Teen Granny by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 2


It was later that Friday afternoon, and there was a loud rumble in the main hallway signaling that the end of the school day finally arrived.

 Amy and Laurie rushed out of school with the other kids excited that spring break finally started.

Amy and Laurie walked through the school parking lot where the seniors parked their cars. They heard some footsteps coming up behind them but didn’t think anything of it.

Wally Sobers, a seventeen-year-old short and skinny jerk with long stringy dishwater colored hair and his partner in crime, Juan Vargas, a seventeen-year-old short and chubby Mexican-American with a shaved head were those footsteps behind Amy and Laurie. The two jerks had their eyes glued on the backsides of the two girls.

“Give me some loving,” Wally called out the second he groped Amy’s right butt cheek.

“Yeah,” Juan added while he groped Laurie’s left butt cheek.

Wally and Juan ran away with creepy laughs.

“Perverts!” Amy yelled out the second she noticed it was Wally that groped her.

Wally and Juan continued to laugh their creepy laughs while they ran to Wally’s black with black interior nineteen seventeen-eight Ford Mustang parked in the lot.

“I’ll have to burn these jeans now that that jerk left his creepy germs on my backside,” Laurie said while she looked sick at the thought of Juan’s hands touching her butt.

“I know what you mean. What a bunch of scum-bags,” Amy added while they headed to Laurie's nineteen ninety-two white Toyota Corolla with light blue interior.

“I love you, Amy!” Wally yelled out his driver’s door window while he screeched his Mustang out of the parking lot.

“Why do all the disgusting guys also want me? Makes me sick thinking of Wally’s body touching me,” Amy said while she and Laurie got inside Laurie’s car.

Laurie started up her car then drove out of the lot.

A little while later, Laurie drove her Corolla a few streets away from the high school.

The song “She’s A Brick House” by the Commodores started playing on the radio.

Amy's eyes sparkled when she heard the disco song. “I love that song!” she cried out and cranked up the volume on the radio.

Amy and Laurie danced in their seats while they sang along with the Commodores. They changed the lyrics a little and sang out they were a brick house.

While they sang, Laurie's Corolla approached the backend of a slow-moving two thousand blue with white interior Ford Crown Victoria with two old ladies inside.

The girls didn’t notice the Crown Victoria while they sang and boogied in their seats to the song.

Laurie's Corolla got four feet from the backend of the Crown Victoria.

Amy glanced at the windshield while she sang and boogied along with the song. Her eyes widened in fear. “Watch out!” Amy screamed out and pointed at the windshield.

Laurie looked and saw her Corolla was one foot from the rear end of the Crown Victoria.

They both screamed while Laurie slammed on the brakes.

The tires of Laurie’s Corolla screeched and smoked while it laid rubber on the street and stopped.  A car behind Laurie’s car screeched on its brakes and missed Laurie’s car by inches.

The Crown Victoria slowly drove away with the two old ladies clueless of their near-miss collision.

Inside Laurie’s Corolla, she and Amy sat stunned with their near-miss collision.

“Why was that car going so slow?” Laurie asked.

They saw the two old ladies inside the Crown Victoria while it slowly drove down the street.

“No wonder, a couple of blue-hairs are inside. They probably think they're going a hundred miles an hour,” Amy replied.

Laurie chucked over Amy’s smart-ass comment.

The car behind Laurie’s car blew its horn.

Laurie looked her rearview mirror and saw the driver behind her pissed. “I hate going slow,” Laurie said while she drove away.

Amy thought for a few seconds, and then her eyes lit up with an idea. “Pull in the other lane and get alongside those old ladies,” she told Laurie.

“What do you have in mind?” Laurie asked and knew Amy was scheming some joke.

Amy got an evil smirk on her face while she unzipped her jeans and started to slide them down her legs.

Laurie chuckled knowing what Amy had in mind while she pulled her Corolla into the left-hand lane and sped up to get even with the Crown Victoria.

Inside the Ford Crown Victoria, the driver was Edith Shelby, who was seventy-five years old. In the passenger seat was Dorothy Acklin also seventy-five years old. The ladies had been close friends since the nineteen forties.

“You know Dorothy, we should try that new Italian restaurant that opened a couple of weeks ago,” Edith said then got quiet with a blank stare while her memory failed her. “Oh, I forgot the name of the place.”

Dorothy looked over at Edith, and her mouth and eyes widened with shock! “Oh my God, bare butt cheeks!”

Edith rubbed her chin while she thought for a few seconds. “Oh no, Bare Butt Cheeks isn’t the name of that restaurant,” she replied while she strained to recall the name.

“Look, Edith,” Dorothy cried out and pointed at Edith’s door window. “Bare butt cheeks!”

