The Joy of Stupidity by Kelvin Bueckert - HTML preview

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The Aliens Have Landed...on Their Faces.

The search for intelligent life in the universe had gone on for years, taking billions from a government budget of millions.

The citizens of the planet grumbled about the cost of the program and demanded higher taxes to pay for it all. However, the planetary government continually refused this completely reasonable request. Protests and unrest soon became the rule of the day, especially among the citizens who had forgotten to take their sleeping pills.

It was in the midst of this restless time when an alien signal was finally received. Not only had the long awaited signal arrived, the signal had also carried the glad tidings that the aliens themselves would soon arrive as well. So it was with great anticipation that the good people of Planet Lundas began preparing a grand welcome for the alien visitors.

Eventually, after many months of preparation, the glorious day arrived. As the crowd looked up in wonder at the star spangled night sky, a brilliant white light appeared, growing closer and closer. The crowd gasped. Before their eyes a stream of sparks and fire began to flow as the alien craft streaked through the atmosphere like a shooting star. A loud ahh burst from the crowd as rockets fired with flame and thunder. Then, the crowd fell silent as the silver saucer began descending.

As the saucer settled to the ground, there was a whoosh of white vapor as a door slid open, revealing the aliens in all their splendor. A row of humans wearing torn blue jeans that drooped to their ankles, white tank tops, and baseball caps turned backwards. Triumphant rap music began to blast out through a hidden sound system. With their heads bowed as if in prayer, the aliens used their smart phones to update their social media platforms. Finally, as they completed their religious ritual, the aliens from Planet Earth exited their space craft to a roar of applause from the citizens of Planet Lundas.

The aliens were quickly ushered to a stage, a podium, and a microphone.

The people of Planet Lundas needed to hear them speak.

One by one the aliens stepped up to the podium, revealing the strange practices of the citizens of Planet Earth. The crowd chuckled as they heard of the bizarre rituals of eating junk food in an effort to provide nutrition to the human body. The crowd shook their heads as the aliens boasted of the greatness to be gained on Earth by oppressing the weak and the poor. Finally, the crowd recoiled in horror as they were subjected to crude jokes about the human anatomy, as the aliens detailed the joys of pursuing pornography instead of true romance.

With that, members of the Planet Lundas Security Force unplugged the microphone and ushered the aliens back to their flying saucer. All in all, the experience was more than enough to convince the good citizens of Planet Lundas that their search for intelligent life in the universe would need to continue.