The Perfect Prank and Other Stories by JIm O'Brien - HTML preview

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Commentator Kelly:

In other news, The Great Paper Airplane Contest took place in the gymnasium this past Saturday. Twenty four participants . . . representing all four Barclay classes . . . put their aviation skills to the test, as judges watched to see which plane could . . . from take off to landing . . . travel the greatest distance. Our ace mobile camera crew was on the scene, and here we see sophomore Marcy launching her aircraft into a non-stop flight over the gymnasium floor. Oooo . . . nice one Marcy. The five planes that flew the furthest were then put into a “fly off ” finals, where the competition was, as one spectator put it, a dog fight. The eventual winner was senior Sandy, whose plane . . . nicknamed The Chocolate Fudge Flier . . . soared and glided a total distance of eighty-two feet. Wow! Here we see Sandy holding up her championship plane for the camera. Way to go Sandy!