Teen Granny by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 3


The sun rose, and it was Saturday morning.

Amy pouted during breakfast over missing Jake's big party later today. The only thing that put a sparkle in her eyes was the thought she had that tomorrow she could start her spring break with her friends.

She stayed pouted over missing the party for the rest of the morning.

It was now two that afternoon, and Kate and Rick loaded everybody into their green with green interior two thousand and four Plymouth Voyager minivan.

During the drive, Amy stared out her window and got depressed the second she saw Jake's house while Rick drove down the street. She wanted to cry when she saw Paul, Jake, and Laurie outside by the front door having a blast with some other kids from her class.

Tim played with his Game Boy during the drive.

Tim pretended to sneeze in his hands. He reached over and wiped his hand on Amy's arm.

She looked grossed out and moved closer to her door. "Ewe! Mom! Tim's wiping snot chunks on me!" she yelled out then punched Tim in his arm.

"Mom! Amy hit me!" Tim yelled out while he rubbed the spot where she hit him.

Kate turned around and glared at Tim and Amy. "Can you two perform a miracle and act a little mature for once?" she yelled.

"I'm the mature one. Mister snot chunk over there is the problem," Amy replied.

Rick cringed in pain while he drove and rubbed his forehead to sooth the start of a daylong headache.

Kate saw Rick rubbing his forehead, and she lightly chuckled.

A little while later, Rick pulled his Voyager minivan down Cactus Lane in Sun City.

He soon pulled his minivan into the driveway of Aunt Wilma's home. He parked his minivan next to Aunt Wilma's nineteen seventy-eight faded red Ford Escort. Also parked along the curb in front to that house was a two thousand blue with white interior Ford Crown Victoria.

Rick, Kate, Amy, and Tim, with his Game Boy in hand, got out of the minivan and walked to the front door. Rick rang the doorbell, and they waited.

A few seconds later, the front door opened, and Aunt Wilma, seventy-five years old, head full of white hair and still full of spunk appeared. Wilma's face lit up with joy at the sight of Rick, Kate, Amy, and Tim. "Little Ricky!" she cried out and rushed outside hugging Rick.

"Hey Aunt Wilma," Rick replied while he hugged then kissed her cheek. "You remember Kate, Amy, and Tim," he said while he placed an arm around Wilma.

Wilma smiled while she walked over and gave Tim and Amy a quick kiss on their cheeks.

Just let me die! Amy thought to herself, thinking it was gross to be kissed by an older person.

"Please come inside," Wilma said while she walked into her home.

Rick, Kate, Wilma, and Tim followed Wilma inside her home.

Rick, Kate, Amy, and Tim entered Wilma's living room decorated with furniture that was thirty years old.

"I would like for you to meet my dear sweet friends," Wilma said.

"There's Barney Morrison and Dorothy Acklin," Wilma said while she pointed to over to the couch.

From the couch, Barney, a seventy-five-year-old goofy looking chubby male that wore yellow plaid pants with a lime green short-sleeved shirt waved along with Dorothy, one of the ladies from the Crown Victoria.

"Over there is Dorreen Boudreaux," Wilma said while she pointed to Dorreen that sat in a chair.

Dorreen was an eighty-year-old voodoo spooky lady from New Orleans. She had cold black eyes and long white hair that ran to the middle of her back.

 Dorreen gave a little nod to the Bradley's.

"And over there are Wilbur Hirsch and Edith Shelby," Wilma said while she pointed at the two that sat on a love seat.

Wilbur, a seventy-five-year-old lanky, bald man waved along with Edith, the other lady from the Crown Victoria.

Everybody, I would like to introduce you to my nephew Rick and his wife Kate, daughter Amy and son Tim.

Wilma leaned closer to Kate, Rick, Amy, and Tim. "Dorreen's from New Orleans and practices that voodoo stuff," Wilma whispered to them.

Amy rolled her eyes as she could care less about all these older people.

Tim's eyes lit up when he looked at Dorreen and though voodoo was neat stuff.

