Space Junk by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 16


Back at the Space Spy Agency – Peek-A-Boo We See You room, Billy Joe Johnson slept at his console since it was 6:00 a.m., and it was a boring shift.

Then a beep beep emitted from his console.

Billy Joe woke up and stretched. He checked out his monitor and saw a "Calculation Error Detected – Asteroid To Slam Into Earth in 49 Hours" message scrolled across his monitor.

Billy Joe jumped up in a panic. "Wilbur!" he cried out.

Wilbur ran over to Billy Joe's console with another huge Maalox bottle. 

He opened up his Maalox bottle the second he saw the message and took a huge gulp. He picked up the red phone and called Richard and gave him the updated news.

Back down in the Ferry Room #1 of the Ferry Control Center, the digital display scrolled "The Finger – 127 Miles Away."

It was a madhouse inside the Ferry Room, as they knew time was running out.

Richard sat at his console and stared at the "49 Hours Until Doomsday" message that scrolled across his monitor. "We wouldn't be in this position if that stupid President didn't force me to use those buffoons," he said quietly.

Richard didn't notice Jennifer, who walked behind his console and gave him the finger while she walked past his console.

Back at the rear section of the asteroid, Jake, Butch, and Ralph sat awake and rested, while they stared at earth down below.

Jake stared at the moon. "I wonder if Ronnie is still alive?" he asked and fought back the tears thinking his friend was gone forever.

Butch looked at the moon and thought for a few seconds. "If he's not dead now, he will be pretty soon," he added.

"I sure miss him," Jake said while his eyes welled up.

Butch nodded in agreement. "Me too!" he added.

"Hey shit for brains," Richard called out from the radio net.

Jake and Butch both gave the earth the finger.

"What do you want?" Jake replied.

"Where are you in the mission profile?" Richard asked.

"We're getting ready to install the engines at the rear," Jake responded.

"Well, we just learned that the asteroid's going to slam into the earth in forty-eight hours instead of fifty-six. And we haven't seen any indication that Ronnie returned," Richard said from the radio net.

"You don't have to remind us of that fact," Jake replied.

"So now I guess the French's robot will successfully perform its mission and save the earth. Thanks to you bozos up there," Richard replied with a sarcastic tone.

"Yeah, yeah," Jake replied, then turned off the side of the radio net for earth transmissions.

Jake looked around the asteroid. "Where's that French robot?"

Butch looked around the asteroid. "Maybe it broke down. You know, ran out of wine," Butch jokingly added.

"Let's get moving," Jake said while he stood up and looked at the Space Buggy. "Move it into position," Jake told Butch.

Butch stood up and walked over to the Space Buggy. 

He climbed inside and sat in the driver's seat.  

He started up the Space Buggy with a varoom and slowly turned it around.

He backed the Space Buggy toward the rear and stopped when he got four feet from the edge.

Jake and Ralph walked over to the Space Buggy.

Ralph waited while Jake climbed inside the bed of the Space Buggy and opened up the "Engine Installer" container. He reached inside and removed a small hoist and rectangular beam with a smaller rectangular beam inside. He reached back inside the container and removed a hand crank.

Butch climbed out of the Space Buggy and secured it to some space junk with four chains.

Jake connected the hand crank to the control box at the one end of the larger beam. He turned the crank and the smaller beam inside the larger beam came out. 

He stopped when two feet of the smaller beam was exposed. J

ake then connected the hoist to the end of the smaller beam. 

He connected the end of the larger beam to the roll bar with the provided hardware.  

Meanwhile, at the middle of the asteroid, the French robot zoomed across space junk and secured their wire with tie wraps at lightning speed.

Meanwhile, back on the surface of the moon, the Moonies installed a slingshot device that was aimed forty-five degrees upward at earth. 

The Mayflower Space Module was attached to the top of an old Uranus Lunar Module descent stage.

Numerous small thrusters from an old Lunar Module ascent stage were installed on the Mayflower. The Moonies also installed a fuel tank to fuel these thrusters with fuel to return the Mayflower back to earth.

A ramp led from the surface of the moon to the hatch of the Mayflower.

The Mayflower was also installed to a platform that was at the top of the launcher. Unique long rubber bands were connected to the platforms and hung down loosely.

Ronnie wore his spacesuit that had a white patch over the rip he encountered during the journey to the moon. He bounced over to the slingshot launcher.

The Man In The Moon, in his spacesuit and six other male Moonies, in their spacesuits, bounced to the launcher behind Ronnie.

"Being on the moon is so cool!" Ronnie said while he bounced around the slingshot launcher and checked it out.

Ronnie bounced over to The Man In The Moon. "I can't believe it. You attached an old Uranus lunar module descent stage to our ship. And a sling shot for a launcher? That is so cool!" Ronnie said while he looked back at the launcher.  He shoved out his glove at The Man In The Moon. "Thanks for helping me."

"It's the job of a Moonie," The Man In The Moon replied while he shook Ronnie's glove.

The Man In The Moon reached in his suit pocket and removed a large black camera that looked like a pen. "May we have a picture of our new earth friend?" he said while he held up the black pen.

Those six Moonies walked away from Ronnie like he had some type of disease.

"Like what I told those other earthlings so many years ago, what happens on the moon, stays on the moon," he said while he aimed the lens of the black camera at Ronnie.

A bright red flash emitted from his camera and Ronnie stood with a blank comatose stare.

