The Joy of Stupidity by Kelvin Bueckert - HTML preview

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The School Without Principals.

Herman was an educated man. A big man. He was about 900 pounds. Yet, he also had a vision. Television. And even more than that, he had a dream of a bold future.

A day when he would be the one in charge of the entire school division.

With that thought in mind he embarked on his power play. Yes indeed, it was easy enough for Herman to surrender his principals in exchange for power. Who needed principals anyway? They just got in the way of a good time.

It wasn’t long before Herman found himself in power without any principals.

He was happy with his life, he had the power he had always craved. And even though the school was in a constant state of chaos and violence…even though Herman had a government mandate to keep order in the hallways, Herman had no desire whatsoever to bring back any of his principals.

Instead, continuing on in his power play, Herman loudly began pointing out the flaws of all other schools in the country. The age old truth is, it is easier to see the spek of sawdust in someone else’s eye than the entire plank jammed into your own eye socket and Herman used this fact to his advantage.

This play is how Herman was able to stay in power and this is how a school division mired in a state of utter anarchy learned a valuable lesson. Well, nobody actually learned anything but that’s beside the point.

Look at the shape that all those other schools are in! We’re actually pretty good compared to that…even if we don’t have any principals.