Edith looked at Amy, and there was something odd about the teenage, but Edith couldn't place a finger on it.

Dorreen glanced over at Barney with a loving smile. She got up from her chair and walked over to him.

Barney looked at Dorreen and appeared a little bothered by her presence.

Wilbur leaned over to Edith. "Dorreen's going after Barney again," he whispered in her ear.

Edith nodded in agreement with Wilbur's observation.

Dorreen started to sit down next to Barney, but he stood up and pushed her to the side.

"Please have a seat, Amy," Barney called out and motioned for her to join him on the couch.

Amy stood still and pretended she didn't hear Barney's offer.

Dorreen stormed away furious with Barney's rejection.

"Sit with me, Tim," Dorothy motioned at Tim to join her on the couch.

Amy and Tim just stood in place.

Kate noticed and motioned for them to be sociable.

Amy reluctantly walked over and sat down next to Barney.

Tim walked over and sat down next to Dorothy.

Dorreen walked over and stood in the archway that led into the dining room. She saw Amy sitting next to Barney. 

Dorothy glanced over at Amy, and she suddenly got a déjà vu look. "Have we met before?" she said while she leaned over toward Amy.

"No way," Amy replied while she moved back from Dorothy's face.

Edith got up from the love seat and walked over to Amy, curious about the teenager.

"You're right Dorothy. She does look familiar, but I can't remember where I've seen her before," Edith said while she studied Amy.

Amy got nervous with the two old ladies glaring at her.

Edith's eyes suddenly lit up, and she snapped her fingers when her memory came back. "She's the girl that mooned us yesterday."

Amy blushed when she remembered mooning the two old ladies.

Tim giggled, jumped up from the couch and performed a Michael Jackson Moonwalk dance. "Amy's mooning people!" he said in a teasing tone while he Moon walked around the living room.

"That's the spirit!" Wilma called out with a chuckle while she looked at Amy, who stayed beet red with embarrassment.

Kate and Rick visually scolded Amy.

Amy looked at her parents. "What?" she mouthed her reply.

Barney leaned closer to Amy and raised his eyebrows up and down. "So, do you have a boyfriend?" he asked.

Over in the archway to the dining room, Dorreen gave Amy an evil look, and she hated the teenager.

"Yes. A big strong baseball player who beats people up if they touch me," Amy said in a warning tone of voice.

Barney laughed.

Kate and Rick again visually scolded Amy.

Amy ignored her parent's eyes.

"What do you want to be when you grow up?" Barney asked Amy.

"I'm going to be a fashion designer," Amy said with a proud smile.

"Maybe you can design some clothes for me?" Barney replied

Amy looked at Barney's clothes and got disgusted. "I'll never be that kind of designer!

Kate and Rick visually scolded Amy again.

A few hours had passed, and everybody retired to the living room after eating a birthday cake to celebrate Wilma's seventy-fifth birthday.

Amy stood at the living room windows. She glanced out the windows longing to be at Jake's party.

Dorothy sat on the couch with Tim, and they played with his Game Boy.

"Go there. Now go there. Yes!" Tim called out while he coached her. He raised his arm in victory when Dorothy scored some points with the game.

Tim raised his arms in victory.

Wilma walked up to a record player on her bookcase with an album in hand. "Let's burn off that cake," she said while she showed everybody her Glenn Miller album. She placed the record in the record player and the Glenn Miller song "In The Mood" started playing.

Wilbur walked over to Edith, who relaxed in a chair. "May I have this dance, my lady?" he said while he extended out his hand.

"It would be a pleasure," Edith replied with a warm smile and accepted Wilbur's hand.

He assigned Edith up to her feet, and they started a comical swing dance to the music.

Kate grabbed Rick's hand, and they started swing dancing.

Dorothy grabbed Tim by his hand and got him off the couch. They started swing dancing.

Dorreen walked over to Barney on the couch and smiled at him. "May I have this dance?" she asked with a warm smile while she leaned over and dropped an extra house key into his shirt pocket. "And then later tonight, you can drop by my house," she said and blew him a little kiss.

