Willie's Wisdom by Gurmeet Mattu - HTML preview

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Dear Willie,

My husband and I have always had an open marriage but now my husband, Toby, has suggested that we engage in wife swapping , rather than finding extra-marital partners individually. The problem is that he wishes to swap with George and Cynthia Parland and I totally detest George, whereas hubby has always had the hots for Cynthia. I would much rather swap with Norman and Cathy Belmont as Norman is a dish, but Toby has already had it off with Cathy, at the Christmas party last year. He did not enjoy the occasion as Cathy tends to snort when in the throes of passion and Toby found it to be terribly off-putting and does not want a repeat performance. We both fancy Rick and Yolanda Barbour but they are devout Buddhists and do not approve of wife swapping, so they’re out. George Trumbull is obviously hot for me as he stuck his hand up my skirt at a barbeque last week and I am tempted as Toby copped a feel of George’s wife, Denise too.

Unfortunately Denise went all prudish and called the police and there was a bit of a scene. Luckily I got the phone number of the handsome young cop who arrested Toby, a guy called Andy, so some good came out of the fiasco. Toby admitted to me that he had made love with his cell mate while in jail and feels he may be bisexual, which is appalling as I’m not, so he may get more fun than me and might even steal my boyfriends. Anyway, to get to the question I wanted to ask you, are there any swingers in Scotland, as we’re thinking of visiting your cute little country on vacation?

Ginger, LA

Dear Ginger,


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Scotland is a veritable carnival of carnality with swapping and swinging going on left, right and centre. You can’t step out of the door without tripping over rutting couples. Why only last week, Old Archie, swapped his Russian war bride, Svetlana, for a bag of onions and a copy of Rubber Spanking. He got the best part of the deal, believe me.
