The Joy of Stupidity by Kelvin Bueckert - HTML preview

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Herman vs Melvin vs Gertrude and Vice Versa

The town was empty…everyone had decided to go camping and get away from it all. Strangely, everyone had decided to go to the same campground, which meant they didn’t really get away from anything or anyone but, that is a subject for another day.

The point here is that the town was mostly empty, except for two, or perhaps, three stragglers. One of them, a chubby fellow named Herman, stumbled onto the deserted street, his round puffy face contorted as his eyes bulged, betraying the sheer joy he found lapping the juice of a rapidly melting ice cream cone from his chubby fingers.

Shortly thereafter, Melvin, a skinny and frail looking lad, rode into the scene as well. Melvin was English, but he enjoyed the odd french fry and so, he parked his bicycle, ordered one odd french fry from the fast food window conveniently located nearby, stuck the fry into his mouth, and began to savor its salt and goodness.

As Herman and Melvin stared at each other they realized they were both very different from each other, one had red hair and one had black hair, it was indeed a hairy situation.

Words flew back and forth, deep, profound statements such as, all red haired people are red necks too. All black haired people have hearts as black as coal and should be banned forever from entering the town…and so on…and so on…and always be sure to sew on a Singer Sewing Machine.


Finally, Gertrude, a practical old woman, hobbled into the scene and poured cold water all over it. As Herman and Melvin stood there, dripping ice water, Gertrude pointed out the horrible truth, the truth that would haunt them both for the rest of their days.

Or at least for five or ten minutes but I digress.

“You two are arguing about how different you are but if you’d stop to think, you’d realize that you two both doing exactly the same thing and that you’re both idiots! Now if you really want something different to happen in this town, you’re gonna have to start doing something different, if you really want to be radical you better stop doing what is typical! If you really want change, you’re going to have to be ready to make some changes to the way you…yourselves are living.”

Obviously, this was a stupid thing to say about stupidity, therefore, Herman and Melvin paid no attention whatsoever to this foolish rambling. Instead, they both went off to lick their wounds…literally…and to indulge in a much needed time of reflection, pouting and self pity, which showed everyone that they were far more mature and wise than Gertrude ever gave them credit for.