The Perfect Prank and Other Stories by JIm O'Brien - HTML preview

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After the “Grinch and Egg Caper” we see a Barclay trigonometry class letting out. Rachel veers off from the other students and approaches Mr.  Hendersen’s desk.

Rachel:  Thanks for your help Jimmy . . . with that  exam.

Mr. Hendersen:  Well, I kind-of put you girls in a spot.

Rachel:  It was the right thing to do.  Mr. Hendersen: Thank you Rachel. It all worked out OK  too.

After Rachel leaves, Mr. Hendersen drifts off into a daydream. It was three years ago, and he was knocking on the dorm room door of the then freshman Rachel.

Mr. Hendersen:  Rachel.

Rachel: Yes?

Mr. Hendersen:  There is the big algebra test next week.

Rachel: Yes.

Mr. Hendersen:  And it has come to my attention that you do  not know the material as well as you know  your own name . . . and I’m concerned.

They are in the freshmen library now, and Rachel is struggling through a series of algebra questions Mr. Hendersen has made up for her . . . and he is watching her progress every step of the way.

Mr. Hendersen:  That’s it. You’re on the right track.  And forty-five minutes later . . .

Rachel:  They’re getting easier. 

Mr. Hendersen:  Good. Good.

The daydream jumps ahead one week, and Mr. Hendersen is passing out the now graded algebra tests. When he gets to Rachel’s desk, he does nothing special beyond placing an “A” paper in front of her. And it is after this class that a pig-tailed Rachel approaches Mr. Hendersen and says: Rachel: Thank  you for your help the other night Mr.  Hendersen.

Mr. Hendersen:  You’re welcome Rachel.

Rachel:  I know I would’ve goofed up big time  without it.

Mr. Hendersen:  Rachel, you have some goodness in you and  that is excellent.

Rachel: Goodness?

Mr. Hendersen:  Yup. You’re lucky. It’s like a muscle. The more  you use it, the bigger it gets.

Rachel:  Thank you Mr. Hendersen.

Mr. Hendersen:  OK. Have a good day Rachel.

And, at this moment, Mr. Hendersen “wakes up” from the daydream, smiles, and continues on with his work.