Angel of the Prasad Family by Dr Ram Lakhan Prasad - HTML preview

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My Saroj, The Pretty Lotus Of My Pond Is No More


It was Tuesday 12th March, 2013

The light of my love went out this day

It was Tuesday 10th February of 1959

My friends said it was Valentine’s Day

Whatever it was I found my love that day

That was  fifty five long years ago today

It can be said it was many years ago

It can also be said once upon a time

In the calm and tiny island of Fiji

That I met my pretty lotus first time

A love that was love at first sight

A love that bloomed as days went by

A love that never faded come what may

I  lived with no other thought at all

Than to love her and be loved by her

I was a country lad she a city girl

That match was approved in heaven

Our love was much more than love

We loved , my pretty lotus and me

We lived with no other thought at all

This was the reason we always bloomed

This was why we both always groomed

This was our destiny and our loving path

We made it last and last and last

Time was of no matter at all to us

Money was no clatter at all for us

Living with love was our only aim

Loving each other was our only claim

Our love was much more than love

We were put to many hard tests

We passed them all as best we could

We were united in matrimony with joy

We became two bodies with one soul

We led a brilliant peaceful family life

We deeply adored every day of our life

Our love was much more than love

We happily nurtured our four children

Each one was a jewel in the crown

They made our life all full of fun

They gave us joy of royalty worth a lot

We lived and loved with added pride

Trotted the world with lots of ride

We worked with  glory and fame

In the calm and tiny island of Fiji

We moved to Aussie land with joy

Did all work as best as we could

Our love was much more than love

Success and happiness shared with pride

Together we made many progress alright

Our pride was love of our grand children

Each with talents and skills galore

These were the reasons we rejoiced

In Aussie land and the island of Fiji

Our love was much more than love

Days went by and we were getting old

Our love matured and we were told

Slow down so we retired and lived well

Each day was a sacred day for us

We believed in our rich silent prayers

But a severe storm developed in our life

My pretty lotus met a serious disaster

Her lungs and heart both got tired

With the faithful service she gave us all

Medical team did the best to improve her

But nature had its own way to prove

That whoever comes must  also move on

That storm blew her soul out leaving me alone

My pretty lotus left me for good never to return

She was an angel but others envied

Love that they had never seen before

Neither the angels nor the demons

Could spare the life of my pretty lotus

I, a distraught lover looked at the sky

Yelled, cried and pleaded for her life

No one helped and she was gone

Our love was much more than just love

Now the moon never shines for me

The sun is always setting at wrong times

The stars have all lost their twinkle

The breeze is blowing the other way

The earth is trembling and shaking

The sky is getting darker and darker

The sea of love is getting stormy and rough

All these coz my pretty lotus is gone

All these coz I am alone and lonely

All these coz my love is love no more

Nature isn’t helpful but the bright eyes

Of my pretty lotus shines as ever

She is resting in a tomb I cannot see

She is looking at me I can still feel

She is still my only love I had known

She is my pretty lotus I have treasured

Our love was much more than just love

My Saroj, the pretty lotus of my pond is no more

Where art thou, come or call me to you

I have a lot to say to you and much to do.