The Joy of Stupidity by Kelvin Bueckert - HTML preview

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The Invasion...of Stupidity!

The residents of Planet Earth, known throughout the galaxy as, “humans”, were busy boasting, claiming that one race was better than the other.

Meanwhile, the aliens were far above, spinning around in their flying cups and saucers, looking down on this world of human chaos. Strangely, the aliens saw just one race, a human race of people who all looked equally delicious.

To the alien mind, humans were like refrigerators, it was what lurked inside that truly counted. Yes, the color on the outside of a human didn’t matter to the alien as much as the meat, the substance, inside a human. This foolish view was only one reason why the alien was viewed with contempt by the leadership of Planet Earth.

“Spaced out,” was the term the humans often used when referring to the aliens. “I just don’t know what they’re saying, it seems like they are from another world,” complained other humans as they attempted to negotiate with the alien high command. Finally, like most humans when faced with things they didn’t understand, the humans in charge of Planet Earth wisely decided to ignore the alien invasion fleet in hopes that it would go away.

Meanwhile, on a command ship far above Planet Earth, General Strongorg plopped his bloated reptilian body on a sofa, grabbed some popcorn to munch on, and began to study this situation. The bloodthirsty alien hordes under his command shrieked and bellowed as they anxiously awaited his signal to invade. However, upon further study, General Strongorg began to realize that according to the immigration laws of Earth, they would all be classified as illegal aliens. Faced with the frightening prospect of dealing with immigration lawyers for the next few years, General Strongorg began to reconsider his invasion plans.

He needed wisdom.

He needed the only one in the universe who would know what to do.

He needed a smart Alec.

It was true, there was intelligent life in the universe.

His name was Alec. He was very intelligent which is why all the other life forms in the universe paid no attention whatsoever to his advice.

General Strongorg cursed. Even though no one wanted smart Alec in the invasion fleet, it would have been good to have someone on board whose advice he could ignore with dignity.

Finally, completely at whit’s end, the General reluctantly gave the order to retreat. With their reptilian tails between their legs, literally, the alien invasion fleet returned to their home planet. There, in a much needed self esteem building exercise, the alien hordes spent some time congratulating themselves on their obvious superiority to the human race they had left behind them.

However, television had not been invented on this backward planet and soon boredom began to set in. Since the aliens needed to fight with someone, they divided themselves into groups based on the color of slime on their scaly skin and began to fight amongst themselves, tearing each other and their home planet into pieces with their sharp claws. Before long, word of their wisdom spread throughout the entire universe.

Which was a happy ending indeed.