Space Junk by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 1


Many years have passed, and it is now 2008.

The STP finally had its first launch in 1981 after several years of technical delays and many other goofs.

After 1981, numerous Ferry missions were able to complete the installation of the Multinational Space Station (MSS) in 1994.   

Most of the other Ferry missions after that were comprised of dropping off satellites into orbit and retrieving broken satellites, returning them down to earth for repair and providing supplies and astronauts to the MSS. 

In 1995, some scientists wanted to use the Ferry ships to scoop up the tons of space junk that were scattered all over the orbits above the earth. Congress disapproved the funding and spent the money on pay raises for themselves, new fancy office furniture and conferences around the world.

Way up in outer space, something was about to happen that could adversely affect mankind shortly. That old 1972 Moon Lander, the Sweet Thing, mysteriously zoomed past the moon and headed toward earth. 

The engine of the Sweet Thing kicked into high gear, and a dark purple flame was emitted from the rectangular engine nozzle. This engine was an advanced technological rocket engine installed to the rear of the Sweet Thing by aliens after they found it drifting aimlessly in space.

The Sweet Thing headed balls to the walls toward earth.

Eight hours later, the Sweet Thing approached earth and started an orbit with the docking device leading the way, and the hatch pointed upward. 

The Sweet Thing quickly maneuvered to the left around a piece of an old satellite. But while doing that, it smacked into another old satellite. That satellite attached to the Sweet Thing's broken landing strut while it continued with its orbit.

The Sweet Thing maneuvered to the right around another piece of an old rocket ship. But while doing that, it smacked into another piece of an old rocket ship. That piece of old rocket ship attached to the Sweet Thing's other landing strut while it continued with its orbit.

The Sweet Thing maneuvered around thousands and thousands of space junk while it moved in its orbit. But it proved to be pointless because it kept on smacking into pieces of space junk and they kept on attaching to other pieces of space junk behind the Sweet Thing's rocket engine.   

After a while, enough space junk got attached at the rear of the Sweet Thing that it smothered the rocket engine and it shut down.

The Sweet Thing coasted in its orbit around the earth and continued to smack into space junk, and that junk kept on attaching to the previously attached junk.

Meanwhile, a day later down on earth, high in the Rocky Mountains, there was hidden a secret tracking station.

Buried deep beneath a giant radar dish installed on one of the mountains, was the Department of Defense Space Spy Agency – Peek-A-Boo We See You Room.

Inside this secretive room were tons of consoles where men and women had their eyes glued to monitors. These monitors spied on the space above the earth and also spied on the people down on earth.

One man sat on the edge of his seat while his monitor peeked into a sexy woman's bedroom, and he watched while she removed her blouse. He moved closer to the edge of his chair when she turned her back to the monitor and reached around her back and unclipped her bra. She let her bra drop to the floor, and the man's heart raced while he quickly moved forward on his seat. She turned around and exposed her wiggly breasts to the monitor. The man promptly moved forward in his chair and fell off, smacking his chin on the shelf of his console. He plopped his butt to the floor.

Other men and women around him pointed and laughed at the sight of him sitting on the floor, rubbing his sore chin.

 On the other side of the room, Billy Joe Johnson was a thirty-three-year-old good ole boy from Alabama. He sat with his cowboy boots propped up on the shelf of his console, which consisted of a large radar screen.  Billy Joe snored while he napped on the job, which was the norm for his tedious task.

 A beep, boop sound emitted from Johnson's console. He stirred a little in his chair and remained asleep while he didn't hear the sound.

The beep, boop sound got louder from his console. Billy Joe just turned his head to the other side and stayed asleep, ignoring that sound.

"I said, beep, beep, and boop, boop you lazy bum!" a computer-generated voice blasted from the Billy Joe's console speakers.

Billy Joe bolted up in his seat and looked at his radar screen. He did a double-take, and his eyes widened in fear when he stared at the radar. He inched closer to this radar screen and fell out of his chair and smacked his butt on the floor. "Wilbur! Hurry!" he cried out in a panic from the floor.

A few seconds later, Wilbur Smith, a skinny neurotic sixty-year-old manager of the room, rushed over to Billy Joe with a huge Maalox bottle in hand. "What's wrong, Billy Joe?" Wilbur asked while he screwed off the cap to his bottle and looked down at Billy Joe, who still sat on the floor.

From the floor, Billy Joe pointed up to his radar screen. Wilbur looked at the screen, and his eyes widened with fear. His hands shook while he brought the opening of the Maalox bottle to his mouth, and he quickly took a massive gulp of Maalox. His hand shook while he grabbed the receiver to a red phone on top of Billy Joe's console.

