So let's pray Ronnie or that Robot shows up before then," Jake responded then yawned.

Butch nodded in agreement with Jake's comment then he yawned.

Jake, Butch, and Ralph snuggled down between some pieces of space junk. They closed their eyes and napped.