The Joy of Stupidity by Kelvin Bueckert - HTML preview

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The Haunting.


Out of the mist they came…the hunched over hordes, shuffling along with wide eyed empty stares…their eyes fixed firmly upon their smart phones.

Wolves howled, babies wailed, and the seven seas were sailed.

Then the knocking began. The constant tapping against my door, louder and and louder, driving me to the point of madness. I knew that reaching the point of madness was a pointless exercise, so I listened to the warnings of the wife, who had already reached the point of being mad…at me.

“Oh stop it already with your overactive imagination and open the door,” she snapped.

There was a hideous creak as I shoved open the door and then, I saw them, the mob of children, reaching, grasping, hungry for my…

“Oh for pete’s sake Kelvin, you’re driving yourself crazy” said the wife, as she shoved me aside and knelt to give with the cuddly little children the candy they wanted.

Which was my cunning plan all along.

Isn’t it a treat when you can trick someone else into handing out treats? It gives more time to eat the treats yourself. Anyway, the moral of the story is this, you can give in to fearful imaginings like I did or you can live in faith. Even though the world is going crazy, we don’t have to. The truth is, the truth is out there, we just have to search it out. When we find it, we’ll find that we can have hope for tomorrow and even have a Happy Halloween.

Shocking twist ending: the wife mentioned is imaginary.