Angel of the Prasad Family by Dr Ram Lakhan Prasad - HTML preview

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The empty feeling here is making me very tired

I feel all alone and lonely but more than retired

At night I lay in bed staring at that cruel ceiling

It looks like a wide screen shows all past feeling

I sit up when you are part of that loving moment

I begin to call but you do not make any comment

I go to sleep with these fond memories in my eyes

I long to have that dream that give me the old ties

Dreams are just dreams far from your presence

They can’t heal my suffering but act as penance

I yearn to stroll hand in hand in our back yard

Gaze at the stars and the moon with your card

The card that you gave me when I turned seventy

That was the most precious gift out of the plenty

When the moon is up the whole sky then weeps

Tears flood my thoughts then the heart sleeps

I am left to imagine your touch that gave me joy

All is so gentle, loving and kind like a child’s toy

I never expected this to happen not in my dream

Prince charming is not part of  peach and cream

It was your sweetest smile that melted my heart

The strong feeling was ingrained in me from start

Whatever can be the reason for me to feel this way

I know that strong feeling grows stronger everyday

All the year I have been praying to grant you bliss

Every now and then I dream but that too is amiss

I’m badly wounded and can’t ever heal my senses

Your passing away broke me into thousand pieces

No one has any clue of the pain I’ve been through

It’s hard to guess the sleepless night I did accrue


Darling you’ve left me with all these heartaches

Friends see me smiling but can’t feel my aches

I can’t just surrender the pain and let things go

To ease and cease the misery I need to go slow

My happiness means seeing you happy and gay

Let me say this once more I love you everyday

Lakhan sheds a few tears how much can he take

Saroj knows well that I can live well for her sake.