The Joy of Stupidity by Kelvin Bueckert - HTML preview

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The Joy of Stupidity!

Ah, the joy of stupidity. Really, there is much I could say about this subject but in the interest of time I will only cover the three major advantages of stupidity.

1. VALUABLE OPPORTUNITIES TO LEARN. As you continually face the consequences of your foolish actions, you will be rewarded with many valuable learning opportunities that you would never receive otherwise.

2. BLISS BEYOND MEASURE. Every time you refuse to learn the first time, you create even more opportunities to learn and since ignorance is bliss, as you continue in your refusal to learn from the consequences of your actions, your joy will abound more and more!

3. FREE TIME TO DO WHAT YOU WANT. Despite what you may have heard, many employers respect the powers of stupidity in action and will reward the employee practicing stupidity with plenty of free time to do exactly what they want to do, in their own way!

Finally, as I conclude this special broadcast on stupidity, you may be saying to yourself, “this is stupid.” If so, perhaps you should really be asking yourself, why am I talking to myself? It is probably because you are alone. If so, take heart, tomorrow we’ll explore the law of attraction and how to use the age old truth that misery loves company to fill your life with companions and acquaintances. Until next time, this is Doctor Kelly saying, “Why plan to send me a postcard when you could simply send me the money you plan to go on vacation with.”