"Richard, Wilbur here. We have something on our top-secret peek a boo we see you satellite," Wilbur quickly blurted out then took another gulp of Maalox dripping some down the middle of his chin.

"What is it?" Richard Head replied from the red phone and sounded a little bothered.

"It's a huge asteroid, and it makes me believe that doomsday is coming!" Wilbur nervously said then gulped down some more Maalox.

Wilbur looked at Billy Joe's radar screen and saw a huge green blob that resembled a hand giving earth "The Finger" while it orbited around an icon of earth.

Then a "The Finger Is 450 Miles Away" message scrolled across the bottom of the screen.

Wilbur got excruciating heartburn and gulped down the rest of his Maalox bottle while he eyed the vast asteroid on the radar screen.

An hour had passed, and Richard Head was now sixty-five years old and was the CEO of NERP. He walked down the hall of the NERP Headquarters Building at the Rocket Ranch in Space Beach, Florida. Since Richard was now the head dude of the Rocket Ranch, his head swelled from his colossal ego.  

He walked lovingly arm in arm with Jennifer Roogan, his twenty-seven-year-old assistant, and mistress, who itched to get to the top of NERP.  Her itch was so intense that she had been sleeping with Richard during business trips for the past year even though he was a married man.

They walked down the hall and walked past the Director of Bureaucracy door.

They walked a little farther down the hall. Jennifer hesitated knowing she better get this over with. Richard glanced at her. "What's wrong," he asked when he saw her worried eyes. 

She opened up the folder she had in her hand. "Here's the situation we just discovered," she said while they walked passed by the Assistant Director of Bureaucracy door and handed him a picture.

They walked farther down the hall, and he looked at the picture that showed an asteroid shaped like a giant hand giving "The Finger." "This is scary. Really scary," he replied while they walked past the assistant to the Assistant Director of Bureaucracy door.

"I need answers, Jennifer! And I need them now!" he said while they turned to the right and headed down another hall.

"I believe the nerds have some answers," she replied and led Richard down another hall to their left.

They walked past the Management Training office where through the opaque glass of the door, the shadowy black figure of a male manager trainee and a woman were engaged in a passionate kiss. Then the shadowy manager trainee removed the blouse of the shadowy woman. Her shadowy breasts of wiggled in front of the shadowy manager trainee, and he immediately slammed his face into her breasts. He gave her a motorboat in those perky breasts.

They walked farther down the hall where at the end was the Nations Engineering Research Department (NERD) door.

They got to the NERD room, and Richard acted like a gentleman and opened up the door for Jennifer. She gave him a warm smile while she entered the room.

Once Richard and Jennifer entered the NERD room, they greeted by a thirteen-year-old genius named Little Q.

"Hello sir," Little Q spoke with an English accent knowing why Richard came calling.

Richard held up the photo of the asteroid in Little Q's face. "How did this happen?" he asked, using his big manager's voice.

"Well Richard, somehow an old Uranus program Moon Lander," Little Q replied then he held up his index finger and indicated for them to wait a second.

He walked over to his nearby desk and picked up another picture he had other satellites snapped an hour ago. 

He walked back to Richard and showed him the picture, which was a closer view of The Finger asteroid.

Richard saw a view of the front of the asteroid, and he saw the Sweet Thing at the tip of the middle finger. Richard's eyes widened with bad memories from 1972. "It doesn't surprise me that this smells like the work of those two buffoons!" he said, and his face turned a little red while he got pissed.

Little Q looked at Richard a little baffled then he shrugged off his comment.

"Anyhoo, that old Sweet Thing Moon Lander apparently collided with our space junk, and discarded satellites then grew into this monstrous asteroid," Little Q said.

"And this means what?" Richard asked, curiously.

"It'll slam into the earth in a couple of months, killing us all," Little Q said in a serious tone.

"How do we get rid of it?" Richard asked with an air of concern.

"The boys back there are finalizing a plan," Little Q said while he pointed to a bunch of young boy engineers working at drawing boards at the other end of the room. "But the plan only works with someone who knows the Moon Lander's like the back of his hand," Little Q added.

"Well, I know which three astronauts I don't want on this mission, so we can pick someone else," Richard said while he cringed remembering those problematic days back in 1972.

"I'll work on the selection list right away," Jennifer told Richard while they walked to the door of the NERD room.

They left the room.

Richard and Jennifer walked down the hall from the NERD room. 

"I'll have that list of possible astronauts done in two hours," Jennifer told Richard.

"That's good darling," he replied, then gave her a kiss on her lips.

They walked away in different directions.

Richard walked away with a spring in his step.

She turned down another hall and walked with a spring in her step after receiving that kiss.