Barney looked around and saw Amy at the living room window. He looked up at Dorreen. "Naw Dorreen, I'm only interested in younger ladies," Barney said and stood up, moved Dorreen to the side and rushed over to Amy.

Dorreen stormed out of the living room furious with being rejected again by Barney.

Barney danced up to Amy and extended his hand. "May I have this dance fair lady?" he said and blew her a little kiss.

Amy vigorously shook her head in refusal.

"Amy!" Kate called out in a scolding tone when she saw Amy refusing Barney's offer to dance.

Amy reluctantly took Barney's hand afraid if she didn't, she would be grounded during spring break.

Barney walked Amy away from the living room window, and he started a comical swing dance.

Amy looked miserable while she moped along with Barney's dancing. While she danced with Barney, Amy glanced to the side and saw Dorreen across the room, looking furious. Amy got a cold chill while she saw Dorreen's cold black eyes.

Later that afternoon, another Glenn Miller song played on the record player. 

Everybody socialized in the living room except for Amy, who was in the kitchen.

"Hey Laurie," Amy said into her cell phone.

"Hey Amy, how's the old people's party?" Laurie replied from the cell phone.

"Extremely creepy and freaky," Amy replied.

Laurie was heard from Amy's cell phone while she chuckled.

Amy had this cold chill overcome her entire body and saw Dorreen in the doorway. Amy gave Dorreen a dirty look for listening to her private conservation.

"A spooky old lady is staring at me right now," Amy whispered into her cell phone.

"Hang in there, we'll have fun starting tomorrow," Laurie replied from the cell phone.

Amy looked curious. "What's Paul doing right now?"

Dorreen glared at Amy with her cold black eyes.

"He's talking with Suzie Comer," Laurie replied from the cell phone.

Amy looked worried. "He's not?" Amy asked, worried that Paul might be fooling around with Suzie.

"You have nothing to worry about; they're just talking," Laurie replied from the cell phone.

Amy looked relieved but still had a hint of suspicion with Suzie being with Paul. She glanced at the doorway and saw Kate standing with her arms crossed pissed with Amy.

Kate rushed over to Amy. "I can't believe your attitude!"

"But Mom, they're so old!" Amy replied.

"You know something; time will fly by fast. Then one day, you're gonna wake up old," Kate scolded Amy.

"Nope. Not me! Never!" Amy replied with a tone of cocky defiance in her voice.

Kate rolled her eyes as she knew it was pointless to argue with a teenage daughter.

Kate walked out of the kitchen.

Amy turned her back on Kate. "I'm still here. Why don't you come by the house at ten tomorrow and we'll hang at the mall," she said into the cell phone.

"Sounds great," Laurie replied from the cell phone.

Dorreen reappeared in the doorway and glared at Amy.

Amy tucked her cell phone away into her jeans pocket. 

She walked out of the kitchen and didn't notice Dorreen's glaring eyes from the other kitchen doorway.

Dorreen walked into the kitchen and over to a drawer. She removed a pair of scissors and hid them from view.

She had an evil smirk while she walked out of the kitchen after Amy.

Back in the living room, Glenn Miller's "Moonlight Serenade" song played on the record player.

Wilbur and Edith slow danced.

Rick and Kate slow danced.

Dorothy and Tim slow danced.

Barney and Wilma chatted on the couch.

Amy walked into the living room, and her eyes rolled at the sight of everybody slow dancing.

She walked over and plopped her butt down in a chair.

Dorreen gingerly walked up behind Amy with the scissors. She discreetly cut some of Amy's hair, catching it in her hand.

She walked away with an evil smirk.

Amy had a cold chill shoot through her entire body. She turned around and didn't see anybody behind her except for Dorreen who walked into the dining room.

It was later that evening, and Amy was ecstatic Wilma's birthday party was over.

Wilma stood at the Voyager minivan with Rick, Kate, Amy, and Tim.

