The Joy of Stupidity by Kelvin Bueckert - HTML preview

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4-Stupid Things to Do in Relationships!

Do you find yourself facing the constant challenge of healthy relationships and reasonable conversation? You’re not alone. For those struggling through a time of relationship happiness, I offer these helpful tips and WORDS OF POWER.

FIND THE NEGATIVE in your relationship. This may difficult. Some people say that negatives are hard to find in a time of blessing…but, persist friend, dig deep and I’m sure you can find a negative in your relationship somewhere.

Secondly, once you find the negative be sure to DEVELOP THE NEGATIVE TO SEE THE FULL PICTURE of negativity in your relationship. Don’t be scared to ask for help…the world is full of negative minded people just itching for the chance to share their knowledge of negative. Learn from them! I tell ya, hang out in a dark room with a bunch of small-minded people long enough and you’ll soon get big results on this point.

Thirdly, after you have developed the full picture, BLOW UP THE PICTURE to make the negative far bigger than it originally was…and then, since this picture is usually of a pile dirty laundry…it is obvious that the fourth and final step would be to….

DISPLAY THE PICTURE THAT WAS BLOWN UP OUT OF PROPORTION so that everyone can see and complain about what was originally only a little negative.

Now be warned that some disreputable relationship counselors will say that you should practice obscure things like forgiveness…thankfulness…some even go as far as to say that people should express appreciation for the positive things they see in the other person…but frankly, these practices will only lead to more happiness and healthy relationships…and who wants that?