Willie's Wisdom by Gurmeet Mattu - HTML preview

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Dear Willie,

What would you say is the best way to tell my son, Sam, that Santa Claus doesn’t exist? Obviously I don’t want to hurt him or cause any trauma, but I think the time has finally come when he should know the truth.

He always looks forward to Christmas and it is a joy to see his adorable little face as he writes his 29


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Christmas present list to be posted up the chimney, but both his father and I think that it is time he abandoned these childish fantasies. Sam is 43.

Jill, York

Dear Jill,

It is always more traumatic for the parents than the child to face the truth. Sam knows that Santa Claus exists because he is brought presents by him every year. It is of no use telling him that you yourselves supply these presents, as he knows that you are both miserable and mean-spirited people who wouldn’t buy him the X-Box when he asked for it. But, suddenly, come Christmas and his request to Santa, the X-Box suddenly appears. Ipso facto, Santa exists. Live with it.