Amy opened the van back door, she rushed inside and plopped her butt down on the seat.

"We had a great time Aunt Wilma and again, happy birthday," Rick told Wilma with a kiss on her cheek.

"We loved seeing you again," Kate said and kissed Wilma on her cheek.

"I can't remember the last time I had this much fun. Thank you for coming," Wilma replied with a warm smile.

Rick and Kate exchange more hugs and kisses with Wilma.

Wilma kissed Tim on his forehead.

Wilma looked at the van and saw Amy pouting in the back seat. She tapped on the window and gave Amy a goodbye wave.

Amy forced out a fake smile.

"Is she sick?" Wilma asked Rick and Kate.

"One of those teenager things," Rick replied.

"Ah, yes. I remember being her age a long, long, long time ago," Wilma responded.

Rick and Kate looked at the front door and saw Wilbur, Barney, Dorothy, and Edith, who waved goodbye.

"Goodbye," Rick and Kate said in unison to Wilma's friends.

Barney walked up to the minivan and blew Amy a kiss.

Oh gross! Amy thought to herself while she turned away and looked down at the floor of the van.

Wilma chuckled then she noticed Dorreen at the door with an evil smirk. Wilma shrugged it off.

Rick, Kate, and Tim got inside the Voyager minivan, and he was soon driving away with Wilma, Barney, Wilbur, Dorothy, and Edith waving goodbye. 

Dorreen just stared at the minivan and then back at Barney with an evil smirk.

It was later that night at Dorreen's house on the other side of Sun City.

Inside her den, she had numerous candles that illuminated the room. On the walls and in the bookcases were hundreds of voodoo dolls, and other weird items. The room had a spooky atmosphere.

At a small desk in the den, Dorreen read an old faded leather book. She grabbed a handmade doll out of smooth white cloth and had yellow string for hair. She placed the doll into a fluorescent lime green colored concoction inside a bowl. She cut some of her hair with scissors and dropped it into the bowl.  She dropped Amy's hair in the bowl. She dropped the doll into the bowl where it quickly soaked up the fluorescent lime green concoction.

"Sixty years will quickly come upon you, my dear Amy Bradley," Dorreen chanted out while her eyes rolled back into the head. She then made strange Voodoo sounds while she lit a match over the bowl.

There was a poof while a flame appeared from the concoction.

A few seconds later, the flame was extinguished.

She reached inside the bowl and removed the doll. It now had pure while string for hair and the skin was wrinkled.

Dorreen laughed an evil laugh for a few seconds.

Then she suddenly got a look of pain and buckled over.

She felt better a few seconds later and started to blow out all the candles.

Dorreen walked out of her room and went into her bedroom.

Dorreen got in bed, and the pain returned and shot through her entire body.

Back in the Bradley home, Amy was asleep in her bed. 

She started to toss and turn and mumbled in her sleep. 

She sweated while she tossed and turned and cringed in pain. It looked like she was having a nightmare.

During Amy's nightmare, she was walking down a dark spooky street. 

She heard footsteps behind her.

Amy turned around and saw three old ladies walking behind her with zombie stares and growling. Amy got nervous, and she picked up her pace.

The three old ladies turned into six old ladies, and they walked faster and growled at Amy.

Amy started to run.

The six old ladies turned into twelve old ladies that ran after Amy all growling like mad dogs.

Amy turned around and saw twenty-four old ladies running after her with all of them, growling like mad dogs.

Amy was in a panic while she ran faster.

Amy turned down another street.

The twenty-four old ladies turned down that same street growling at Amy.

All of a sudden, Amy was running down a hallway. She felt safe but then heard some growling sounds. She turned around, and the twenty-four old ladies were running after Amy and still growling.

Amy turned down another hallway filled with floor to ceiling mirrors.

Amy ran past one mirror and saw that she was an old lady.

It was back to reality, and Amy woke up from her dream in a panic. She looked dazed and confused for a few seconds while she looked around her room. It dawned on her that she had a bad dream. She closed her eyes and fell fast asleep.