Edith thought for a few seconds then she nodded in disagreement. “No, Dorothy, I still don't think they would call a restaurant Bare Butt Cheeks,” she said while she strained to remember the name of that restaurant.

“No Edith, look out your window!” Dorothy yelled out while she pointed at Edith’s door window.

Edith looked out her window, and her eyes widened with shock! “Oh, dear! We're being mooned.”

Edith and Dorothy giggled like young school girls at the sight of Amy’s bare butt cheeks smeared up against the Corolla door window.

Edith and Dorothy watched Laurie’s Corolla while Amy sat down and pulled up her jeans.            

Inside Laurie’s Corolla, Amy zipped up her jeans. “I bet it's been a long, long time since the butt cheeks on those old freaks were smooth and tight,” said Amy while she glanced back at the Crown Victoria.

Amy and Laurie chuckled then they high-fived each other at the sight of the stunned faces of Edith and Dorothy.

Laurie raced her Corolla down the street with the girls still chuckling over the stunned looks on the faces of the two old ladies.

A little while later, Laurie whipped her Corolla into Amy’s driveway of her two-story home.

“I’ll see you later tonight,” Laurie said while she put her car in park.

“Okay,” Amy replied the got out of the Corolla.

Laurie backed her car down the driveway while Amy rushed to her front door.

Laurie drove her car away to her home, which was a couple of houses down the same street.

Amy went inside her home and rushed up into her bedroom.

It was later that night inside the Bradley home.

Amy sat at the dining room table with her mother, Kate Bradley, forty-four years old, father Rick Bradley, forty-five years old, and her annoying little brother Tim Bradley ten years old. 

The Bradley family ate pot-roast for dinner.

“How was school today?” Rick asked Amy and Tim.

“Cool! Billy Thompson barfed in class, and they were the big chunks!” Tim replied, all excited.

Thought of Tim’s comment made Amy sick. She picked at the rest of her pot-roast, mashed potatoes, and cream corn. She set her fork down and pushed her plate away. 

Tim got sad eyes. “Then I stunk at soccer practice, and everybody made fun of me.”

“Why don't you help Tim with some tips on playing soccer?” Kate said while she looked over at Amy.

“I'm a grown woman now. I don't have the time for soccer anymore since I have a boyfriend and a fashion career to prepare for,” Amy said while she still lost her appetite.

Tim looked rejected.

“Why is it so terrible for you to help your brother?” Rick scolded Amy.

Amy looked like she could care less about her little brother.

Kate's eye widened. “Oh, I almost forgot. We're going to Aunt Wilma's house tomorrow afternoon in Sun City. It's her birthday, and she’s having a little party with her friends,” she told Amy and Tim.

It took a few seconds for Kate’s news to sink in Amy’s head. “No! I have big plans tomorrow with Paul, Laurie, and some friends!” Amy said, being defiant.

“You'll have to cancel those plans,” Kate snapped back at Amy.

Tim smiled at Amy happy that her plans for Saturday were ruined.

“I can't stand old people!” Amy cried out and looked like she was ready for the tears to flow. “Besides. I don't know her. I've only seen her a couple of times in my life,” she added.

“You need to show a little respect for the elderly!” Rick told Amy with a raised tone.

“I'm not going since I have plans with Paul tomorrow. Sorry!” Amy cried out, being serious, and crossed her arms to make a stand.

The sound of a car racing into the driveway was heard followed by a car horn.

Amy's eyes sparkled, overhearing the sound of the car. She jumped up and rushed away from the table.

“Excuse me, where do you think you're going?” Rick called out.

Amy turned around in the archway of the dining room.

“Out to the mall with Paul.”

“You'll have to sacrifice Saturday's party or be grounded all next week during your precious spring break,” Rick replied and looked serious.

Amy looked upset but knew she didn’t have a choice. “Okay. I'll go to the old lady’s birthday party. Can I go now?” she said in a smart-ass tone.

“You didn’t finish your meal, Amy,” Kate said.

“Tim’s barf story in school made me sick. I can’t eat anymore,” Amy replied and looked anxious to get out of the house.

“Go. Be home by ten, or you’ll be grounded next week,” Rick said.

“Okay,” Amy replied while she turned around and ran to the front door.

“Don't we get a good-bye kiss anymore?” Rick yelled out while Amy ran to the front door.

“I'm too old for that!” Amy yelled back while she opened the front door and slammed it shut.

“Is that girl ever going to grow up?” Rick asked Kate

“In due time. In due time,” Kate replied.

Rick looked unsure Amy would ever grow up but couldn’t wait for that day to come.

Outside the Bradley house, Paul waited in his red with black interior nineteen eighty-five Z-28 Camaro in the driveway.

Amy opened up the passenger door, sat down and slammed the door shut.

“I hate my family!” she cried out and was pissed.

“What's wrong? “ Paul asked while he backed the Z-28 down the driveway.