The Man In The Moon motioned over at the six Moonies.

They rushed over and picked Ronnie up and carried him over to the ramp.

They carried Ronnie up the ramp and carefully placed him inside the Mayflower. They secured him to his seat.

They closed the hatch and rushed down the ramp.

Two of the Moonies pressed a button, and the ramp moved away from the Mayflower.

Two other Moonies walked back to the rear of the launcher where a console was located. The one Moonie pressed a button on the console. A clunk was heard, and the platform moved down to the rear of the launcher. The rubber bands tightened with a twang while the platform made its trek to the bottom of the launcher.

 The Man In The Moon and the six Moonies stood at the rear of the launcher.

The platform reached the bottom of the launcher, and the rubber bands looked tight.

The Man In The Moon walked over to the console and moved a lever.

 The Mayflower capsule and Lunar Module descent stage shot up into space.

The Man In The Moon stared at earth with loving eyes. "I hope they complete their mission, as I sure would hate to lose that beautiful planet!" he said.

The other six Moonies all nodded in agreement.

They walked away from the launcher and headed back to the cave.

Up in outer space, the numerous thrusters fired, and the Mayflower zoomed upward from the moon and headed back to earth at faster than high hypersonic speed.

Inside the Mayflower, Ronnie sat in a comatose trance in his seat. 

The rooster gave out a loud cock-a-doodle-do from inside its special compartment.

Ronnie snapped out of his trance, and he looked around dazed and confused. He looked out the capsule windows and saw the capsule was racing back to earth. He scratched his head while he tried to figure out how he got off the surface of the moon.

He heard a clunk, clunk sound while the descent stage of the old Moon Lander disconnected from the Mayflower. The Man In The Moon, who used a remote control device, disconnected the descent of the Moon Lander.

Ronnie looked around the console, and everything appeared to be alright, so he shrugged off that sound.

Back at the rear of the asteroid, Jake, Butch, and Ralph sat at the edge and looked depressed while they stared out into deep space.

"Well, I guess we're in for the last ride of our lives," Butch said while his eyes welled up thinking he would never see Jennifer again.

Jake and Butch and Ralph placed their arms around each other. They sway back and forth, sang the Kumbaya song.

"Kumbaya my lord, Kumbaya," Jake and Butch sang out in unison.

Ralph joined them while he tried to sing along, but he missed some of the words.

Then halfway through the song, they saw the French robot looking down at them.

They all jumped up startled.

"Let's get him!" Butch yelled out.

Jake, Butch, and Ralph circled around the robot.

The robot sensed a threat, so it swung the arm with that rocket engine at them.

Jake, Butch, and Ralph were able to dodge it.

The robot kept swinging the engine at them. "You won't win, Cowboy," the robot said in a French accent computer-generated male voice.

The robot kept swinging the engine at them, and they keep dodging it by inches.

Jake looked at Butch and motioned for him to move to the edge. Butch nodded in agreement that he understood Jake's plan.

Butch quickly moved to the edge and got behind the robot.

Jake lunged at the robot the second Butch got on his hands and knees.

Jake pushed the robot, and it fell backward over Butch, then flew over the edge of the asteroid.

The robot tumbled down to earth with the engine.

Jake, Butch, and Ralph got on all fours, and peeked over the edge and watched while the robot tumbled down to earth.

They all stood up and Jake and Butch high-five each other.

 Ralph looked bothered. "Weren't we supposed to use that engine?" he asked them.

Jake and Butch looked at Ralph, and they seemed so sad knowing they screwed up huge time.

They walked over and sat down at the edge of the asteroid and looked depressed.

Ten minutes later, Jake, Butch, and Ralph sat depressed at the edge of the asteroid and stared out into deep space.

"Fifty pieces of junk did fall, fifty pieces of junk! If one more piece should happen to fall, fifty-one pieces of junk did fall. Fifty-one pieces of junk did fall," Jake and Butch sang out in unison to the tune of ninety-nine Bottle of Beer On the Wall song.

Then the Mayflower suddenly rose up from the rear of the asteroid. "Did someone order some rocket engines?" Ronnie asked from the radio net.

Jake, Butch and Ralph's eyes widen the second they saw the Mayflower float in space thirty feet from them.

They all stood up and jumped up and down with joy.

"Good going, Ronnie!" Jake called out.

"Thank you," Ronnie replied from the Mayflower.

Jake, Butch, and Ralph continued to jump up and down for joy.

They stopped and looked at the Mayflower.

"I thought you said you were stuck on the moon?" Jake asked.

There were a few seconds of silence while Ronnie strained to remember. "I remember landing on the moon, then I remembered the capsule moving into a cave inside the Moon and then the next thing I remember is racing through space heading back to earth," Ronnie replied.

"Whatever, we're just glad you made it back," Butch said.

"Yeah, whatever, we need to get in high gear and get this mission completed," Jake added.

Butch and Ralph nodded in agreement.

Ronnie gave them the thumbs-up sign from the windows of the Mayflower.

Meanwhile, down on earth in Paris, France, numerous tourists milled around the Eiffel Tower snapping pictures and enjoying the sight.

Then the robot fireball raced out of the sky at the Eiffel Tower.

The fireball crashed into the Eiffel Tower with a loud kaboom!

The Eiffel Tower creaked and fell over.

The tourists all scattered for a safe haven.

The Eiffel Tower slammed onto the ground with a loud boom. It shook Paris.