El Capitán Veneno-La Serie Hispana by Pedro Antonio de Alarcón - HTML preview

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piso, floor;

o —— bajo, ground floor, lower story

plancha, flatiron

planta, sole of the foot, foot

plantear, to shape;

o —se, to come up, be raised, take shape

plata, silver

plaza, place, public square

plazo, fixed time, respite, reprieve, term

pleito, case, lawsuit; dispute

pobre, poor

pobrecito, poor little fellow

pobrete, poor old fellow

pobreza, poverty

poco, -a, little;

o pocos, -as, some, a few

poco, adv. , little;

o a —— (tiempo) de, in a little while, soon

poder, m. , power, possession

poder, to be able;

o no puedo menos de, I cannot help but

política, politics

político, -a, political

pollo, chicken

poner, to put, set, call; ( = tratar) to consider; to put on; o —se, to become;

o —se a, to begin

poquísimo, -a, very little

poquitillo, -a, very little

por, per, for, by, through; so as to;

o ¿—— qué? why?

o ——... que, however...;

o —— si, if, in case, possibly, lest, for fear that;

o —— la tarde, in the afternoon

pormenor, m. , detail

porque, because, so that, for; often que for porque

portal, m. , doorway, entrance, archway

porte, m. , bearing, carriage

portero, -a, porter, janitor

porvenir, m. , future

posar, —se, to rest

poseedor, possessor, owner

poseer, to possess, own

posible, possible

posición, position

positivo, -a, positive

posterior, posterior, after; later

postura, posture

potencia, potency, power

potentado, potentate, powerful one

preámbulo, preamble, preface

precaución, precaution

preceder, to precede

Preciados (calle de), Smart-set (Street)

precio, price

precisamente, precisely

preciso, -a, precise, exact; necessary

predecir, to predict

predominar, to predominate

preferir, to prefer

pregonar, to herald, proclaim, announce

pregunta, question

preguntar, to ask, question

prenda, pledge, jewel;

o gracias, ——, thanks, dear

prendarse de, to be taken with, fall in love with;

o prendado, enamored

preparar, to prepare

prescindir de, to forego, do without, omit

presencia, presence

presentar, to present, introduce

presente, present, actual; hacer—— , to remind, recommend

presente, present

presentir, to foresee, have a presentiment of, anticipate

presidente, president

presidio, prison, garrison (of a prison); fort

prestado, loan, thing or amount loaned

prestar, to lend, give

preste, priest

Preste Juan de las Indias, Prester John (a supposed rich and

powerfuloriental ruler)

presteza, quickness, speed

presunto, -a, presumptive, supposed

presuntuoso, -a, presumptuous, forward

pretender, to pretend, seek; claim, woo

pretendiente, suitor, wooer

previo, -a, previous

primavera, spring

primer: see primero, -a

primero, first, sooner, rather

primero, -a, first, foremost

primo, cousin;

o —— hermano, first cousin, cousin german

princesa, princess

principal, principal, chief, leading, prominent

príncipe, prince

principiar, to begin

principio, beginning

prisa, haste, hurry;

o de ——, quickly, hurriedly;

o darse ——, to hasten;

o tener ——, to be in a hurry

privadamente, privately

privado, -a, deprived

privar, to deprive

privilegio, privilege

probabilidad, probability

probable, probable

probablemente, probably

procedencia, source, origin

proclamar, to proclaim

procurador, attorney, solicitor

procurar, to try, endeavor

prodigio, prodigy, wonder

prodigioso, -a, prodigious, great

producir, to produce

producto, product, proceeds

proferir, to set forth, declare, assent

profesar, to profess

profundamente, deeply

profundizar, to go deep, penetrate

profundo, -a, profound, deep

pronóstico, prognostics, (doctor's) prediction, forecast

pronto, -a, prompt, ready, quick;

o al ——, at once, at first

pronto, quickly, soon;

o de ——, suddenly

pronunciar, to pronounce, say;

o —se, to declare one's self (in revolt)

propio, -a, proper, own, self, very

proponer, to purpose, propose;

o —se, to propose to one's self

proporcionar, to proportion, grant, get

propósito, purpose, intention;

o a ——, to the purpose;

o a —— de, apropos of, with regard to

proscrito, -a, proscribed, outlawed

proseguir, to continue

prosperidad, prosperity

protagonista, m. , protagonist (first or chief actor), hero

protección, protection

protesta, protest

proveer, to provide, plan for, decide

Providencia, Providence

provocar, to provoke, make angry

próximo, -a, near, very near

proyectil, m. , projectile

prudencia, prudence

prudente, prudent

prudentísimo, -a, very prudent

prueba, proof

psicólogo, psychologist

público, public, audience

público, -a, public

puchero, boiling pot; whimpering, sobbing

pudor, m. , modesty, sense of propriety

pudoroso, -a, modest

pueril, puerile, childish

puerta, door, gate

Puerta del Sol, the great square in Madrid

puerto, port, harbor

pues, then; well;

o —— bien, all right; conj. , for, since

puesto, post, place

puesto, -a: puesto que, it being supposed that, since, because

pugnar, to fight, contend

pulcritud, beauty, neatness

pulcro, -a, neat, well-groomed

pulsar, to feel the pulse of

pulso, pulse

punta, point;

o de ——, on end

punto, point (of time or place), purpose;

o un ——, for a moment;

o —— por ——, item by item;

o a —— de, on the point of;

o hasta cierto ——, up to a certain point;

o puesto (puesta) en sus —s, in all her perfection

puñado, handful, group

puñal, m. , poniard, dagger;

o clavar un ——, to thrust a dagger

puño, fist

pupilaje, m. , board

pupilo, boarder

pupitre, m. , desk

puramente, purely

purísimo, -a, most pure, most holy

puro, -a, pure


Q. S. G. H. = que santa gloria haya, may he (she) rest in peace

que, who, which;

o el, la ——, the one who, he who;

o lo ——, (that which), what;

o a lo ——, as

que, that, so that; often for porque, because;

o a ——, until;

o el ——, (the fact) that;

o en ——, in case that;

o es ——, the fact is that

que, than, as

¿qué? which? what?

o ¿a ——? to what end? what for?

