Yet Another SE (Story of an Indian Software Engineer) by Simon - HTML preview

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Chapter 10 –A foreign returned SE               


As days went by, finally the time arrived for me to return back to India. I was coming back with another fellow from my company. The guy’s name was Vishnu and he was from the testing department.


I can’t describe the guy much to you as I always ensured to stay away from him. Since the time I have known him, I found him to be reeling under immense pressure to reduce his company’s on-site costs on him. The guy was not able to come out of the ‘generosity’ that his company had shown by sending him on-site and he wanted to repay his deeds.


For him, whatever amount the client was paying for his trip was only for his company and spending it was a crime. During my stay, I was a keen observer of the guy’s thrifty efforts. And his actions always inspired me - how not to be like him to enjoy my trip.


To reduce his cost of stay Vishnu had chosen the cheapest accommodation available. Also to save on his transportation costs, he used to walk two miles to the office and back on foot. This guy was also suffering from colonial hangover and he subconsciously considered himself to be a servant to the great American clients. In short, it was an honor for him to be drinking from the same coffee machine as the Americans do.


On the day of our return, Vishnu called me a few hours before the flight.


Hi Rohit, How are you going to the airport? What? You are taking a taxi? Why don’t you take a metro and reach there? It is a lot cheaper that way. What? You have to carry the luggage to the metro station. Don’t worry Rohit! I will come to your place and take them to the station with you.”


And so, he came to my apartment and carried my entire luggage to the metro station. I just carried my little laptop bag and watched him carry the rest. Besides, I was grateful to Vishnu, for not suggesting me to reach the Airport on foot.


We reached the airport on time. At the check-in counter, Vishnu’s baggage was declared over-weight. He requested me to adjust his extra load to which I calmly refused. However, a minute later I realized my mistake as the guy started to adjust his extra load on himself. He wore two shirts and three jackets on the top of each other. But that was not all. The guy took out and wore a long cowboy hat which was looking utterly stupid at an air-conditioned Airport terminal.


Hey, Rohit! Did you see my new hat? How am I looking?” asked Vishnu cheerfully


Wonderful! You look very good. Are you going to keep wearing that all through the flight?” I asked him curiously


Yes Rohit, it keeps reminding me of America. I will really miss this place.”


As I fastened my seatbelt and closed my eyes, the memories of America floated before me. And then I realized that I am coming back to India. I was coming back to the land of music, spices and culture and also back to the land of population, pollution and traffic jams. I will meet my old friends, my love, my family and my dear boss, Mahesh again.


In a couple of hours (half a day) our airplane touched down and I was back from my on-site trip. It was a great feeling to return home after a span of three months. How come people stay there for years, I still wonder.  As I came out of the airport, I saw my entire family waiting to receive me. Never before, had I seen such a crowd of relatives at one place exclusively for me.


I went home and presented the gifts to everyone. Soon I saw my aunts hiding behind the American beauty products and uncles flaunting their underarms shaved with international shaving kits. And I saw the kids occupying our television with the latest video games from US.


Amidst all the action were questions from everyone. How I was living? What was I eating? And how many cloths do people wear in US nowadays?


I took a break for two days before joining back my office again. I wanted to rest and spend some time with my family.


However, a lot happened in those two days. Thanks to their on-site publicity, my parents had found new marriage proposals for me. And in spite of me telling them that I like Trisha, they were hell bent to show me these new prospects. And so my marriage interviews went on.


The First girl

“You must have had a great time in the US? You know I have a dream of going abroad. Do you have any plans of settling abroad? India is so hot after all.”


Second Girl

“My ambition? Well actually, my ambition in life will depend upon what my husband wishes me to do. It also depends upon where he chooses to stay, India or US.”


Third girl

“I like guys like you. You are smart, confident, foreign returned and yet so down to earth. Such guys are so practical in life. I want a husband, who will not stop me from doing anything I wish to do.”


These marriage interviews had left me exhausted. I rejected all the girls and persuaded my parents to talk with parents of Trisha. My leaves were over and I was eagerly looking forward to joining my office again.


When I reached my office the next morning, I found all my teammates waiting for me. I wrote the customary ‘chocolates from US’ mail for everyone.


I had seen such on-site return mails before. But this time it was from my side. And this time, it was me who was feeling the glory of an on-site achievement. I went on-site and I came back alive. And for those who didn’t make it till now, I had become another inspiration for them to fly away.


Nice Chocolates. So how was it man? Do you enjoy the trip?”


Yes, I enjoyed it thoroughly. Especially, I enjoyed the Dollars that my company gave me.” I laughed


In that case, can you please tell me how I can earn my own?”


Yes guys! Time changes very fast. A few months ago, I was myself seeking ways to go on-site. And now, I had become a real on-site adviser. How about opening a consultancy firm?


I think you need to improve upon skills to go on-site”, I declared.


Though just like other on-siters I didn’t reveal him which skills were actually required.