The Joy of Stupidity by Kelvin Bueckert - HTML preview

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Billy Goes Ape!


Looking back on it all now it may be hard to believe, but it’s true. Once upon a time Billy was actually a normal, well-adjusted young man.

Every morning he ate his Cheerios without the poison of added sugar, every day, all day, he stocked shelves at the local Walmart without a word of complaint.

Yet, unknown to the other people of his town, Billy harbored dark desires…secret urges to indulge his wild side!

As the days and weeks went by, he kept stocking the shelves at the Walmart even as he allowed these wild fantasies to play over and over in his brain. Indeed, the ancient sayings of our sages are true, the thoughts you feed are the thoughts that breed, multiply and soon govern the course of your life. So it was with Billy, as he allowed himself to meditate on these wild fantasies, the primitive urges within his soul kept building up steam.

Then came that fateful day, the day when his wild fantasies took over his life.

The day when Billy finally went ape!

After his respectable job at the Walmart he started to hang around with the monkeys, sadly these monkeys were not the well-known band from the sixties, these monkeys were rough, primitive primates. The types of creatures who hang around…monkey bars…ahem…a real swinging bunch if you catch my meaning.

These were party animals of the first order and they loved nothing more than to see things going completely bananas…every day…all day!

The people of the town who watched Billy cavorting with this beasts could only shake their heads as they remembered the nice young man he once was. “Look at them all monkeying around, they belong in a zoo!” Was the common consensus in the local coffee shops…

Sadly, it wasn’t long before that is exactly where all these party animals were taken…for their own safety you understand.

“If you want to live like animals, you’ll be treated like animals,” said the zoo keepers as they rounded up all these creatures and put them in their proper places.

And that is how Billy, the animal, came to live in his cage, first enslaved by the wild thoughts he allowed into his life, and then finally enslaved as the animal he had allowed himself to become.

As he spent the rest of his days roaming his prison, Billy couldn’t help but feel regret. A longing for his boring old life stocking shelves at the Walmart, at least there he could be with the other beings of his kind, the human beings.

If only…if only…were thoughts that now consumed his mind.

If only he hadn’t started watching those Tarzan movies. If only he hadn’t allowed them to take over his life. If only he had listened to the sages when they had offered him their wise counsel. “Billy, sometimes you’re better off just minding your own business. Sometimes you’ve gotta resist the temptation to go along with the mob! Stay strong! Don’t let yourself get sucked into any monkey business!”