¡qué! what a! what! how!

quebrantar, to break

quedamente, quietly

quedar, to remain;

o —— en ( = consentir en), to rest or settle on, agree on, abide by; o —se, to stay

quedo, -a, quiet, gentle

quejarse, to complain

quemar, to burn, heat up

querer, to wish, love, like;

o —— decir, to mean

querido, -a, beloved, dear

quien, who, whom; he who

¿quién? who?

quieto, -a, quiet, still

quina, quinine

quince, fifteen

quinientos, -as, five hundred

quitar, to take away, remove;

o —se, to take off;

o de quita y pon, adjustable, that can be put on or taken off

quizá, perhaps


rabia, rage

rabioso, -a, raging, furious

radicar, to have root, have its origin

rama, branch;

o en ——, raw

ramillete, m. , bouquet;

o —— de dulces, assortment of candied fruit (on centerpiece, in a box)

ramo, bunch, bouquet

Ramón, Raymond

rápidamente, rapidly

rápido, -a, rapid, quick

raro, -a, rare, queer

rato, moment

rayo, lightning, flash

razón, f. , reason;

o tener ——, to be right;

o venirse a razones, to yield to reason

real, royal; real

real, m. , real (Spanish coin, worth about five cents)

realidad, reality

realizar, to realize, effect

recado, message, announcement

recato, prudence, care, consideration

receta, prescription, recipe

recibir, to receive

reclinar, to recline, lean back

recobrar, to recover, get back

recomendar, to recommend

recompensa, reward, compensation

reconocer, to recognize, acknowledge

reconstituir, to reëstablish, reconstitute

reconvenir, to rebuke

recordar, to remember, recall, remind

recorrer, to pass through, traverse, cover

recurso, recourse, resource, way

rechazo, rebound, ricochet;

o de ——, upon the rebound, deflected

red, f. , net

redondo, -a, round

reducir, to reduce, set (a bone)

reemplazo, substitute;

o estar de ——, to be suspended, be on half pay;

o paga de ——, half pay

refajo, a short skirt, petticoat

referir, to relate, refer, cite;

o referido, aforesaid

refilón: de—— , obliquely, glancing, angling

reflejo, reflexion

reflexión, reflection

reflexionar, to reflect

reflexivo, -a, reflexive

reformar, to reform, form anew

refrenar, to refrain, hold back, rein in

refriega, affray, conflict

regalar, to present, give

regalo, present, gift

regatear, to wrangle, haggle over (in buying and selling)

regimiento, regiment

regresar, to return

regular, regular

regular, to regulate, make regular

regularidad, regularity

reina, queen

reinar, to reign

reintegro, making up, reimbursement

reír, to laugh;

o —se (de), to laugh at

reja, iron bars, window grating

relación, relation, narration, story, account

relato, statement, narration

relevar, to relieve, free

religioso, -a, religious

reloj, m. , timepiece, watch, clock

reluciente, resplendent

remate, m. , end, finish

remediar, to remedy

remedio, remedy, help;

o sin ——, in spite of everything

remendar, to mend

remolón, -ona, lazy, shirking

remoto, -a, remote, distant

rencor, rancor, cherished hate

rendir, to subject, vanquish;

o —se, to surrender

renglón, m. , line (written or printed);

o a —— seguido, right after that

renovar, to renew

renta, income

renunciar, to renounce, forego

reñir, to quarrel

reo, m. and f. , criminal;

o —— en capilla, a (sentenced) criminal (at prayer) in (the prison) chapel

reojo: mirar de—— , to look at out of the tail of the eye

reparar, to repair, stop;

o —— en, to give attention to

reparo, objection, what one stops over

repetir, to repeat

replicar, to reply

reponer, to put back, reply;

o —se, to recover;

o repuso = respondió, he replied

reportar, to restrain;

o —se, to control one's self

reposar, to repose, rest

reposo, repose, peace

representación, representation

representante, representative

representar, to represent

reprimir, to repress

república, republic

republicano, -a, a. and s. , republican

repugnancia, repugnance

repugnante, repugnant

repuso = respondió, he replied

reputación, reputation, renown

requerir, to require, seek;

o —— de amores, to make love to

requilorios, m. pl. , roundabout ways, beating around the bush

resabio, ("bad taste"), vice, bad habit

reseñar, to sum up briefly, outline

reserva, reserve, secrecy

reservar, to reserve, hold back;

o —se de, to keep clear of

resignar, to resign;

o —se a, to give up to

resistir, to resist

resolución, resolution, solution, settlement, outcome

resolver, to resolve, finish up, decide, settle

resoplido, snort, blow

resorte, m. , spring

respecto, respect, regard;

o —— a, —— de, in or with respect to

respetable, respectable

respetar, to respect

respeto, respect, esteem

respirar, to breathe

responder, to answer;

o —— de que, vouch for; for respondió, he answered, often repuso

respuesta, answer

restablecer, to reëstablish

restañar, to staunch

restar, to remain

resto, remainder, rest

resueltamente, resolutely
