Willie's Wisdom by Gurmeet Mattu - HTML preview

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Dear Willie,

My friends and I were discussing which nationality of men make the best lovers. Rosetta said her Luigi was the tops, but Gitte claimed her man, Christian was amazing. With this level of national pride we were obviously never going to get a consensus. The only way to get an unbiased opinion was going to be ask somebody who has no national loyalties, but such a woman doesn’t exist. It was my friend, Rosemary, who suggested that I consult you, as she has been a great fan of yours and respects your immense wisdom. So, Willie, which men make the best lovers?

Rita, NY

Dear Rita,

Strictly speaking, the Japanese make the best lovers. They are made of plastic and run on batteries, but are not very good conversationalists. Following them are the Scots, and this does not display national pride on my part, but an acceptance of reality as I personally know many of these chaps. The legendary Kinky MacDoohan could get a woman pregnant through a brick wall; Hugh Jorgen could give a woman an orgasm just by looking at her and Mungo MacDonut could woo a woman without moving his lips. Show me another nation that could boast such heroes?