“I can't believe it. My parents are forcing me to go to a stupid birthday for some super old lady tomorrow afternoon,” she said, crossed her arms and pouted.

Paul looked upset while he threw the Z-28 into first gear and zoomed away with the back tires screeching. “But Jake's big party is tomorrow afternoon,” he said while he shifted gears and looked upset.

“These old people are ruining my life,” Amy cried out hating life.

It was a quiet ride to the Paradise Valley shopping mall while Amy stayed pouted in the passenger seat.

Fifteen minutes later, Paul and Amy walked around the Paradise Valley mall holding hands. She started to put missing tomorrow’s party out of her mind and started to feel better.

“There are Jake and Laurie,” Paul said when he spotted the two sitting by a bench.

Jake Morrison was a seventeen-year-old short blonde haired jock and has been Paul’s best friend since the first grade.

Paul and Amy tried to speed up to get to the bench but Ernst and Wendy, an old couple around eighty-three years old were inching ever so slow in front of them.

Paul and Amy tried to go around Ernst and Wendy, but this part of the mall got crowded, and they were blocked.

Amy got frustrated with walking slow behind the old couple. “See what I mean about old people ruining my life,” she said and wanted to scream. After a few seconds with inching closer to Laurie and Jake, she couldn’t take it any longer. “Move it!” she yelled at Ernst and Wendy.

The old couple jumped startled, and they moved to the side and looked scared while Amy and Paul rushed at them.

“Boo!” Paul yelled at Ernst and Wendy, who jumped startled again.

Paul and Amy laughed while they rushed over to Jake and Laurie.

“Jake was telling me he got James Dennison’s band to play at his party tomorrow,” Laurie told Amy.

“I can’t go tomorrow,” Amy said while she looked like she wanted to cry.

“What do you mean you can’t go?” Laurie asked and looked concerned.

“I have to go to some birthday party for some old aunt of my father,” Amy replied and pouted.

“Can’t you get out of going?” Laurie asked.

“It was either go to Jake’s party tomorrow and be grounded for the rest of spring break, or go to the old lady’s birthday party and have the rest of Spring Break to party,” Amy replied and looked like she wanted to scream. “Of all the days, she would have to have a birthday tomorrow,” Amy said and still pouted.

“We celebrated my father's fiftieth birthday last week,” Laurie said.

“Wow! That’s half a century. That's old,” Amy replied.

Jake, Paul, and Laurie nodded in agreement.

“Don't worry, Amy. We'll have a blast all next week,” Paul said while he placed an arm around Amy’s shoulder to comfort her.

Amy felt better when she thought about her spring break starting on Sunday.

Randall walked up to Amy, and he wore his uniform from the Hot Dog On A Stick fast food restaurant he worked at inside the mall.

“Hey Amy, did you decide if you’ll help me next week?” Randall asked

“Help out with what?” Paul asked and was curious about why Amy would spend time with Randall.

“He’s trying to get some people to volunteer at some old folks home,” Amy told Randall.

“I’m sorry, dork, but Amy’s going to spend time with me next week. So she doesn’t have time to be changing the diapers on old men,” Paul told Randall in a threatening tone.

Randall felt intimidated by Paul, so he turned around and headed back to the hot dog restaurant.

“Why can't you be nice to him?” Amy told Paul while she smacked his arm for being mean.

“That’s okay, Randall deserves it for being such a dork,” Laurie told Amy.

Paul ignored Amy while he discreetly snuck a peek at a hot girl that walked down the mall.

It was nine that night, and the parking lot of the mall started to thin out. 

Paul’s Z-28 was alone in one area of the lot, and the windows were steamed.

Inside his Z-28, Paul and Amy were engaged in passionate kissing in the small backseat.

They separated and gave their lips a little breather.

“So, if I hit a home run during our next game, what will I get?” Paul said while he kissed Amy’s neck then sucked on her ear lobe.

“Well, I'll just have to show you next week,” Amy replied while she loved the feeling of Paul kissing her neck and sucking on her ear lobe.

Paul stopped kissing her neck and looked like he was going to burst. “What if I can't wait until then?” he said while he ran a hand down the inside of her thighs.

“I’m sorry. No home run. No bonus points. That's the rules,” Amy said, being adamant about her demands. She emoved his hand from the inside of her thighs.

“You're as tough as Coach Williams,” Paul replied and looked extremely disappointed.

“That's because I'm the hottest you're ever going to meet!” Amy replied with a cocky tone.

Paul smiled. “Next week's gonna be so sweet.”

Amy nodded in agreement, and they returned to the heavy kissing.

“Do you love me, Paul?” Amy said between kisses.

“Of course I do,” Paul replied but was afraid of saying the love word to Amy.

Amy accepted his response and was in heaven while she kissed Paul.